Rules for preparing syrup for bees, table of proportions and temperature

When breeding bees, you periodically have to feed the insects. At the same time, beekeepers use a variety of feedings. Using a special syrup for bees allows you to increase the efficiency of your farm. It is important to prepare this product correctly, observing the proportions. When choosing a recipe, you should take into account the seasonal factor and the characteristics of a particular bee colony.

What is syrup for bees and why is it needed?

Bee productivity sometimes decreases.Natural factors, pathologies, and nutritional deficiencies lead to this. To increase the efficiency of the apiary, it is necessary to use special fertilizers.

To do this, you can make a special sugar syrup.

Moreover, the purposes of its use depend on the season:

  • in autumn the substance is used to replenish the loss of feed due to pumping out honey;
  • In winter, the composition is needed for adequate nutrition of bee colonies;
  • in the spring, the syrup helps stimulate the uterus' oviposition.

In what proportions and how to prepare it?

When making syrup, it is important to choose the right ratio of water and sugar. When making fertilizer, the following options are possible:

  1. Concentration 40% - use 1 part sugar and 1.5 parts water. This composition helps stimulate the queen's egg production or train bees.
  2. Concentration 50% - in this case, sugar and water must be mixed in equal proportions. This syrup is used for summer feeding of bee colonies.
  3. Concentration 60% - in this case, sugar and water should be mixed in a ratio of 1.5:1. The composition is used when replacing feed in the autumn or to replenish it.
  4. Concentration 70% - in this situation, sugar and water are mixed in a 2:1 ratio. This composition needs to be prepared when forced feeding bee colonies in winter or early spring.


To cook sugar syrup, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Take the required amount of white sugar. The reed variety will not work in this case.
  2. Pour water into the prepared container.
  3. Bring water to a boil over low heat.
  4. Add sugar in small portions. The mixture needs to be stirred constantly.
  5. Wait until the crystals are completely dissolved. To prevent the composition from burning, it is not recommended to boil it.

The finished mass must be cooled to a temperature of +35 degrees. After this, the mixture must be given to the bees. Every beekeeper needs to adhere to a feeding schedule. Typically, this requires installing several frames in the central part. The bees will accumulate fresh honey on them.

Preparing syrup

When carrying out fertilizing, you can use different technologies:

  1. If it is necessary to obtain strong brood, the fertilizing period must be extended. To do this, the bee colony should receive 0.5-1 liter of syrup until all the honeycombs are filled.
  2. For regular feeding, 3-4 liters of sugar syrup should be added once. This will satisfy all the bees' needs.

In addition, when feeding insects it is important to consider the following:

  1. The method is suitable exclusively for strong families.
  2. You can feed bees using feeders. They are placed on the lid of the hive.
  3. It is not recommended to feed bees too often, as there is a risk of weakening the colonies.
  4. It is important to give food at specific times. If you use the mass very late, insects will not have time to process it. If the substance is used too early, it will not be possible to obtain the desired results.
  5. It is recommended to feed food in the evenings, when the risk of bee theft is reduced.
  6. Warm syrup is best absorbed. However, it should not be hot.

Strain the syrup

It is important to consider that excess sugar in the diet of bees is harmful to them. This provokes the depletion of insects by the production of protein enzymes. As a result, they are not able to raise young animals. In addition, there is a risk of reduced life expectancy of insects and premature wear of the uterus. Therefore, you should not use sugar supplements too often.

Sugar syrup calculation table for bees

To prepare the syrup, you should use the table data:

Syrup concentration, % Sugar, kilograms Water, liters
40 1,0 1,5
50 1,0 1,0
60 1,5 1,0
70 2 1,0
When making syrup, it is important to take into account the seasonal factor. So, in summer you can use a composition with a concentration of 50%. In spring it is better to use a more concentrated product.

Why don't bees take syrup?

In some cases, insects do not want to take feeding. The cause is often illness or poor health. In such a situation, it is recommended to treat the hive with medicine.

Also, the reason insects refuse to feed may be that the texture of the feeding is too thick. In such a situation, it is necessary to reduce the dose of concentrate. This will help avoid fermentation in the feeders.

Top dressing

Feeding with Kandy

In apiaries, candy is often used for feeding. To make this food you will need to take powdered sugar and honey in a ratio of 4:1. Honey should be heated in a water bath, and sugar should be sifted through a sieve. Then you need to combine 2 ingredients.

Why is it better to feed from a bag?

Feeding bees from a bag is considered a fairly convenient way. To do this, you need to take plastic bags and fill them with syrup. Then release the air, tie the bag with a knot and place it on the frame. The outside surface must be lubricated with honey. Thanks to this, the bees will begin to take food.

Feeding from a bag


Bee bread can be used as a syrup substitute. It is plant pollen that is collected by honey bees. In the spring, it is recommended to combine bee bread with milk, and in the fall - with yeast.

Sugar candies are also used as a top dressing. To do them, you need to do the following:

  • mix water and sugar in a ratio of 1:5;
  • put on the stove and cook for half an hour, stirring constantly;
  • add citric acid - for 1 kilogram of sugar you will need 2 grams of this component.

Syrup analogue

Ready-made candies should not spread. Bees can also be given ready-made fertilizers. The most effective include “ApiMax”, “AntiVir”, “Pchelka”.

Using syrup for bees helps achieve a number of positive effects. It is important to prepare the composition correctly and adhere to the rules for its use. When making the mass, it is imperative to observe proportions, taking into account the seasonal factor.
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