What is bee merva in beekeeping, its use and preparation

The final stage of pumping honey from the hives is the melting of wax honeycombs. After the process of wax separation is completed, an organic substance called merva remains, containing almost all beekeeping products. Thanks to the unique composition of bee merva, it has found its use in many branches of agriculture, cosmetology, traditional and folk medicine. How and why this beekeeping product is used, we will look further.

What is merva in beekeeping

To use this natural gift correctly, you need to find out what merva is and where it comes from. This substance is a by-product remaining after melting wax from honeycombs, and until recently it did not receive the attention it deserves. But in vain, because the composition of merva includes pollen, larvae, bee glue, small particles of honeycomb, honey and many other useful remains of beekeeping products.

The substance is characterized by a dark brown or black color and a loose consistency with small lumps.

Important! The process of melting wax from honeycombs is carried out at a temperature just below 100 degrees, but all the useful substances in the merv retain their structure and unique chemical and biological composition.

Beneficial features

Merva contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and beneficial substances.

After processing, the beekeeping product is used in the following industries:

  • in agriculture - for the production of fertilizers and fertilizers;
  • in veterinary medicine - for the treatment and feeding of animals and birds;
  • in traditional and folk medicine - for the preparation of various ointments, compresses and infusions;
  • In the cosmetics industry, skin care products are made based on merva.

Due to the high content of wax particles, the beekeeping by-product is attractive to wax moths. After processing the wax, the moth releases an enzyme called cerase, which decomposes harmful substances and bacteria that remain in the structure of the moth.

Decoctions and infusions based on this enzyme are widely used in folk medicine.

  1. Healing drinks strengthen the immune system of the human body.
  2. Promote hematopoietic processes.
  3. Improves the functioning of the digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  4. They take a direct part in the metabolic processes of the body.
  5. They have a general strengthening effect.
  6. Relieves inflammatory processes, restores reproductive properties.
  7. They have a healing and analgesic effect.

Infusions based on natural substances are used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis and other diseases of the respiratory organs.

Fact! Thanks to the enzyme produced by the moth, merva is capable of destroying Koch's shelf, which is the causative agent of tuberculosis.

bee bastard

Types of merva

Depending on the initial processing, the beekeeping product is divided into 2 types.

  1. Apiary merva is characterized by a high content of wax and other substances that cannot be extracted from the bee product at home.
  2. Experienced beekeepers send the well-dried natural product to special wax factories, where the maximum amount of useful and nutrients is squeezed out of the resulting material, and the liquid itself is used in agriculture and animal husbandry. This type of merva is called factory merva.

In a liquid state, bee pulp is used to fertilize plants and feed farm animals and birds.

What is it used for?

After extracting wax from the honeycomb, most beekeepers refuse further processing of secondary raw materials and send the honeycomb to a landfill. But this approach is not correct, because many useful and nutrients remain in the product. In what other industries are natural materials used and what are they used for, we will look further.

In beekeeping

Experienced beekeepers use the secondary product to fumigate bee hives. To do this, beeswax is dried and small pieces are added to smokers. This smoke has a beneficial effect on the behavior and health of bees.

beekeeping equipment

In agriculture

In factory conditions, after purification of the merva, a liquid enriched with vitamins, nutrients and beneficial substances remains:

  • in gardening, such liquid is used to fertilize and feed cultivated plants and flowers;
  • in livestock farming, a liquid substance is added to the feed of animals and birds, such feeding improves the health of livestock and helps in the treatment of many diseases;
  • In dry form, natural material is used as root feeding for various crops.

Important! Garden strawberries and strawberries, fertilized with dry or liquid fertilizer based on beekeeping products, increase productivity and improve taste characteristics.

green vegetable garden

In folk medicine

Thanks to the valuable composition of beeswax and the moth enzymes it contains, the natural product is used to strengthen the immune system, treat the respiratory system and the musculoskeletal system.

  1. Lotions and hot compresses relieve pain and relieve inflammation during exacerbation of joint diseases.
  2. Merva-based ointments are used to heal wounds and traumatic lesions.
  3. Extracts and concentrated extracts from bee products are included in the complex treatment of gynecological diseases and in restoring reproductive functions.

Merva infusions support the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels and have a beneficial effect on hematopoietic processes.

Important! Medications are used with extreme caution. Any beekeeping products can cause allergic reactions and are contraindicated for people with high blood sugar.

seal the wound

In cosmetology

Merva contains many valuable ingredients that help rejuvenate the skin.Various creams, masks and balms are made based on the bee product. It is recommended to add the substance when taking a hot bath.

Advice! Compresses and masks made from bees cleanse the skin, restore its healthy color and elasticity.

face mask

Preparation and storage

In addition to the listed industries, beekeeping products are used for the production of natural dyes for leather, and for the manufacture of shoe and parquet care products.

After extracting the wax, the beekeeping product is thoroughly dried in a dry, well-ventilated area and placed in closed containers for further storage.

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