Description of the Belozerka pepper variety, growing characteristics and yield

No less popular crop than tomatoes and potatoes. Belozerka pepper is loved by summer residents for its unpretentiousness, excellent taste characteristics and resistance to disease.

Variety criteria

Belozerka pepper has been around for almost 30 years. Over the years, it has not only not lost its popularity, but is also increasing it every year. To obtain more complete information about it, summer residents are looking for a description.

white pepper


  • Semi-standard.
  • Spreading.
  • Height 40-80 cm.
  • There is a lot of foliage.
  • The number of fruits per plant is 5-10 pieces.
  • Flowers are white or green.
  • Ripens within 110-115 days (technical), 140-145 (biological).

Belozerka pepper


  • Color: at technical maturity - yellow, biological - red.
  • Length: 15 cm.
  • Shape: regular cone.
  • Hollow.
  • Wall thickness: 5-8 mm.
  • Weight: 80-140 g.
  • Pulp: juicy.
  • Skin: thin.
  • Taste: slightly sweet with a hint of pungency, but not hot.
  • Stores well and is easy to transport.

It is for these characteristics that vegetable growers fell in love with the Belozerka variety.

technical maturity

How to plant and care for a plant?

There are no special features observed when growing this pepper variety. The seedling method is used.

Belozerka does not tolerate transplantation. Therefore, it is grown in small containers or peat pots.

Before planting, pepper seeds are checked by immersing them in water, and those that float to the surface are removed. There is a high probability that they will not rise. Then the selected seed material is immersed in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Then they are pulled out, dried and planted.

regular cone

Another option is to dip it in a heated 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. The seeds are in it for 5 minutes. This helps supply them with oxygen, which stimulates growth.

Then the seeds are dried and planted in prepared containers. In order not to pick the plants, it is recommended to immediately plant them in separate pots. Cover with polyethylene and wait for shoots. After they appear, the film is removed and sunlight is provided. Optimum temperature +25 ⁰С.

plant and care

Feeding seedlings

To strengthen the root system, sweet peppers are fed with complex mineral fertilizers. It is advisable to do this after the appearance of 3 leaves. Water with the following composition:

  • 5 l. water;
  • 15 g superphosphate;
  • 5 g of potash fertilizers.

After 14 days, repeat, doubling the amount of substances included in the composition.

feeding seedlings

Transfer to a permanent location

Pepper seedlings are hardened in 1-2 weeks. She is given the opportunity to get used to the outside temperature and climate. The first few days protect from the sun and draft.

Pre-prepare the site, add humus and peat, and dig it up. The holes are placed at a distance of 40-50 cm, with a row spacing of 60 cm. Particular attention is paid to plant deepening. Care should be taken to ensure that the root collar of the Belozerka pepper is flush with the ground.

hardening of seedlings

Handle the roots with care; when transplanting, try not to damage them. You don’t have to make any special efforts to grow it properly. Pepper is a heat-loving crop, but “Belozerka” is tolerant of temperature changes.

Care in the garden

The culture has no special care requirements. It requires timely watering, loosening, weed removal and fertilizing. Manufacturers recommend forming peppers into 2 trunks. This will increase the harvest volume. There is no need to be afraid that the vegetables will break; they hold tightly to the trunk and are light in weight.

manufacturers recommend

Harvest volume. Use in cooking

For many summer residents, the number of fruits a plant produces is the decisive selection criterion. The yield of Belozerka pepper is 7-8 kg per 1m2.

Peppers are used for everything. Their:

  • Marinate.
  • Used for salads in winter.
  • Fresh salads are prepared and used in cooking.
  • Freeze.

timely watering

The versatility of the vegetable is confirmed by many gardeners.

The opinion of summer residents regarding the Belozerka pepper variety

Reviews give a novice summer resident a lot of information. Those who have encountered the hybrid describe their own impressions and sometimes give advice on growing the crop.

Irina: “Of all the modern variety, I prefer the old, proven Belozerka pepper variety. Undemanding in care, it does not need to be treated with chemicals. Moreover, it attracts with its taste and aroma.”

information for a beginner

Sergey: “I’ve been growing this for several years now. Previously I used the seedling method, now I plant it directly in the ground. Belozerka peppers are not afraid of temperature changes. There is always a harvest. The fruits are stored for a very long time in the refrigerator. For longer storage, I freeze the peppers.”

Veronica: “I consider the pepper variety to be the most reliable, and also easy to care for. It is stored for a very long time and does not lose its properties. Due to the variety’s ability to set fruit under unfavorable weather conditions, the husband can calmly go about his business, rather than arranging the greenhouse.”

Belozerka pepper, thanks to its positive characteristics, is firmly entrenched in the first lines of the rating of mandatory crop species.

easy to care for
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