Types and varieties of mountain Altai honey, its beneficial properties and storage

Among lovers of beekeeping products, nectar, which is collected in ecologically clean regions, is especially valued. Altai is considered one of these places - it is here that a large number of unique honey plants are concentrated. Therefore, the region is famous throughout the country for its Altai honey. This beekeeping product has different types. Moreover, they all contain many useful components.

Composition and appearance

The concept “Altai” includes different types of nectar, which are distinguished by unique characteristics.At the same time, high-mountain honey contains many different vitamins - groups B, C, PP, K, H. The product also contains a large number of enzymes. These include amylase, invertase, and phosphatase. The product also contains microelements - in particular, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, copper, iron.

This variety contains up to 40% fructose. However, it also contains other sugars - in particular, sucrose and glucose. The exact content of these substances depends on the flowers from which bees collect nectar.

Altai honey is characterized by unique properties:

  • Aroma. This type of honey is considered a herbal honey. Therefore, its properties depend on the honey plants that were used by bees to make the product. Altai honey can be made from sage, oregano, thyme, honeysuckle and many other plants that are found in the mountains. The aroma of the product varies, but it is always quite rich and contains one dominant note.
  • Taste qualities. They also greatly depend on the composition of the product. At the same time, there are some common features. A natural product is always characterized by a rich and pleasant sweetish taste. It definitely contains tart notes and slight bitterness.
  • Color. It may be different. In this case, white, amber, light yellow or darker shades are acceptable.
  • Consistency and crystallization. This type of honey crystallizes quickly. At the same time, from being viscous and liquid, it becomes quite hard and contains crystalline inclusions.

The benefits of Altai honey

This type of honey has many beneficial properties. With its regular use, you can get the following results:

  • improve the functioning of the digestive organs;
  • achieve an antibacterial and wound-healing effect;
  • speed up recovery from acute respiratory viral infections and lesions of the upper respiratory tract;
  • restore the functioning of the immune system;
  • cope with pathologies of the genital organs in women;
  • eliminate anemia;
  • improve the condition of stomach diseases, gastritis, ulcers, acidity problems;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • cope with heart and vascular diseases.

The benefits of Altai flower honey do not end there.

The product is considered a natural sugar substitute. Therefore, sometimes it is allowed to be used even with diabetes.

In addition, this type of honey is useful for cosmetic purposes. The product contains many amino acids and antioxidants, which is good for the condition of the skin and hair. With the help of the substance, it is possible to even out the complexion, tighten pores, eliminate small wounds and scratches, and get rid of acne marks.

Altai honey


Today, several varieties of Altai honey are known, each of which has its own unique characteristics.


This honey has yellow-brown, greenish and red hues. The nectar is characterized by a rich floral aroma and a slightly bitter taste. The mountain product has a liquid and at the same time viscous texture. At the same time, it slowly crystallizes. This process takes up to 3 months.

Altai honey


Flowering of field grasses continues from early spring to late autumn.

Therefore, this type of Altai honey is considered the most common. The natural product usually has an amber tint. It is also characterized by a thick consistency and rich herbal aroma. There are tart notes in the taste.

Altai honey


This type of nectar is considered high in calories. 100 grams of product contain 315-400 kilocalories. Nectar must be collected from the beginning of spring until the first frost. The color is yellow or greenish.Meadow honey is characterized by a floral-herbal aroma and a sweet taste with nutty notes.

Altai honey


In this zone, forest grasses and trees are considered the main honey plants. Taiga nectar is characterized by yellow or reddish shades. In this case, the crystallization process takes 1.5-2.5 months. The product has a thick and viscous consistency and a sweet taste. Sometimes there are lemon notes in it.

Altai honey

Altai honey plants

There are a lot of honey plants growing in Altai. Thus, bees make taiga honey mainly from honeydew, strawberries, acacia, and angelica. Mountain nectar is obtained from lavender, clover, St. John's wort and wild chestnut. To make meadow honey, bees use thyme, dandelion, cornflowers, and chamomile. Field nectar is obtained from agricultural plants - rapeseed, buckwheat, sainfoin.

Are there any contraindications and harm?

This type of honey can cause serious harm to some people. It is important to take into account that the product has the following contraindications:

  • acute diseases of the digestive system;
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • allergic reactions to bee products;
  • age less than 3 years;
  • hypervitaminosis.

It is important for people who have insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus to consult their doctor before consuming bee products.

Storage Features

It is recommended to store the sweet product at a temperature of +5-20 degrees. It is important to maintain stable values, without sudden fluctuations. It is best to keep nectar in a glass container. In this case, it is worth using dark glass containers. Thanks to protection from sunlight, you don’t have to worry that the product will start to ferment or turn sour.

Altai honey is a unique product that brings great health benefits.It contains many valuable vitamins and microelements. At the same time, it is important to consume bee nectar correctly, strictly observing the dosage.

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