Soil acidity parameters seriously affect crop development. The availability and absorption of nutrients depends on these indicators. Thus, with increased or decreased acidity parameters, plants experience nutritional deficiency. In most cases, crops require neutral pH parameters. However, there are some exceptions. Therefore, many gardeners are interested in how to increase the acidity of the soil.
Reasons for acidification
In most cases, garden and vegetable crops require a neutral or slightly acidic soil reaction. This means that they require pH parameters of 5.5-7.5 units. Sometimes the soil needs to be further acidified. The reasons may vary.
Why crops don't like alkaline soil
An alkaline reaction is characteristic of saline soil types that were formed on a limestone base. If pH parameters exceed 7.5-8 points, this negatively affects soil fertility.
As a result, important substances are transformed into insoluble hydroxides and cannot be absorbed. In such a situation, even organic and mineral fertilizers do not help. Plants face insufficient nutrition, stop developing, and turn yellow.
Alkaline soil loses its water-physical properties. When dry, the substrate becomes too dense and does not allow air to pass through well. After precipitation or watering, the soil acquires an overly viscous structure.
When neutral soil is not suitable
Neutral is a soil in which acids and alkalis are as balanced as possible. Such substances neutralize each other. This environment is perfect for the development of beneficial bacteria and the absorption of beneficial elements by plants. This soil can be used for growing many types of legumes and root crops.
If plants need a slightly or moderately acidic environment, the soil must be acidified. So, slightly acidic soil is needed for potatoes. If you reduce neutral acidity by 1-1.5 points, you will be able to improve the absorption of useful elements and increase the plant’s productivity parameters.
Determination of soil acidity
The simplest and most accurate way to assess soil acidity is considered to be a study in an agrochemical laboratory. However, not all summer residents have this opportunity. You can determine the reaction of the substrate at home using special tests. They are sold in gardening stores and are easy to use.
Weeds growing in the garden will also help determine the acidity of the soil:
- clover, bindweed, chamomile, and wheatgrass prefer neutral and slightly acidic soil types;
- horse sorrel, moss, horsetail, and heather grow in acidic soil;
- field mustard, chickweed, larkspur, and wild poppy prefer alkaline soil.
How to acidify the soil yourself?
There are quite a few ways to acidify the soil. The choice of method depends on the structure of the earth, initial pH parameters, and area of the site.
Organic materials
Many organic fertilizers acidify the soil. To make the soil more acidic, it is permissible to use high-moor peat, fresh manure, and sphagnum moss. Also effective means include leaf compost, sawdust, and pine needles.
Organic substances are recommended to be used to acidify loose soil types that allow air to pass through well. They are slow-acting, but provide a stable effect. An additional advantage is the ability to preserve the loose structure of the earth.
In order for organic matter to give the desired effect, it should be applied to the root system area, and not scattered around the site. When planting plants, the acidic substrate must be placed in the hole. Subsequently, it is recommended to use organic products for mulching the tree trunk circle.
Mineral compounds
Minerals can be used to change the structure of the soil.Most often, such products are used to acidify heavy clay soils. The most effective substances include:
- Colloidal sulfur - used when a significant change in acidity is necessary. If you use 1 kilogram of granules per 10 square meters of area, you will be able to reduce the pH parameters by 2.5 points. It is recommended to apply sulfur before winter. It is sealed to a depth of 10-15 centimeters. The element starts chemical processes gradually. Therefore, it will be possible to achieve the desired effect only after 8-12 months.
- Ferrous sulfate - this substance has a milder and faster effect. If you use 500 grams of powder per 10 square meters of beds, within a month you will be able to reduce the pH parameters by 1 point. This means the acidity will increase.
- Ammonium nitrate - helps to slightly acidify the soil. It needs to be applied in the spring. For a mild effect, it is also permissible to use potassium sulfate or ammonium sulfate. These substances should be used in the fall.
Acid solutions
To quickly change pH parameters, it is recommended to use acid solutions. The ideal option is sulfuric acid or unused electrolyte. To prepare the working solution, it is recommended to take 50 milliliters of electrolyte per 10 liters of water. This amount is enough for 1 square meter of beds.
It is also permissible to use citric acid to increase acidity. To prepare the solution, you need to take 1-2 tablespoons of powder per 10 liters of water. Another remedy is vinegar. 100 milliliters of this product should be mixed with a bucket of water. However, this is not the best option. It gives a short-term effect and destroys the beneficial microflora of the soil.
Green manure
To maintain optimal acidity parameters, you can plant green manure.It is important to choose plants that acidify the soil. These include oats, rapeseed, and white mustard. Soybean, vetch and lupine are also highly effective.
Increasing soil acidity helps improve the development of some crops and increase their yield. At the same time, it is important to correctly determine the soil reaction and select an effective method for its correction.