The chestnut variety of honey is considered very rare and therefore very valuable. It is characterized by unique characteristics and exquisite taste. An important advantage of the product is its exceptional healing properties. They are associated with a high content of useful components. The product includes flavonoids, alkaloids, phytoncides and other valuable substances that have a beneficial effect on human health.
Description and distinctive features
This honey is considered a very valuable product.Flowering of the chestnut begins soon after the leaves bloom. Bees collect nectar from it around May-June. At the same time, honey collection does not last long - only 2-3 weeks. In mountainous areas, chestnut begins to bloom a little later - in the first half of July. From 1 hectare in good conditions it is possible to obtain up to 600 kilograms of the substance.
This variety is characterized by a number of distinctive features:
- Color – the product has a dark amber hue. This is due to the high content of enzymes and chestnut pollen.
- Taste qualities are very specific. This honey is noticeably bitter. In addition, it leaves a nutty aftertaste and a sore throat. Therefore, fans of regular bee nectar may not like this variety.
- Aroma – the natural product has the smell of chestnut.
- Crystallization - at the end of summer the product has a liquid consistency. However, it becomes sugared only after a couple of years.
Composition and calorie content of chestnut honey
The composition of the product is dominated by carbohydrates. 100 grams of honey contain 82 grams of various sugars. In this case, the main share is accounted for by fructose. This monosaccharide is quickly absorbed. It also contains 0.3 grams of protein.
Chestnut honey contains micro- and macroelements valuable for the body. Particularly important are potassium, which is required for normal heart function, calcium and phosphorus for the formation of bone tissue and teeth, and iron for the formation of red blood cells.
The product also includes many vitamins:
- Riboflavin is present in many enzymes and helps improve metabolic processes.
- Vitamin C – takes part in metabolism, has antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties.
- Nicotinic acid – takes part in the metabolism of lipids and proteins.
- Choline – helps regulate insulin levels and affects carbohydrate metabolism.
- Pantothenic acid – promotes the formation of antibodies, produces neurotransmitters, and activates intestinal peristalsis.
- Pyridoxine – takes part in the absorption of glucose and the formation of red blood cells.
- Folates are needed for the formation of immunity.
- Tocopherol – has active antioxidant properties.
- Biotin – regulates carbohydrate metabolism.
Other useful components include organic acids, plant hormones, and enzymes. At the same time, the product has a fairly high calorie content. There are 328 kilocalories in 100 grams of the substance.
Beneficial features
Chestnut honey is incredibly beneficial for health. With its help it is possible to achieve the following results:
- Eliminate colds and lesions of the upper respiratory tract.
- Relieve swelling.
- Get rid of diseases of the genitourinary system.
- Get an antiseptic and wound-healing effect.
- Cope with stress and fatigue.
- Get rid of congestion in the liver. This effect is achieved by stimulating the flow of bile.
- Improve the functioning of the digestive organs. This is due to its low acidity and ease of absorption.
- Cope with diseases of the circulatory system, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. The product also helps strengthen capillary walls and improves blood circulation in arteries and veins.
- Eliminate neuroses, sleep disorders, neurasthenia.
The use of honey as part of combination therapy is not addictive. A small amount of the product can be consumed even with diabetes.
The beneficial properties of chestnut honey allow it to be actively used in folk medicine. It is best to combine it with royal jelly. Experts advise consuming at least 60 grams of the substance per day. It is recommended to avoid the use of alcohol and drugs containing nicotine.
People with frequent colds, respiratory and pulmonary diseases are recommended to combine chestnut honey with radish. To do this, you need to make a hole in a medium-sized root vegetable and add 2 small spoons of beekeeping product there. Drink 1 tablespoon of juice. It is recommended to do this at intervals of 2 hours.
How to distinguish from a fake
Chestnut honey is considered a rather expensive and rare product. That's why it is often counterfeited. To determine the naturalness of the mass by taste, it is worth considering that this variety contains a very noticeable bitterness.
Sometimes burnt sugar is added to an inexpensive polyfloral product to give it a brown tint. You can suspect a fake by the burnt smell. The natural mass should have notes of chestnut in the aroma.
This product may be light in color with a slight reddish tint. At the same time, chestnut honey is not whitish. The ripened product has a dark chocolate shade. Signs of crystallization also indicate a fake, since the product must remain liquid for 2 years.
A distinctive feature of the product is the low water content in its composition.This makes the composition viscous and viscous. If you let the mixture drain from a spoon, you can see that it is layered in a slide, and does not spread.
Contraindications and harm
Despite its many beneficial properties, chestnut honey has a number of contraindications. The main limitation to the use of this product is allergies. People who have negative reactions to pollen or any bee products should treat the substance with great caution.
You should not use this honey during pregnancy and lactation. It is also not recommended to be given to young children. This is due to the high allergenicity of the substance. When introducing honey into a child’s diet, it is important to do so in small portions and monitor for the absence of unpleasant reactions.
If you experience nausea, swelling of the mucous membranes, or rashes on the skin after drinking honey, it is recommended to take an antihistamine - Zyrtec or Suprastin. After which you need to consult a doctor.
Storage rules
Chestnut honey has certain storage rules. Of course, due to the high sugar content, the product does not spoil for a long time. But if certain rules are violated, it may lose its beneficial properties.
Experts do not recommend heating the product in the microwave or on the stove. It is also not recommended to store it at high temperatures or in open sun. In addition, the mass should not be kept in the refrigerator or frozen. The fact is that freezing will immediately lead to crystallization of the product. If stored in a refrigerator, it is very problematic to provide the substance with suitable humidity parameters.
In order for honey to retain its benefits for a long time, it must be kept at a temperature of +5-20 degrees.In this case, it is best to place the mass in a glass or ceramic container. The container must have a hermetically sealed lid.
Is chestnut honey candied?
Chestnut honey contains a large amount of fructose. That is why it does not crystallize for a long time. The mass can maintain a liquid consistency for 2 years.
After crystallization, the product resembles a brown jelly, in which crystalline yellow inclusions are present. There is also a risk of the substance stratifying, but this does not in any way affect its beneficial properties.
Chestnut honey is a very valuable product that brings great health benefits. This is due to the high content of useful components in the substance. To achieve a beneficial effect of the mass on the body, it is important to choose a natural composition and follow the rules for its use.