How to pump honey correctly, when and how many times per season it is collected

Pumping out honey is a complex and painstaking process. In this case, the beekeeper takes frames filled with honey from the hives and pumps them in a honey extractor. At first, the procedure may seem simple and accessible. However, in reality it is a very labor-intensive process. How exactly is honey pumped? To do everything right, you need to take into account many nuances.

When is honey pumped?

Pumping out honey in central Russia depends on the weather. The sooner spring plants begin to bloom, the faster you will be able to get the desired results.Most often, honey collection occurs at the end of June, but sometimes the dates are shifted to mid-July. In the south, the May variety is often harvested. During the first pumping, it is possible to obtain relatively little beekeeping product. In this case, the last collection will be more abundant.

The second time honey is collected during the linden flowering period. This is usually done no later than the end of August or September. At the same time, it is important not to miss the deadlines, since in the autumn the bees begin preparing for winter.

In Bashkiria, honey collection often begins in the first half of July, when the best honey plants finish flowering. This process continues throughout the summer, remaining active even at the end of the season.

How to determine if a product is ready?

Sealed frames are considered the main indicator of the maturity of a beekeeping product. In this case, at least a third of the cells must be closed. This product has the best properties and does not deteriorate.

Bees seal the honeycombs with wax after excess moisture has left the honey. This product can be stored for a long period of time. This applies to linden, buckwheat and any other types of honey.

If the harvest is weak in summer, insects do not seal the frames. Honey can also be pumped out of them, but first you need to assess its maturity. It is important that the product does not leak out if the structure is turned horizontally. In this case, it is enough to gently shake the frame or lightly tap it with your hand.


To pump out honey in an apiary, different tools are used - it depends on the work method used. It is important that the equipment used is convenient and practical. It is best to use modern tools that allow you to obtain the product as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The following equipment is most often used for pumping:

  • Table for printing honeycombs and opening frames. It can be metal or wood. The design is equipped with a hinged lid, under which processed cassettes and cuttings are placed.
  • Knife or special fork. These tools are used to print frames.
  • Tent for pumping out honey. It is a portable tent, the walls of which are lined with dense mesh. The design helps protect against bees. At the same time, the process of pumping out honey will become convenient and safe. In addition, a waterproof tent can protect the beekeeper from rain.
  • Honey extractor. This structure is a mechanical device for pumping out sweet nectar.
  • Filter. It is a sieve that is fixed under the tap. This element helps to cleanse the mass that flows from the tap from excess impurities.
  • Container for storing the finished product. It is used after pumping and filtering nectar.
  • Container for damaged frames.

How it's done?

The pumping process includes a number of successive stages, each of which has certain characteristics.

how to pump honey

Preparatory stage

Regardless of the type of honey that you plan to pump, it is important to carry out a number of preparatory activities. This applies to the collection of linden, buckwheat, sunflower and any other types.

It is recommended to prepare the equipment first. At this stage, it is worth washing and drying the honey extractor, containers for printed frames and infusion containers. Knives also need to be sharpened and sterilized. Be sure to lubricate all elements of the main mechanism. In addition, it is important to clean the honeycombs from insects. This is done using a brush or blower.

In hot weather, bees behave more aggressively and protect the fruits of their labor.

In this case, you will need to use a phenol solution. This product is considered absolutely safe for bees. At the same time, it has a pungent aroma and forces insects to leave their houses for a while.

pumping out honey

If the hive structure includes 2 buildings, honey collection should start from the bottom. In multi-body structures, it is recommended to use a frame. A material soaked in carboxylic acid is pulled over it. This helps remove bees. In this case, removers are considered the ideal option. They need to be installed in the hives in the evening. However, such devices are allowed to be used only in the absence of brood.

In order for the bees to fall into the hive, it is recommended to shake the frames. The remaining insects can be removed with a brush. To do this, it is pre-moistened in water. When removing frames, you need to start with the second one. The fact is that it is prohibited to touch structures near the walls.

After removing all the frames, the hive needs to be covered.

After this, it is recommended to cut off the top part of the frames. This is best done with a heated knife. Once the honeycombs are cleared of bees, they can be transported to the pumping site.

pumping out honey

Pumping process

Many people are interested in what temperature it is worth pumping honey at. This is recommended in warm or hot weather. If the conditions are not met, the frames are heated. This should be done as a couple.

After all the bees have been removed from the frames, they need to be placed in a honey extractor. In this case, the open part must be directed outward. To avoid overweight and intense vibrations, the structures are placed symmetrically.

Then you need to start turning the knobs or connecting the electric drive to the network.Under the influence of centrifugal force, honey is first sprayed and then flows down. It is recommended to open the tap only when the bee nectar has completely drained.

how to pump honey

After deflating the frames on one side, they need to be pulled out and cut off again. However, this is done from the opposite side. Then the structures are again inserted into the honey extractor. Only the correct installation of the frames allows you to pump out honey correctly.

The finished product must be drained. In this case, it must be passed through a sieve. To assess the readiness of the product, you should pay attention to the mound that its stream forms.

pumping out honey

Final stage

Honey is pumped out until it stops leaking. After this, it is recommended to install the frames back into the hive, and leave the beekeeping product to infuse for 2 days. At this stage, it is necessary to periodically remove the foam from the surface of the mass.

After settling, the honey must be poured into glass, wooden or enamel containers. If a more liquid substance rises to the surface of the substance, it must be removed immediately. Otherwise the product will spoil.

Pumping without using a honey extractor

If it is not possible to buy a honey extractor, you should use the pressing method. However, in this case there is a risk of damage to the frames, which is considered the main disadvantage of the method. If honey is squeezed out manually, the structures can be preserved. But in this case the process will be lengthy.

Pumping out honey is considered a difficult process. For the procedure to be successful, it is important to take into account many nuances and features. It is imperative to carry out the preparatory measures correctly and infuse the finished product.
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