The characteristics of honey with propolis make it not only an ordinary tasty and healthy product, but also determine its properties as a medicinal product. It is used to strengthen the immune system and for certain diseases. Let's consider different methods of preparation and recipes, what are the contraindications for use. How much and how to properly store a healthy product.
Beneficial features
Taking honey has a preventive effect against many diseases and helps you recover faster.The composition includes useful substances, vitamins, mineral elements, organic acids, carbohydrates, phytoncides. Propolis honey has an antibacterial and antitumor effect, strengthens the body, and protects against fungi. Heals wounds, reduces pain, removes toxic substances from the body.
It is recommended to use home medicine for diseases of the bronchi, oral cavity, ulcers, colds, and nervous disorders. It helps with urological problems, skin and eye diseases. Useful for low hemoglobin.
Recipes for making honey with propolis at home
To prepare the products, you need to buy fresh, high-quality products: natural honey and propolis, so that the finished mass looks good, has beneficial properties and is stored for a long time.
Hot method
To prepare a mixture of 20% concentration, you need to take 200 g of honey and 40 g of propolis. First freeze it in the freezer, then grate it and add it to honey. Place the container on the fire and heat it in a water bath at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees until the mass becomes liquid. Pour into a glass jar and consume the product chilled.
When cooking hot, it is important not to overheat the mass, otherwise all the beneficial substances will lose their properties.
No heating
It can be done simpler. In order not to heat the honey, you can melt only propolis. Prepare it in the same way - freeze it and grate it. Heat the shavings in a water bath until the liquid becomes creamy in thickness. Pour into a bowl with honey and stir, strain and pour into jars.
With tincture
It must be frozen and ground into powder in a coffee grinder. Mix with liquid honey and mix thoroughly. Place the jar in a dark place for a month to infuse.
How to use
As a remedy, propolis honey can be used internally and externally. Take orally before meals, on an empty stomach. You should take no more than 3 tbsp per day. l. adults and 2 tbsp. l. for children. The course of treatment should last no longer than 3 months. For external use, prepare a product for compresses, lotions, applications, inhalations, rinsing the mouth and throat.
To prevent diseases, it is enough to consume 1 tsp in the morning and evening. For colds, the dosage is increased to 3 tsp. in a day. For gastrointestinal diseases, the same dosage applies. For inhalation for colds, you can prepare an aqueous solution: honey with boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 2. The course of treatment lasts 10-15 days, inhalation is carried out every day for 5-7 minutes.
Do not use if you have an individual intolerance or an allergy that may occur to pollen. The product is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, and for children under 2 years of age. People with excess weight and diabetes should take it with restrictions due to the large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates. Do not take during an exacerbation of gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, as bioactive substances can intensify the exacerbation.
Healthy people should not exceed the dosage; exceeding the norm can cause undesirable symptoms: dizziness, skin rashes, rhinitis, nausea, lacrimation.
Storage rules and periods
The product does not last long - about a month, so you need to prepare a small amount in order to use it all up during this time.Keep honey in a glass jar, preferably dark in color, in a dark, dry and cool place (but not in the refrigerator). Close the jar with a lid so that the mixture does not absorb moisture and foreign odors. Do not store in plastic or metal containers, in which the product may absorb foreign odors or oxidize. Do not leave in the light.
Propolis honey is an effective natural remedy for treatment and prevention that anyone can prepare. Both ingredients have beneficial properties and complement each other well. Honey with propolis is no longer food, but a natural medicine that helps no longer than drugs. Helps get rid of colds, lung, stomach and skin diseases. A good preventative. When treating with honey and propolis, you must strictly adhere to the dosage, monitor the timing and store it correctly.