How can you distinguish cedar from pine, is there a difference between the trees

Cedar and pine are crops that belong to the Pine family. These crops are considered evergreen conifers. Despite the fact that the trees in question have a number of similar features, they are characterized by many differences. Many people are interested in how to distinguish cedar from pine. To do this, you should focus on the characteristics of plants. The difference affects the size of the trees, the characteristics of the needles, and the shape of the cones.

Description of cedar and pine

Cedar is a monoecious plant that has a wide crown. The needles are collected in bunches and placed in a spiral.Each needle has a triangular shape and an emerald-steel color. Cedar cones are arranged singly and resemble a barrel in shape. They are placed on the shoots in the form of candles. Ripening occurs in the 2-3rd year of formation.

Pine is also considered a monoecious crop. It is characterized by long or short needles. The needles are grouped in 2-5 pieces and form bunches. When damaged areas appear on trees, rosettes form in these places, from which needles subsequently appear. The color of the needles depends on climatic factors and soil composition. It can vary from bright green to lighter with silvery notes. Pine cones have an elongated shape and hang from the branches.

The plants in question are similar in many ways. There are also certain varieties of coniferous crops that have characteristics of both crops. An example is cedar pine.

Main differences

To distinguish one tree from another, you need to pay attention to its appearance. In this case, the features of the trunk and bark, the shape of the cones, and the structure of the needles are important.

By type of needles

Both plants are monoecious and are considered evergreen. Pine and cedar needles form needles, the life cycle of which reaches 3-6 years. At the same time, it is quite possible to distinguish plants by the appearance of their needles.

Cedar is characterized by a chic spreading crown. Its needles form bundles of 30-40 pieces, which are arranged in a spiral. The needles have an emerald color with a steel tint. It has 3-4 edges.

How can you distinguish cedar from pine

Pine needles can be long or short - it all depends on the type of crop. Bundles include 2-5 needles.The color of pine needles depends on the climatic conditions in which the crop grows. It can range from green to silver-emerald. If pine fragments are damaged, needles appear at the site of the wound. They are shorter compared to the rest of the needles.

By height

An important difference is the size of the tree. Pine can reach 25-40 meters. On the southern coast of the Baltic, trees grow up to 50 meters. Cedars grow very slowly. Their height can also reach 35-40 meters. However, the average is at 20-25 meters.

By size and shape of cones

One tree differs from another in the appearance of its cones. Cedar cones are characterized by a cylindrical shape and are placed in isolation. Their maturation lasts 2-3 years. During this time, seeds appear in the cones, including 8-10 cotyledons. The scales are distinguished by a spiral arrangement. Embryos with wings are attached to them. When the seed falls into the soil, the sprout appears within a couple of weeks.

Cedar cones are directed upward, and pine cones hang down. At first the scales fit well together. When the seeds ripen, the cones open. This releases the embryos, which include 4-15 cotyledons. Pine seeds are placed in pairs. The speed of germination depends on the region.

How can you distinguish cedar from pine photo

Along the trunk and bark

Cedar has a straight trunk, while pine can bend. There are certain differences in the structure of the cortex. In pine they have a red-orange scaly structure underneath. The higher the bark, the thinner it is. Cedar has a gray-brown color. Old trees have scaly bark.

By lifespan

Conifers can live for hundreds of years. Cedar can be distinguished by its growth characteristics.The first cones ripen 20-60 years after planting. Then this happens at intervals of 5 years. It takes 1-2 years for pine cones to mature. In general, cedar is considered a more durable plant. Its age may be 800 years. Pine trees usually live no more than 500 years.

By flowering period

Pine begins to bloom in May, and cedar - in June. Of course, this can hardly be called flowering. Flowers are usually called male cones in which pollen grains ripen. Pine pollen is very light, so it can fly long distances. After some time, the cone changes its color, becoming pink or yellow.

Female sprouts are located a little further. They are on different branches. Flowering is observed annually. In this case, the seeds ripen in early autumn next year. The cone is able to survive the winter. In spring the cones open. This process begins when the temperature exceeds +10 degrees. In this case, the seeds that are inside fly out. In the natural environment, pine begins to bear fruit only at 10 years of age.

Cedar seeds ripen only 1 year after the formation of male cones. In June of next year, after pollination, pollen fertilization occurs. At the beginning of autumn, the cones ripen. Thus, the tree produces a harvest only once every 2 years.

distinguish cedar from pine

By log house

Cedar planks are more expensive. Dishonest sellers sell pine for cedar. Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish trees by their frame. Cedar wood is considered noble. It can be identified by visual signs. Pine boards are more likely to crack than cedar boards. In addition, they do not have such an attractive appearance and can dry out and become deformed.

Cedar and pine types of timber are similar in many ways.However, cedar has an attractive pink color that lasts for a long time. Pine has a grayish tint and may fade over time. This can be seen at the ends of the logs, which immediately lose their color.

It is also possible to distinguish cedar by the area where the knots are located. They have a pronounced red tint. Pine cuts are characterized by a uniform color. You can also determine the nature of lumber by smell. This is due to the difference in the resins included in the chemical composition. The cedar smell is more persistent and rich. It remains even after processing the material.

Another difference is the weight of the boards. Pine is a heavier material. At the same time, the surface of cedar boards has a more even and dense structure. It is characterized by the uniformity of the fibers.

Cedar and pine are plants from the same family. However, they differ in a number of ways. These features relate to the appearance and height of the tree, the color and structure of the bark, the shape and location of the cones.
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