Instructions for use of Bisanara for bees and composition, dosage and analogues

Beekeepers face many dangerous diseases, but varroatosis is considered one of the most serious problems. If measures are not taken to eliminate it in time, there is a risk of losing the entire family. Using Bisanara for bees helps to cope with this problem. However, before using the product, it is important to read the instructions for it. This will make the treatment more effective.

Composition, properties and release form of the drug

"Bisanar" is produced in the form of a transparent solution, which has a yellowish tint and a peculiar odor.The drug contains oxalic acid, fir and coriander oils.

The product is sold in the following containers:

  • ampoules of 1 milliliter - include 10 doses of the drug;
  • ampoules of 2 milliliters - contain 10 doses of the product;
  • bottles of 50 milliliters.

The drug has a contact effect and pronounced acaricidal characteristics. It helps to successfully cope with mature individuals of Varroa Jacobsoni mites. The product is non-addictive and suitable for the treatment and prevention of varroatosis.

Upon contact with arachnids, the substance provokes paralysis, sterilization of females, and failure of the respiratory system. The substance also interrupts the reproduction cycle. Already 5 minutes after using the drug, the mites begin to fall off. They need to be collected by thoroughly cleaning the bottom of the hive. However, it is better to do this after 18-20 hours.

Bisanar for bees

In what cases is it indicated?

"Bisanar" is required to be used for the treatment and prevention of varroatosis in bees.

Instructions for use of the drug

Before mass treatment, it is important to first test the product on several weak families and observe their condition throughout the day. If the permitted dosage is exceeded and the instructions are not followed, there is a risk of negative results. According to reviews from beekeepers, Bisanar should be used 1 month before the start of the main honey production.

To treat bees with a smoke gun, it is recommended to use 50-milliliter bottles. In this case, you should do the following:

  1. Place the open bottle into the device and pour it into the medicine container.
  2. Before use, adjust the smoke gun so that 1 milliliter of product is sprayed with 1 press. For a weak family use 1 pump, for a strong family - 2.After each pumping, at least 5-10 minutes should pass.
  3. Insert the nozzle of the smoke cannon into the lower taphole 3 centimeters. In this case, the upper entrance must remain open. Inject the required volume of smoke into the hive and cover for 10-15 minutes.

For sublimation, Bisanar is used in spring and autumn. Before treatment, 2 milliliters of the product must be mixed with 2 liters of warm water to obtain a clear suspension.

Then 10 milliliters of the product must be drawn into a syringe and filled the space between the frames. In this case, it is worth using 1 syringe per 1 street. According to reviews, treatment with Bisanar for sublimation needs to be carried out 2 times with an interval of 1 week. In this case, the temperature should be above +10 degrees.

Since the product does not provoke addiction, treatment can be carried out 5-7 times during the season. In this case, the interval between treatments should be at least 1 week. It is allowed to pump out honey only 2 weeks after processing.

Treatment can only be carried out in the morning. At the same time, in the spring, the hives should be treated after the first flight. Treatment in the fall is carried out after the final honey collection.

evidence processing

Security measures

Bisanar is a veterinary drug that is practically safe for bees, but toxic to humans. If it comes into contact with the skin, eyes or inside the body, it can provoke negative consequences. Therefore, when using the product, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • protect your hands with rubber gloves;
  • to prevent product vapors from entering the respiratory organs, wear a mask or respirator;
  • when using the drug, do not eat or drink;
  • if it is necessary to process a large number of hives, take regular breaks;
  • After completing all hive processing activities, wash clothes.

remedy in action

Storage rules and expiration date

It is recommended to store the drug in its original packaging. This must be done in a dry and dark place, out of reach of children and pets. In this case, the temperature should be 0…+25 degrees. The shelf life of the product is 2 years.

What can be replaced?

If necessary, effective analogues of the drug can be used. These include:

  • "Bisanol";
  • "Vozgonar".

"Bisanar" is an effective remedy that successfully copes with the symptoms of varroatosis. In order for the use of the drug to give the desired results, it is important to strictly adhere to the instructions for its use.
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