When purchasing honey, people usually expect it to last for a long time. However, sometimes bubbles and foam appear on the surface of the product. This may be due to the influence of many factors. So, why exactly does honey foam? Provoking factors include fermentation, the release of bee bread, and the ingress of oxygen. This problem is also typical for counterfeit products.
The benefits and harms of foam
The appearance of white foam on the surface of honey may be due to the influence of various factors.This may indicate the naturalness of the product, and therefore does not pose any particular threat to the human body.
Moreover, beebread coming to the surface of the product forms foam and is of great benefit. It contains many vitamins and antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the immune system, restore the functioning of the nervous system, improve the function of the heart and blood vessels, increase potency and restore strength. This product is practically never found on sale. Therefore, it is recommended to remove it from the surface of honey and eat it.
The appearance of white foam may also be associated with the fermentation process. This makes nectar unsuitable for use, especially for people with diseases of the digestive organs. Such a product can cause an exacerbation of the disease, stomach cramps and flatulence. That is why it is so important to establish the reasons for the appearance of foam.
Why does honey foam?
Honey can foam for various reasons. This sign does not always indicate that the product should not be eaten.
Oxygen ingress
Bubbles on the surface of honey often appear when the mass is constantly poured from one container to another or stirred for a long time. In this case, air enters the composition. Over time, it begins to come to the surface. This creates a white foam.
Breadbread output
If the honey bubbles and foams, this may be a sign of the release of pollen - beebread. This is due to insufficient filtration. As a result, the flower product remains in the honey. There's nothing wrong with that.
Moreover, the substance is very useful, as it contains many vitamins and antioxidants.
With its help, it is possible to strengthen the immune system, restore strength, and cope with depression.The product also has a good effect on potency, prevents the development of sclerosis, normalizes metabolic processes and helps cope with arrhythmia. If the appearance of white foam is associated with the release of beebread, it must be collected from the surface and eaten.
Unripe honey
If the honey foams, this may indicate that it is not ripe enough. This problem is caused by the high humidity of the product. The moisture content in unripe honey exceeds normal parameters by 1-2%. If this indicator is 4% higher than normal, honey requires desorption. This is carried out under special conditions. They cannot be recreated at home.
When purchasing unripe honey, it is recommended to eat it first. This product does not have a long shelf life. At the same time, it contains many valuable vitamins and minerals. Therefore, you should not stop using the substance.
Unnatural product
If the honey foams and still retains its taste and aroma, this may indicate that the product is fake and heavily diluted with sugar syrup. Such a substance does not contain valuable components and disrupts the homogeneity of the mass, reducing its shelf life.
This product contains a lot of air. It is permissible to use it exclusively for culinary purposes. However, the composition only needs to be stored in the refrigerator.
Fermentation of honey
A white film on the surface of honey may be due to the fermentation process. Both natural and fake products are susceptible to it. The cause of the problem is yeast. Natural honey is more resistant to pathogens than fake honey.
To avoid such problems, it is important to store the product correctly, strictly following the basic rules.The risk of developing fermentation processes increases in conditions of high temperatures or excessive humidity. It is worth considering that honeycombs can also turn sour. This is indicated by the appearance of bubbles and rupture of cells.
What to do if foam appears
How to solve a problem depends on the reasons for its occurrence. It is recommended to take into account the following:
- If the cause of the formation of white foam is beebread, it is recommended to carefully remove it from the surface and eat it.
- If air gets in, the foam should be carefully removed from the surface with a clean spoon. This will help minimize the likelihood of its reoccurrence.
- Unripe nectar must be placed in an airtight container and left for 1 month in a room with a temperature of +15-20 degrees. In such conditions, the product will have time to ripen.
- If there are impurities in the composition, nothing can be done. This product can be used for preparing various dishes. However, it must be kept in the refrigerator. Subsequently, you need to be more careful when choosing a substance.
- To stop the fermentation process, you need to remove the foam with a small top layer. This should be done by placing the honey in a water bath for 50-60 minutes. It is recommended to simmer the beekeeping product at a temperature of +60 degrees.
How to prevent the problem
Fermented product should not be consumed. In other cases, the appearance of foam on the surface is not a critical problem. However, it is advisable to prevent its occurrence. It is recommended to follow these rules:
- If the honey becomes foamy and bubbles, do not cover the container with a plastic lid. Instead, it is recommended to wrap several layers of gauze around the neck of the glass container and place it in a cool place.
- It is better to keep bee nectar in glass or ceramic containers. This should definitely be done in a dark and cool place. It is important to monitor temperature and humidity parameters. To prevent fermentation processes from occurring, it is recommended to avoid sudden temperature fluctuations. As for humidity, it should be 60-80%. Exceeding the indicators will lead to souring of the nectar.
- A beekeeping product that has a humidity level of 20% should be kept at a temperature of +10 degrees. If the moisture content in honey is lower, it is recommended to do this at temperatures up to +20 degrees. With stronger heating, bee nectar can stratify, ferment and quickly deteriorate.
To avoid the appearance of foam, it is recommended to give preference only to a certified product. Moreover, you only need to buy it from professional beekeepers. Before purchasing a substance, it is important to evaluate its homogeneity.
The appearance of foam on the surface of honey can be due to the influence of a variety of factors. In some cases this does not pose a health hazard, in others it can lead to negative consequences. That is why it is so important to correctly identify the causes of problems and provide bee nectar with the correct storage conditions.