Instructions for use of chlorpyrifos, safety measures and harm to humans

Chlorpyrifos is a chemical element found in many pesticides. It is actively used in agriculture and in everyday life. The substance successfully copes with various harmful insects. If necessary, the product can be mixed with other active ingredients. To avoid toxic effects on people, it is important to strictly follow the instructions.

Physical and chemical properties

Chlorpyrifos in its pure form appears as white crystals. The product is stable in acidic and neutral environments.At the same time, it quickly disintegrates under the influence of alkalis.

The main physical characteristics of the product include:

  • steam pressure – 1.9∙10-5 millimeters of mercury;
  • melting point – 41.5-43.5 degrees;
  • molecular weight – 350.6.

Solubility indicators differ depending on the liquid:

  • in water at a temperature of 25 degrees – 2 milligrams per 1 liter;
  • in benzene – 7900 grams per 1 kilogram;
  • in acetone – 6500 grams per 1 kilogram;
  • in ethanol – 630 grams per 1 kilogram;
  • in xylene – 4000 grams per 1 kilogram.

chlorpyrifos application

Effect on harmful mechanisms

When parasites enter the body, chlorpyrifos phosphorylates a number of substrates. One of them is considered to be a protein enzyme that is present in nerve tissues. It is called acetylcholinesterase. This substance plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses.

The active component belongs to the category of carboxylic acid ester hydrolases. It is predominantly located on the postsynaptic membrane of the synapse and is part of the axon membrane.

Chlorpyrifos and organophosphorus substances, when interacting with esterases, provoke a suppression of their activity. Such elements act as competitive inhibition. Acetylcholinesterase is responsible for the hydrolysis of acetylcholine. As the enzyme is blocked by chlorpyrifos, an accumulation of acetylcholine is observed in the synaptic cleft. This causes a disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses.

big bottle

As a result, convulsions develop, turning into paralysis. When chlorpyrifos enters the insect's body through the respiratory system, stomach or integument, acetylcholinesterase activity decreases. The product allows you to get rid of bedbugs. It also helps against ants and cockroaches.

Chlorpyrifos is considered more persistent than other organophosphorus elements. Therefore, it exhibits a noticeable intestinal effect. The longer the substance remains active, the more effective it is against gnawing pests. The duration of the effect of the product reaches 40-70 days. The substance remains in the soil for 60-120 days. There is also information that the active component can remain stable in the soil for 2 years.

With the systematic use of chlorpyrifos-based products, group resistance to it develops in some types of parasites.

cockroach repellent

The best drugs based on chlorpypiphos

The substance is present in the following pesticides used in agriculture:

  • "Nurbel";
  • "Dursban";
  • "Nurimet";
  • "Sail".

The following substances are usually used in everyday life:

  • "Sinuzan";
  • "Maxifos";
  • "Xulat";
  • "Sichlor."

Maxifos in a bag

Rules of application

When using drugs based on this substance, it is important to follow the instructions. It is recommended to take into account the type of crops being processed:

  1. Winter rapeseed. It is best to carry out processing in the fall. The product will help destroy cabbage cutworm larvae, moths and other parasites. In spring, the composition is applied before the formation of buds.
  2. Winter grain plants. In this case, it is worth using the product in autumn and early spring. It helps to cope with bread ground beetle larvae. It is worth completing the processing by the time the ear emerges.
  3. Peas. The drug helps to destroy gray beet weevils and bruchus. It should be used at the budding stage.
  4. Sunflower. The product is used to destroy the larvae of winter cutworms and aphids.
  5. Corn. The composition successfully copes with the larvae of the corn moth and cotton bollworm.The substance should be used before flowering begins.

winter rapeseed

Safety precautions and harm to humans

In its pure form, chlorpyrifos belongs to the second hazard class. Preparations based on this substance belong to the second or third level of toxicity.

In case of poisoning, there is a risk of abdominal pain and blurred vision. In case of intestinal intoxication, you need to drink several tablets of activated carbon and induce vomiting. After this, you need to consult a doctor. The antidote for chlorpyrifos is atropine sulfate.

paper roll

If the substance gets on the skin, the affected area must be wiped with a cotton pad moistened with an alcohol solution. If the composition gets into the eyes, they should be rinsed thoroughly.

Chlorpyrifos is an effective remedy that helps control various insects. In order for the drug based on the substance to work, you must strictly follow the instructions.
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