Useful properties and contraindications of sweet clover honey, signs of fake

Sweet clover honey is called a very useful remedy with a unique chemical composition. This product has become widespread in the USA. It belongs to the category of white varieties of bee nectar, since after pumping it has a light shade. The product is high-grade honey, which makes it very popular. Nectar can be consumed in its pure form or added to water, tea or milk.

What is bottom honey

This type of honey is obtained from sweet clover, which is a honey-bearing plant with yellow or white flowers. Popularly, this crop is often called burkun or sweet clover. It attracts bees with its fragrant nectar. As a result, insects produce a unique light-colored product. It brings great health benefits. To buy natural nectar, it is important to familiarize yourself with its key characteristics.

Description and distinctive features

The following properties are characteristic of sweet clover honey:

  1. Hue and aroma. The product is light in color. Depending on the conditions under which nectar and pollen are collected, the product may be transparent or yellowish. The more pollen from other plants gets into the mass, the darker it turns out. Sweet clover honey is characterized by a delicate and delicate aroma.
  2. Taste qualities. Sweet clover nectar is characterized by a sweet, but not cloying taste. At the same time, vanilla notes are clearly felt in it.
  3. Crystallization. Sweet clover honey crystallizes very quickly. After sugaring it becomes almost white.

Composition and calorie content

The unique properties of the product are associated with its composition. Sweet clover honey contains the following components:

  • 40-50% fructose;
  • 45-55% glucose;
  • 3.5-4.2% maltose;
  • 0.5% sucrose.

Donnikova honey

100 grams of product contain 74.7 grams of carbohydrates and 0.8 grams of proteins. Its energy value reaches 315 kilocalories. Also, the characteristics of the delicacy are associated with a high content of vitamins B, PP, K, C, E.

Product benefits

Only natural products bring benefits. That's why it's so important to know what it looks like. Sweet clover honey has a strengthening effect. With regular consumption of treats, you can improve the functioning of your immune system and be less likely to encounter viral infections.

Sweet clover honey helps normalize the functioning of a variety of organs and systems of the body. Thanks to its use, it is possible to obtain the following results:

  1. Improve appetite, stimulate metabolic processes, normalize intestinal microflora. The product also neutralizes bloating and helps prevent constipation.
  2. Stimulate expectoration and improve mucus removal, relieve inflammation. The product can be used to combat cough, pneumonia, and bronchitis.
  3. Increase blood pressure during hypotension, lower cholesterol levels. The product is also used to combat atherosclerosis, heart failure and arrhythmia.
  4. Accelerate the conception of a child, get rid of signs of toxicosis, and improve lactation.
  5. Normalize the emotional background, protect yourself from stress, improve sleep. The product also helps get rid of migraine attacks.
  6. Get rid of skin inflammation and cope with acne.

Donnikova honey photo

In folk medicine, sweet clover honey is often used as a pain reliever. It is used to make compresses and lotions for all kinds of skin lesions. The composition also helps get rid of headaches and toothaches.


Medicinal honey has a complex effect on the body, which is why it is often used in folk medicine. The product is used to treat the following disorders:

  • insomnia, neuroses;
  • constant headaches;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • constipation;
  • problems with the genitourinary organs.

Donnikova honey

Delicious and healthy recipes

Sweet clover is a unique plant from which valuable honey is prepared. Based on it, you can prepare many useful products:

  1. To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to take 1 spoon of medicinal honey and mix it with 120 milliliters of warm water.With low acidity, the composition should be taken 10-20 minutes before meals, and with high acidity - 50-60.
  2. To restore kidney function, you need to take 3 tablespoons of nectar and mix with a glass of birch sap. Take the solution three times a day. To cleanse the buds, you additionally need to add corn silk to the composition.
  3. To eliminate cystitis, you need to mix 1 spoon of honey and royal jelly and consume the composition 2 times a day. Then wash it down with a decoction based on horsetail and bearberry. The course of treatment is 5 days.
  4. For insomnia, it is recommended to drink a solution of warm water and 1 spoon of sweet clover honey. This product has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps improve sleep.
  5. To improve lactation, it is enough to consume 1 small spoon of the product before meals.
  6. To get rid of diseases of the lungs and bronchi, it is recommended to mix 1 large spoon of honey with the juice of 1 black radish. Take the resulting composition 1 spoon 15 minutes before meals.

Sweet clover product is often used in cosmetology. It helps get rid of dermatological pathologies. In addition, nectar perfectly cleanses the skin and improves its appearance. For washing, the mass must be dissolved in warm water. This composition helps get rid of acne, pimples and boils.

Donnikova honey photo

For those with problem skin, you can make a mask with the addition of cucumbers. To do this, it is recommended to take 1 small spoon of valuable sweet clover nectar and 200 grams of chopped cucumbers. The components must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the face. This composition has a pronounced moisturizing and disinfecting effect.

It is important to consider that only natural products benefit the body.That’s why it’s so important to recognize it and distinguish it from a fake.

How to distinguish from a fake

Sweet clover honey is considered a fairly common product. However, it is often counterfeited. Also, less healthy rapeseed nectar may be passed off as sweet clover honey. They have similar shades, but differ in taste and aroma. Rapeseed product has a sweeter taste and does not have vanilla notes. In addition, it is characterized by a more intense aroma.

Donnikova honey in a jar

Often foreign products are mixed into natural sweet clover honey. This could be sugar syrup, flour, starch or chalk. To identify impurities, it is recommended to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. Flour and starch turn blue when in contact with iodine.
  2. The chalk begins to hiss under the influence of vinegar. This is due to the process of carbon dioxide release.
  3. Sugar can be easily detected in an aqueous solution. After some time it will begin to sink to the bottom.

To avoid encountering a counterfeit, it is recommended to buy the product from trusted sellers. This should be done directly at the apiary or visit specialized fairs.

Contraindications and harm

This type of honey is contraindicated for people who have allergic reactions to bee products and plants from the legume family. If you have diabetes, it is important to consult your doctor.

Donnikova honey

It is not recommended to give sweet clover honey to children under 2 years of age. Also, when using it, it is important to remember a sense of proportion. The daily dosage for an adult should not exceed 90-120 grams. For preventive purposes, it is usually not recommended to consume more than 70-80 grams.

It is also important to consider that sweet clover contains coumarin.Therefore, people who suffer from arterial hypertension or have heart pathologies should not include honey from this plant in their diet.

Storage rules

Sweet clover honey crystallizes quite quickly, and this is considered normal. At the same time, the product does not lose its beneficial properties. In order for it to retain its characteristics for as long as possible, the product should be kept at a temperature of +4-18 degrees. This can be done on the balcony, in the basement or in another room.

Sweet clover honey

Another important parameter is air humidity. It should be about 60%. It is not recommended to expose bee nectar to direct sunlight. They negatively affect the structure of this substance. As for containers, it is best to keep the composition in glass jars or bottles.

Sweet clover honey is a unique product that contains many valuable components. In order for a substance to bring only health benefits, it is important to choose it correctly and strictly follow the recommendations for use.
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