Aromatic honey will not only pleasantly diversify your diet, but will also help get rid of various diseases and strengthen your immune system. Depending on the nectar of honey plants, the composition and taste of honey are determined. When choosing a variety, you need to take into account the medicinal qualities of the sweetness. In order for a product to retain its beneficial properties for a long time, it must be provided with appropriate storage conditions.
Sweet story
Mentions of honey are found in ancient documents from various countries. The first information about bee breeding is described in ancient Egyptian parchments.The priests used the sweet product in sacrificial rituals and added it to embalming agents.
The ancient Greeks found wider use for honey - the nectar was added to medicinal compositions and included in the diet. The ancient Romans revered honey as an ingredient in a variety of sweet dishes, and warriors also used the nectar to treat wounds.
Currently, honey is in demand in various fields: cosmetology, cooking, traditional medicine.
Calorie content of the product
Naturally, nectar is a very high-calorie product. The energy value of the sweet is 328 kcal per 100 grams. In culinary recipes and folk remedies, a spoon (tablespoon or teaspoon) is usually indicated as a measure. When calculating the calorie content of a product, you need to take into account that a teaspoon contains 7-8 grams of thin honey (24.5 kcal), and a tablespoon contains 21 grams (65.6 kcal).
When assessing the calorie content of honey, you need to take into account the nutritional value of the sweet. Composition of honey BJU per 100 grams: proteins 0.8 g, fats 0 g, carbohydrates 80.3 g, water 17 g.
Composition and beneficial properties
When studying and evaluating any food product, you must be familiar with its chemical composition. 100 g of nectar contains (in mg):
- vitamins of group B (B1 (0.01), B2 (0.03), B5 (0.013), B6 (0.1), B9 (15)), C – 2 mg, PP – 0.4 mg;
- potassium – 36;
- calcium – 14;
- magnesium – 3;
- sodium – 10;
- phosphorus – 18;
- chlorine – 19;
- iron – 0.8;
- iodine – 2 mcg;
- cobalt – 0.3 µg;
- manganese – 0.03;
- copper – 60 mcg;
- fluorine – 100 mcg;
- zinc – 0.09.
Since honey consists of a large number of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, the product exhibits many beneficial qualities (antifungal, prebiotic, antibacterial, promotes weight loss, improves immunity).
Harm and contraindications
The sweet product has virtually no harmful effects on the body. Of course, you should not overuse honey - the daily dose is approximately 100-120 grams. Excessive consumption of nectar has a harmful effect on the functioning of the pancreas, kidneys, and liver. It is not recommended to heat sweets above a temperature of 40° C, since this destroys beneficial elements and produces substances harmful to the body.
When adding honey to the diet, you need to take into account the contraindications of honey: allergies to bee products (some varieties do not cause allergies), inhalation of honey products for asthma, heart disease during periods of high fever.
Which one is better to choose?
Throughout the season, bees collect nectar from various honey plants. Therefore, the taste, appearance, aroma and beneficial qualities of the sweet product may differ. When choosing, it is advisable to take into account the characteristics of honey varieties.
Acacia nectar contains equal amounts of glucose and fructose. In folk medicine it is recommended to take it for neurological disorders and insomnia. Regular daily consumption of 50 g of the product helps increase hemoglobin, strengthen the immune system and nervous system.
Chestnut honey has a rich yellow-brown color, tart taste, and a low glycemic index. Can be used to combat colds and dermatitis, for genitourinary diseases, and for healing wounds.
The most common and affordable is linden honey. A light-colored product with a fragrant floral scent is used to treat bronchitis, sore throat, and asthma. Sweetness is also added to the diet for diseases of the stomach, intestines, and kidneys.
Sunflower honey has a distinct amber hue and tart taste. The product is useful for heart diseases, improves appetite and general well-being. Pediatricians recommend including it in treatment regimens for colds, flu, or for preventive purposes. Thanks to a large number of amino acids, it exhibits rejuvenating, regenerating and stimulating qualities.
Buckwheat nectar is dark brown in color and has a tart taste with hints of bitterness. The product is characterized by high viscosity, so it quickly sugars. Sweetness exhibits the qualities of an antidepressant, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and increases the body's immunity. Buckwheat nectar helps in the fight against hypertension, anemia, and improves the condition of blood vessels.
Storage rules
Honey is not a difficult to store product. However, in order to ensure the safety of microelements and vitamins, certain nuances must be taken into account:
- containers with sweets are stored in dry, ventilated areas, on shelves protected from sunlight;
- The best option for storing dishes is glass jars, hermetically sealed. You can use processed clay containers or food-grade plastic containers or enamel cans.Metal utensils are not suitable for storage.
Suitable storage temperature: -6° C…+20° C. Optimal storage options: closed balcony or loggia, refrigerator. Preference is given to places with constant temperature and low humidity.
Natural honey is an excellent substitute for sugar. The product is a source of antioxidants, improves skin condition, and slows down the aging process. Thanks to a rich set of vitamins and microelements, it has a positive effect on the body in case of heart disease, colds, and inflammatory processes.