“Reglon” is a contact preparation that is used to desiccate cereal plants, rapeseed, potatoes, and sunflowers.
Slugs and snails are common pests that can appear in any area. For rural
Soil pests can harm cultivated plants and damage roots and stems. As a result of the plant
Mice and rats are considered pests that actively destroy food, animal feed, fruit
In agriculture, special preparations are used that protect crop plants from rodent pests. Some of
Dressing agents protect seeds and tubers from damage by harmful insects. Today, drugs with similar effects are widely
Plant protection in agriculture begins with pre-sowing seed treatment. For this purpose special
When using agricultural products in agriculture, adhesives have recently been used - special preparations,
It is impossible to be sure that planting and seed materials are disease-free. Grain, seeds, tubers are carried
The appearance of rodents in fields or gardens is a huge problem for farmers. This is a loss