The use of fluff lime is popular in gardening. This substance is added to the soil to reduce acidity parameters, saturate with minerals, destroy dangerous insects and prevent the growth of weeds. The composition provides protection to tree bark from exposure to sun rays and parasite attacks. It is important to strictly follow the instructions for using the substance.
What is fluff lime
Pushonka is processed limestone that has gone through the slaking stage. It is also called dusting. When producing the substance, the lumpy product is treated with water. In this case, the substance is transformed from oxide to hydroxide. For 1 kilogram of substance you need to use 1 liter of water. It is important to use cold water.
If you use hot water to slak lime, the components are converted into an insoluble state. As a result, it will not be possible to achieve the desired effect.
After slaking, the lime becomes twice as voluminous. You need to prepare the fluff in an enamel container. In this case, water must be added in stages, stirring the composition all the time.
Comparison of slaked and quicklime
Lime is a material that is obtained by burning carbonate rock. The quenched substance is considered calcium hydroxide. It belongs to alkaline agents. The composition is released in the form of a white powder that does not mix well with water. People call the material “fluff”. The product must be quenched by adding water to the calcium oxide.
Quicklime is produced by applying temperature to the same material. As a result, it is possible to obtain a granular substance. You may feel warmth upon contact with the product. This material is almost never used for growing plants. It is often used to make certain types of bricks or refractory materials.
The release form is also different.Thus, the extinguished material has a powder form, and the quicklime is produced in the form of granules. The substances also have something in common: slaked lime can be obtained by adding water to quicklime.
Useful properties for the garden
Fluff grass is often used in gardening. It helps achieve the following effects:
- protect crops from pathologies and strengthen their immunity;
- increase the adaptive characteristics of crops, helping to resist the influence of dangerous factors;
- improve crop nutrition;
- accelerate the dissolution of various substances in liquid;
- retain nitrogen in the soil;
- improve crop root growth;
- accelerate the decomposition of organic matter.
The fluff helps to stabilize the top layer of soil and normalizes its composition. In addition, lime helps neutralize the harmful effects of hazardous metals.
In what cases is it used?
The product has the following indications for use:
- destruction of weeds;
- control of harmful insects;
- making compost;
- whitewashing of trees and bushes;
- reducing soil acidity;
- improvement of soil structure.
Consumption rate
The required volume of the product depends on the purpose of its use. If there is a deficiency of the substance, it will not give the desired effect; if the dosage is clearly exceeded, the composition will harm the crops. When using a substance to reduce soil acidity parameters, its type must be taken into account:
- for heavy substrate and clay soil, 600-900 grams of product per 1 square meter is required;
- light soils, alumina and loam need 400-500 grams of the substance
- the lightest and sandiest soil requires the addition of 300-400 grams of lime.
The drug must be administered in stages. Its use includes the following stages:
- Initial deposit. To do this, it is necessary to determine the soil acidity parameters.Optimal values depend on the crops grown. So, for pears and apple trees they should be 6.5%, for strawberries - 5.2%, for blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries - no more than 5.5%. Deoxidation is combined with digging up the beds.
- Re-entry. This is necessary when differences appear between the levels of acidification in different zones of the garden. The procedure is carried out in doses. This is done only in specific places. Particular attention should be paid to plants that are most affected by a decrease in calcium parameters in the soil.
Compliance with the timing of the next liming of the soil is of no small importance. At high acidity parameters, this must be done every 4 years. With frequent processing, it is worth applying the composition at intervals of 3 years.
It is also permissible to use fluff to destroy wireworms, which severely damage root crops. Female pests lay eggs in acidic soil - this environment is considered the most favorable for them.
By reducing the acidity of the soil, it is possible to gradually clear the garden of parasites. To do this, it is worth adding 500 grams of the substance per 1 square meter of area. After using the product, the soil must be thoroughly moistened and dug up. After which the beds need to be watered again. It is also useful to use additional ash, adding 1 handful of the product to each hole with vegetable crops.
How to use correctly
Features of the use of a substance directly depend on the goals and objectives that are planned to be solved.
With fertilizers
If you plan to use lime on your garden plot with other substances, it is recommended to consider the following:
- it is forbidden to combine the composition with dolomite flour and chalk;
- It is allowed to add the substance with crushed limestone.
Many gardeners cannot decide what is better to use - fluff or dolomite flour. In terms of calcium content, dolomite flour is 8% higher than lime. There are also differences in the amount of magnesium. Dolomite flour contains 40% of this substance, while fluff flour does not contain this ingredient at all. However, it is very important for the normal process of photosynthesis.
At the same time, fluff has a faster action than dolomite flour. However, after its use, plants absorb phosphorus worse. The only advantage of lime is its low price.
Tillage in a greenhouse
You need to add lime to the greenhouse after harvesting the fruits and harvesting the tops. To use the substance you need to do the following:
- Extinguish the dry material with water and dilute to the optimal consistency.
- Assess soil acidity parameters.
- Calculate the optimal amount of mixture.
- Sprinkle and dig up the beds.
As a whitewash
Using the substance to whitewash garden trees helps achieve excellent results. This effective product protects the top layer of crops from parasites and ultraviolet radiation. It is recommended to whiten trunks in the spring, but it is possible to carry out the manipulation in the fall.
Whitewashing before winter helps protect the trunks from temperature changes. However, a large amount of precipitation significantly reduces the protective characteristics of whitewash.Therefore, the spring procedure is considered more preferable. Before whitewashing, it is recommended to remove dead bark and then use lime milk. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 kilogram of lime with 3 liters of water.
It is important to consider that such a solution is difficult to adhere to the surface being treated. Therefore, it requires an additional 100-150 grams of flour paste. Adding 300 grams of clay and 1 kilogram of mullein to the mixture will also help improve the adhesion of the product to the trunk. The finished composition requires infusion for 2-3 hours. Regardless of the ingredients used, 200-250 grams of copper sulfate should be added to the mixture.
Security measures
When making and using lime mortar, you must adhere to basic safety rules. During slaking of lime, a thermal reaction is observed, which is characterized by strong bubbling and the appearance of a lot of splashes. To prevent hazardous substances from entering your body, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
- wear safety glasses;
- wear a mask to protect your respiratory system;
- use gloves;
- tie your hair and cover it with a scarf;
- do not smoke, eat or drink while using the substance.
First aid for burns
If following the safety rules does not help, and the fluff still affects the skin, it is important to provide first aid to the victim. If you are burned by the substance, you must remove contaminated clothing and wipe the affected area with a dry cloth.
Then it is recommended to rinse this area with plenty of water and apply a solution of boric acid. Its concentration should be 2%. Then apply a bandage with Vishnevsky ointment. It is also permissible to use syntomycin ointment.After providing first aid, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Fluff lime can be bought ready-made or made with your own hands. Thanks to the use of the substance in gardening, it is possible to improve the quality of the soil, saturate it with useful elements and protect the beds from weeds and parasites.