When is the best time to plant pepper seedlings in 2023 - schedules and features
To get a rich harvest, you need to understand when to plant pepper seedlings in 2023
List of the best pepper varieties for 2024 and how to choose, pros and cons
Sweet pepper is a vegetable crop that gardeners grow on their plots. The culture is known for its heat-loving nature
TOP 14 simple recipes for making pickled chili peppers for the winter
Chili pepper is one of the most popular seasonings. It is used in fresh, dried, cooked
65 best and most popular pepper varieties in 2024 with descriptions
The whole truth about the best pepper varieties of the year lies in the availability of seeds from suppliers
Characteristics and description of varieties of sweet thick-walled peppers for open ground
When choosing a variety of thick-walled sweet pepper for open ground, first of all look at the characteristics
Description of the Red Bull pepper variety, its characteristics and yield
Summer residents try to choose unpretentious, productive and very tasty varieties of vegetables for their plots. TO
Description of pepper varieties Latino, Ekaterina and Kupets, their characteristics and productivity
From year to year, the summer resident selects his own list of varieties that must be grown. Pepper Merchant
Description of pepper varieties Khalif, Antey and Flamenco, cultivation and yield with photos
Growing the crop on plots is no less common than tomatoes and cucumbers. Each summer resident selects
Description of the Ram's Horn pepper variety, features of cultivation and care
Lamb's horn pepper is a spicy variety of vegetable crop that is very popular among lovers
Description of the Belozerka pepper variety, growing characteristics and yield
No less popular crop than tomatoes and potatoes. Belozerka pepper is loved by summer residents for its unpretentiousness,
How to feed pepper with iodine and can it be used as a fertilizer?
Iodine is a chemical element that is necessary for normal development of both people and plants. Except
Description and cultivation of the best varieties of sweet peppers
Bulgarian pepper, like other varieties of sweet Bulgarian vegetables, is one of the favorite crops


