Description and characteristics of Carpathian bees, pros and cons of the breed

Carpathian bees have many advantages. Insects of this breed are distinguished by their hardy character and hard work. They are characterized by peaceful, non-aggressive behavior and high productivity. Therefore, this breed is chosen by many beekeepers. For bee breeding to be successful and efficient, it is important to provide them with suitable conditions and pay attention to disease prevention.

History of selection

The Carpathian breed is considered the result of the work of Ukrainian breeders, which was carried out in the sixties of the last century. They set themselves the goal of obtaining productive species of bees.

Individuals that lived in the Carpathians were used as a basis. Similar work was carried out in Russia, Kazakhstan, and the Caucasus. As a result, the Carpathian breed appeared, which has many subtypes and has gained great popularity among beekeepers.


Worker bees are characterized by a gray body color. On the abdomen, the anterior part of the tergites has a silvery tint. Only Rakhovsky bees differ - they have a dull silver color.

Worker bees are characterized by a proboscis measuring 6.3-7 millimeters. On the first day they weigh 110 milligrams. The third tergite reaches 4.8 millimeters in width. The mass of queen bees at the exit from the queen cells is 208 milligrams, and at the beginning of laying they weigh 216.


The main characteristic of the breed is its ability to collect honey from various types of crops. Thanks to the early first flight, bees are able to collect nectar from flowering honey plants. This allows strong families to produce 80 kilograms of honey. It is distinguished by its bright taste and almost complete absence of impurities.

Specifics of behavior

The Karpatka is considered one of the most peaceful bee breeds. Even while inspecting the hives and moving the frames, the insects calmly await the end of the process. According to scientific research, only 5% of bee colonies are susceptible to swarming. Experienced beekeepers can easily stop this process.

bee sitting

Queen bee Carpathian

The main task of the queen bee is to lay eggs. In appearance, it differs from other individuals. Its weight exceeds 200 milligrams. Sometimes it reaches 230. The color can be different - from rich burgundy to black. The queen lives in the hive for 3-5 years.However, when productivity decreases, beekeepers perform artificial replacement. This happens after 1-2 years.

Queen bees of this breed are characterized by the presence of a sting. They can use it against other mothers of the family. The queen bee has well-developed jaw glands. They are responsible for secreting a special fluid that spreads throughout the body. The workers lick it off and spread it throughout the nest. This helps suppress the ability of other females to lay eggs.

Over a long period of time, the queen bee eats the milk that the worker bees provide her with. Before departure, she begins to feed on honey. This leads to a decrease in the individual's weight. Thanks to this, she is able to fly out of the hive. In flight, mating occurs with drone partners.

Queen bee Carpathian

The queen bee can lay up to 1800 eggs per day. Thanks to artificial interventions, this figure increases to 3000.

Features and breeding areas

The Carpathian is considered a universal breed. Of course, its full potential is revealed in the Carpathians. However, in fact, these bees can be bred in different regions.

This breed is perfect for beginners, as it is considered very unpretentious. To obtain a sufficient amount of high-quality honey, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. To combat wax moths, it is worth using bunches of herbs. Mint, wild rosemary, and wormwood are suitable for this.
  2. If the hive is still affected by wax moths, to protect other houses it is worth digging a trench and filling it with water.
  3. To prevent swarming, it is necessary to improve ventilation in the hive and prevent sunlight from entering there.
  4. For free wintering, it is worth increasing the reserves of fodder honey.A strong family will require up to 30 kilograms of product.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Carpathian breed has the following advantages:

  • rapid development of bee colonies in spring;
  • effective work on bribes of any type;
  • ability to collect nectar with low sugar content;
  • ability to work in cold, cloudy and rainy weather;
  • production of large amounts of wax;
  • minimal tendency to swarm;
  • high resistance to parasites and diseases.

The only downside is the need to control the strength of families. With weak bribes, bees of this breed work exclusively for brood.

Carpathian bees are considered very productive and hardy insects that have many advantages. That's why many beekeepers breed this breed.
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