Characteristics and description of varieties of sweet thick-walled peppers for open ground

When choosing a variety of thick-walled sweet pepper for open ground, first of all they look at the characteristics of the fruit, which determines the thickness of the wall (pericarp). Thick-walled varieties are more profitable to grow and these types are superior in taste to peppers with thin pericarps. A hybrid (variety) is classified as thick-walled if the pod has a wall thickness equal to or greater than 6 mm.

Planting and growing

In February, work begins on sowing pepper seeds for seedlings. At the end of May or at the beginning of June, it is time to plant seedlings in open ground. The age of the plants by this time is 90 or 100 days. Young bushes have at least 10 leaves, and growth reaches 25 cm.

In garden plots in Siberia, the heat-loving crop is planted under temporary shelters or in greenhouses. Early planting times require additional efforts from vegetable growers:

  • hardening of seedlings;
  • treating plants with growth stimulants;
  • the use of foliar fertilizers when weather conditions worsen.

Younger pepper seedlings can be planted in greenhouses (50–60 days). Before planting, the soil is filled with organic (compost, humus, peat, ash) and mineral (superphosphate, potassium sulfate, urea) fertilizers.

The standard planting scheme for thick-walled pepper varieties is 4 bushes per 1 m². Low-growing hybrids (varieties) can be planted more densely. It is necessary to read the instructions, which provide specific information on the correct planting of a certain type of pepper.

Description of the bush

Young peppers have a grassy stem, but as they grow older they become coarser. Pepper is a short plant; the height of the bush depends on the variety and quality of care. In thick-walled types of sweet pepper, the bushes reach a height of 40 cm to 1 m.

pepper description

With good care, shoots of 2,3,4 orders are formed on the main stem of the bush. According to the form of branching, bushes are:

  • standard;
  • semi-standard;
  • bushy.

The bushes are low, standard, and do not require garter. Taller hybrids (varieties) need support and regular formation. The formation of flowers occurs in the axils of the leaves. First, there are 1–2 orders on the shoots, then on the main stem.

Fetal characteristics

Thick-walled hybrids (varieties) are characterized by high yields, which is why summer residents and farmers love them.The main distinguishing characteristic of this type of sweet pepper is the thickness of the pericarp of 8 mm. An important characteristic of any variety is the ripening period in days:

pepper on the windowsill

  • early up to 100;
  • mid-season up to 120;
  • late ones up to 150.

Pods that have reached technical ripeness (light green, dark green, cream) are well stored. The shelf life of juicy, fleshy fruits that have reached biological ripeness is shorter.

A pod of any thick-walled variety reaches its maximum weight with high agricultural technology. The colors of thick-walled peppers that have reached biological ripeness depend on the specific variety.

Diseases and pests

Bell pepper requires careful care; diseases and pests do not bypass its planting. The most common diseases:

pepper pests

  • blackleg;
  • gray rot;
  • anthracnose;
  • fusarium wilt;
  • top rot.

Blackleg attacks pepper seedlings. Symptoms: darkening of the root area of ​​the stem, signs of rotting. Sick plants are destroyed, the remaining ones are treated with a 3% solution of copper sulfate.

Gray rot can be identified by gray spots on the pods and leaves. This fungal disease is treated with modern fungicides. In a plant suffering from anthracnose, brown spots appear on the leaves and stems, the former dry out, the latter rot. The plant is removed from infected areas and treated with a fungicide.

Bushes infected with fusarium need to be destroyed, the soil should be sprinkled with fungicide and deeply loosened. Top rot is provoked by daily temperature fluctuations, improper watering, and lack of nutrition. The pods suffer. Sick plants need to be properly cared for and treated with a 0.3% calcium chloride solution.

pepper varieties

Varieties of sweet thick-walled peppers


Pepper Player can be grown in any conditions (soil, greenhouse, tunnel).An early ripening plant. From germination to the first harvest, 100 to 105 days pass. The bushes are low (50 cm), have a semi-spreading shape, and are covered with slightly wrinkled, medium-sized leaves with a dark green color.

Fruit characteristics:

  • cuboid shape with ribbing;
  • weight 110–150 g;
  • color red;
  • the taste is harmonious, there is no bitterness;
  • classic pepper aroma;
  • The largest wall thickness is 12 mm.

pepper growing

Peppers are intended for all types of processing and fresh consumption. Good care guarantees a yield of 5 kg/m². It is recommended to plant densely: 7 bushes per 1 m².


Pepper Jupiter is a hybrid of Dutch selection, known to Russian gardeners for more than 10 years. It appears in the state register as a vegetable crop suitable for any type of cultivation (open ground, greenhouse, tunnel) in all regions of the Russian Federation.

The shape of the semi-standard bush is semi-spreading, umbrella-shaped, average height is 50–60 cm. The leaves are dark green, medium in size. Peppers enter the stage of technical ripeness 130–140 days after emergence. Jupiter F1 will please the lazy vegetable grower with a good harvest - 4.5 kg/m². In the absence of the necessary care (root and foliar feeding) and poor soil, the yield is lower - 3 kg/m².

All information about the fruits:

pepper jupiter

  • the shape is cuboid or prism-shaped, depending on the degree of illumination of the bush;
  • drooping in appearance;
  • The color of the mature pod is dark red;
  • seed chambers 4;
  • walls (thickness) 10 mm;
  • the pulp is juicy and tasty;
  • the skin has a waxy coating and good density;
  • weight from 90 to 120 g;
  • dimensions (height, width) 10–11 cm.

The hybrid will be a good choice for farmers.Arguments: stable yield, marketable appearance of fruits, transportability and long storage period.


The Dutch hybrid of sweet pepper is universal in its cultivation method and is included in the state register. Stanley pepper is propagated by seedlings, ripens in open ground and in any type of greenhouse. The hybrid belongs to the mid-early group of plants, forms powerful bushes up to 130 cm high. Cuboidal, thick-walled pods are ready for harvesting at 110–117 days from germination.

Main characteristics of the fruit:

  • pod weight from 75 to 130 g;
  • pulp (thickness) up to 10 mm;
  • maximum number of slots 4;
  • the color of the ripe fruit is red;
  • the taste is excellent;
  • purpose – universal.

The advantages of the hybrid include immunity to the tobacco mosaic virus. When placed on 1 m², 4 Stanley F1 pepper bushes produce a yield of 2.3 kg.


Alligator pepper in the Middle Zone, Siberia and the Urals should be grown in greenhouses. It ripens in open ground only in the southern regions of the Russian Federation. In terms of ripening time, the variety is mid-ripening (110–120 days). The period is calculated from the date of emergence of seedlings.

alligator pepper

The plant forms tall (90 cm), spreading bushes, covered with large dark green foliage. The bushes need to be shaped - remove the crown flower. On one plant you need to leave from 8 to 12 ovaries.

The fruits are large (200–300 g), thick-walled (8 mm), red in color during the period of biological ripeness. The length of the pods is from 20 to 25 cm. When using a planting scheme of 4 bushes/m², 7 kg of Alligator pepper is removed per unit area.


Bandai pepper is planted according to a 50x60 cm pattern. The F1 hybrid responds well to fertilizing. There must be at least three of them.Bandai can be grown in protected and open ground conditions. Technical ripeness of the fruit occurs in 110–120 days. Bandai is classified as a mid-season crop.

Large cube-shaped pods form on tall bushes:

  • weighing up to 280 g;
  • up to 13 cm long;
  • up to 11 cm in diameter.

The fruits are thick-walled (8 mm), the pulp is juicy with an excellent taste without bitter notes. Bandai pepper pods are eaten fresh, used for preparation, or frozen. Productivity is excellent - from 7 to 14 kg/m².


Semi-standard pepper Alexii reaches biological maturation on the 120–130th day from germination. The variety can be grown in any way (greenhouse, open ground, temporary shelter). The bushes are semi-standard, medium-sized. They form thick-walled pods (8 mm wall thickness). The weight of the average fruit is 200 g, the shape is cone-shaped, the color at maturity is cream.


  • stable yield 8 kg/m²;
  • marketable condition;
  • good taste;
  • immunity to verticillium wilt.

To achieve the declared yield, it is necessary to carry out regular fertilizing and use growth stimulants.

Fat Baron

Early ripening, thick-walled pepper of the Fat Baron variety will delight you with an early harvest of large (250–300 g) fruits. The first fruits reach technical ripeness 90 (100) days after emergence. Good care and proper planting do not exclude the possibility of obtaining record weight and wall thickness of fruits weighing up to 500 g, pericarp up to 10 mm.

yellow pepper

The bushes are low (50 cm), spreading, shaped like a ball, and can do without support, since their stems are thick and strong. You should plant no more than 4 Fat Baron bushes per 1 m².Seedlings older than 60 days are transplanted into open ground; in regions with a temperate climate, the beginning of June (from the 1st to the 10th) is considered the right time for transplantation. The advantages of the Fat Baron pepper include thick fruits and resistance to the tobacco mosaic virus.

Big Boy

In reviews of Big Boy peppers, one can note the unanimous opinion of gardeners about the bright, rich taste of the fruit. Fans also note the external attractiveness of this variety and its absolute unpretentiousness. The advantages of Big Boy include its versatility, both in its intended use (prepares, freezing, salads, first and second courses, sauces), and the possibility of growing in open and closed ground.

Fruit characteristics:

  • weight 300 g;
  • wall (thickness) 8 mm;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • taste without bitterness;
  • color red.

Good care guarantees a yield of up to 7.5 kg/m². The bushes are medium in size, semi-spreading, covered with medium-sized leaves. The fruits can be stored for a long time, and during transportation they retain their presentation.

Little Red Riding Hood

The fruits of the Red Riding Hood pepper variety have a cuboid, ribbed shape, ripen early, and the ripening period is 115 days. Fruit weight 250 g. The pulp is juicy, thick (7 mm), aromatic. The taste is sweet, the color is red. The Red Riding Hood variety is grown in greenhouses and in open ground; it adapts well to weather conditions.

varieties of varieties

The variety is mid-early in terms of ripening time. The bushes are semi-standard, medium in height, and do not require garters. Dense planting of bushes according to the 30*30 cm pattern is acceptable. The variety responds well to fertilizing with Aelita vegetable complex fertilizer.

Bon Appetit

Hybrid Bon appetit F1 is a sweet pepper with an extended fruiting period and average yield. According to the ripening period, the pepper is mid-season.The shape of the fruit is elongated-cuboid. The size is relatively small, weight is about 150 g, the color of ripe pods is red. The fruits are used for stuffing, preparing fresh salads and winter preparations.

The hybrid responds well to fertilizing, loosening and regular watering. One bush bears up to 12 fruits. Bon Appetit is grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. We can note the positive reviews from gardeners about the excellent germination of Bon Appetit pepper seeds.


Pepper bushes Nugget are distinguished by their high growth (1 m) and remarkable fruits with excellent characteristics:

nugget pepper

  • delicious;
  • juicy;
  • thick-walled (8 mm);
  • bright red;
  • weight 180 g.

Pepper Nugget pleases with delicious, beautiful fruits similar to an ingot. The average yield of the variety is 6.4 kg/m². Information about the Nugget pepper can be found in the state register; it is recommended for cultivation in summer cottages and on farms.

Grows well in open ground and in greenhouses. In terms of ripening time, Nugget is mid-season, in terms of application it is universal.

Ural thick-walled

It’s easy to find positive reviews about Ural thick-walled pepper. The hybrid is considered new, since Ural breeders bred it no more than 10 years ago. Aligned, large, cone-shaped fruits are formed on the bushes. The length of individual fruits reaches 16 cm, the wall thickness is up to 10 mm. The variety is early, the fruits ripen on the vine, acquiring a burgundy-red color.

The bushes are tall (80 cm) and require support. The branches have to be tied throughout the entire season, as large, thick fruits bend the branches to the ground. Advantages of Ural thick-walled:

cut pepper

  • high productivity;
  • retains its presentation for a long time;
  • increased juiciness and good taste of the fruit.

The Ural thick-walled hybrid is the right choice for summer residents who prefer to grow large, juicy peppers.

Red Cube

It is worth noting the good yield of the Red Cube sweet pepper. Following the recommended planting and care rules, you get about 8 kg of fruits from 1 m²:

  • cuboid;
  • with glossy skin;
  • dark red when ripe;
  • weighing from 150 to 250 g;
  • fragrant;
  • delicious;
  • thick-walled (8 mm).

The fruits are used for freezing, for preparations, and in the preparation of festive and everyday dishes. The variety is mid-season (120 days), suitable for open ground and greenhouses. The bushes are planted according to a 40x60 cm pattern. They grow up to 70 cm, have a spreading shape, and require garter.


The colorful description of the bush and fruits make the Cypress pepper attractive to gardeners. Any vegetable grower will be satisfied with its long fruiting. Tall bushes, covered with beautiful openwork foliage, are decorated with large, juicy fruits weighing up to 200 g throughout the season. When ripe, the pods are painted red, their shape resembles round tomatoes.


Belladonna is a pepper that has won the love of many vegetable growers. He gives early produce to the tables of summer residents. The fruits will ripen within 90 days after emergence. The bushes are quite tall - 80 cm, with insufficient care - 60 cm, average yield - 4 kg/m². The plant is endowed with good immunity to the tobacco mosaic virus.

Fruit characteristics:

  • cuboid shape, drooping;
  • cameras from 3 to 4;
  • color light yellow;
  • weight 120-140 g;
  • walls (thickness) 7 mm;
  • taste without bitterness.

pepper in the ground

The fruits are recommended to be consumed fresh. Planting scheme: 4 bushes per 1 m². Quality care is needed:

  • watering;
  • loosening the soil;
  • 3 feedings per season.

Siberian format

Pepper Siberian format, description of the main characteristics of the bush and fruit. The bush is characterized by a semi-spreading form and high growth (80 cm). About 15 large fruits are formed on one plant:

  • cuboid;
  • drooping;
  • dark red;
  • juicy;
  • sweet, without a bitter taste;
  • size 12x10 cm;
  • weighing up to 300 g;
  • wall thickness 10 mm.

The purpose of the fruit is universal. Productivity with good agricultural technology is about 4.6 kg/m². The variety loves high-quality care and fertile soils.

pepper growing


A mid-season variety that forms fruits on the 115th day from germination. The bushes are low (55 cm), semi-spreading, requiring formation. You can evaluate Tolstyachok pepper according to the characteristics of the fruit given by the manufacturer in the description of the variety.

Characteristic Description
form prism-shaped, slightly ribbed
skin glossy, shiny
color of ripe fruit red
weight from 130 to 200 g
pod length 12 cm
pod diameter 8 cm
walls (thickness) 10 mm

With good care, the fruits grow larger than the manufacturer stated. Gardeners have recorded a maximum weight of 250 g. Productivity is good when planted densely (up to 7 plants per 1 m²) and 4.5 kg of fruit are harvested per unit area. Advantages of the variety:

  • productivity;
  • transportability;
  • universal purpose.

pepper in the garden

The fat boy responds well to feeding. A bush is formed at an early stage of development, all stepsons and leaves located below the first fork are removed.

Red fat man

The description of the Tolstyak pepper variety contains all the fruit characteristics necessary for vegetable growers:

  • the taste is sharp with bitterness;
  • universal purpose of use;
  • weight from 60 to 90 g;
  • pod length up to 190 cm;
  • wall (thickness) 4 mm;
  • The pulp is rich in carotene and vitamin C.

The Tolstyak variety grows equally well on a balcony, in a greenhouse and in the ground. It is useful to eat peppers in the phase of biological ripeness. The fruits are a good raw material for winter preparations; they are used as a seasoning and as a component of sauces and seasonings.

Golden Taurus

The Golden Calf variety received this name for a reason. Its fruits, having reached biological ripeness, acquire a beautiful yellow color. This type of sweet pepper is recommended for growing in a greenhouse or open ground in the West Siberian region.

Golden Taurus

The bushes are tall (up to 75 cm), semi-spreading, covered with medium-sized leaves, and need support. Fruit characteristics:

  • cuboid shape;
  • wall (thickness) up to 10 mm;
  • weight from 100 to 180 g, for larger specimens - up to 300 g;
  • the skin is glossy, yellow-orange;
  • the taste is sweet.

The bush produces 15 thick-walled fruits that ripen at the same time. The yield of the Golden Calf is 3.5 kg per square meter. Ripened seeds are suitable for subsequent propagation. Reviews about the variety are positive.

Each of the varieties described above deserves attention. With proper care, you don’t have to worry about the quantity and quality of the fruits grown.
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