What is the difference between partridge and quail, characteristics of birds and which is better

People often wonder: what is the difference between a partridge and a quail? There are a number of distinctive characteristics that are inherent in each of the birds. Birds differ in appearance, taste of meat and eggs, and productivity. There is also a difference in lifestyle. To determine the differences between these birds, you need to focus on the color of their plumage, weight and size.

What is the difference between a partridge and a quail?

Partridges and quails differ in certain characteristics. This allows you to distinguish birds from each other.


Partridges belong to the pheasant family and are field and steppe game. Birds mostly live in one area. They are not prone to migration, but are able to change their habitat if there is a lack of food or there is a threat to life.

In appearance, the partridge resembles a small chicken, which has a motley color. It is characterized by strong legs that support its round body. The color of the plumage can be different - white, brown, red, brown. At the same time, birds are characterized by uneven coloring, which helps the birds to camouflage.

Quails also belong to the pheasant family. They are considered small relatives of chickens. Birds are characterized by ocher-colored feathers. The top of the wings, head, back and area above the tail are distinguished by different tones - dark and light.

Differences from other birds

Birds from the pheasant family are similar to each other. They search for food on the ground and bathe in dust. The principle of constructing nests is also similar. At the same time, partridges have brighter feathers. They have gray fluff on their sternum and a dark spot on their abdomen. The main difference between wild quails and partridges is that with the arrival of winter, the former fly south, while the latter remain.

Both species of birds are accustomed to leading a terrestrial lifestyle. They have almost lost the ability to fly. Birds move on the ground and create their nests there. At the same time, partridges are 2-2.5 times larger than quails in size. Male wild partridges typically weigh 430-450 grams, and females – 400-410. Partridges hatch their eggs longer than quails. It takes them 21-25 days, while quail need 17-19 days. In culinary practice, various birds from the pheasant family are used.At the same time, quails are often raised on farms, while partridges are supplied by hunters.

Weight and dimensions

The size and weight of quails depend on their type. Birds that belong to the meat category are considered quite large. Their weight reaches 280-300 grams. They are characterized by rapid growth. It is permissible to eat such quails after 2.5-4 months. The weight of meat-egg breeds is 180-220 grams. Egg quails have the smallest weight. It usually does not exceed 160 grams.

Partridges are distinguished by their large size and body weight. The body length of these birds reaches 35-38 centimeters. In this case, the weight can range from 400 to 870 grams.

Calorie content

Quail meat is considered dietary. It features an ideal combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. 100 grams of quail meat contains only 130 kilocalories. At the same time, the same amount of partridge meat contains 254 kilocalories. Therefore, it is better for people who adhere to diets to give preference to quail meat.

partridge and quail

Benefits and harms

Poultry meat brings great health benefits. It includes vitamins B, A, H, K. The product also contains many microelements. It contains magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, and potassium. These minerals have a beneficial effect on the functions of the heart and blood vessels. They also support the health of the brain and nervous system and help strengthen the immune system.

Quail meat contains a special component - ovomucoid. It is a protein containing carbohydrates that relieves allergy symptoms. Many antihistamines are made based on this component.

Poultry meat contains almost no cholesterol. That’s why it is included in the diet of people who suffer from atherosclerosis.Quail meat is used for recovery after complex traumatic injuries or long-term illnesses.

At the same time, the low calorie content of quail meat makes it ineffective in terms of replenishing energy reserves. Dishes made from it cannot replenish the lack of strength during prolonged exposure to the cold or increased stress. In such situations, it is better to give preference to partridge meat, which is considered more nutritious.

Tips for use

Quail meat is considered a rather unique product. Since birds are light in weight, if cooked incorrectly, there is a risk of getting dry and tasteless meat. To avoid this, it is important to follow some rules:

  1. Buy only fresh birds. It is better to choose large quails with yellow-pink or creamy skin.
  2. It is recommended to remove or singe the feathers before cooking. Then rinse the bird thoroughly and dry it. Then leave for 1-2 hours. This should be done in a cool place.
  3. Cut up the carcasses. In this case, the neck, legs and wings must be removed. You can make broth from these parts.
  4. To make the meat juicy, it is important to use spices.
  5. The meat should be marinated before cooking. Carcasses can also be treated with melted butter.

Partridges are usually sold frozen. It is recommended to gut the carcass before cooking. To do this, it is necessary to cut open the abdominal cavity, remove the entrails and crop. To avoid drying out the meat during cooking, place butter under the skin.

Partridge can be baked with vegetables or stuffed with sour apples. This meat goes well with wild berries. For this, it is permissible to use lingonberries, cranberries, and cloudberries.Depending on the size and age of the bird, it can be cooked for 25-45 minutes.

Which bird is better to choose?

When choosing a bird, you need to focus on your taste preferences and needs. Since the calorie content of meat varies, it is important to consider the need to adhere to the dietary intake. It is better for overweight people to give preference to quail.

Partridges and quails belong to the same family, but have many differences. The difference lies in appearance, taste, and behavioral characteristics. When choosing birds, you should focus on your personal preferences.

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