The productivity of an apiary is measured by the volume of honey produced by insects throughout the year. In addition, they accept
The killer bee is a special type of insect that was bred in the laboratory. It happened
Abkhazian bees are very common insects that are often raised by beekeepers and breeders. Representatives of this
Leafcutter bees are unusual insects that do not produce honey or live in colonies. These
People have been breeding honey bees for a long time to produce tasty and healthy honey. Also
The productivity of an apiary and the quality of honey directly depend on the breed of bees being bred. Each variety of honey
In wild natural conditions, bees reproduce by fertilization and swarming. Novice beekeepers are interested in the question:
Bee honey is obtained from flower nectar, which industrious insects collect during the flowering of honey plants.
Many beekeepers make a wax press, or apiary press, with their own hands, since they take into account
To increase apiary productivity, beekeepers use various methods to increase bee colonies. To such methods
Bee brood is called bee larvae. By their nature, these insects are considered very unusual creatures.
Carpathian bees have many advantages. Insects of this breed are distinguished by their hardy character and hard work. For