Soil acidity is considered a very important parameter. If it does not correspond to the planted variety of crops, there is a risk of disturbances in the nutrition process. At low pH values, individual substances such as boron, copper and zinc, which come from the soil into plants, even become toxic. It is possible to determine pH parameters using special soil acidity indicator plants.
Features of the use of special plants
Before planting crops, it is recommended to evaluate the acidity parameters. To do this, you can use various methods.So, it is permissible to observe indicator weeds growing on the site. Wild mint, plantain and sorrel indicate increased acidity. In areas with neutral soil, quinoa, nettle and shepherd's purse are found. Dandelion, chamomile, and wheatgrass grow in slightly acidic soil.
It is also permissible to plant certain vegetable crops to determine acidity parameters. So, table beets would be an excellent option. In acidic soil, its tops become red, while in neutral soil only the petioles acquire this shade. When the plant is planted in slightly acidic soil, the leaves turn green with red elements.
Plants-indicators of acidic, neutral and alkaline soils
Depending on the acidity parameters, the following types of soils are distinguished:
- acidic - pH parameters are 6.5 or less;
- neutral – pH values are at the level of 6.6-7.2;
- alkaline – parameters exceed 7.3.
When planning the planting of cultivated plants on a site, it is important to correctly determine soil acidity indicators. Depending on this, you can choose certain plants or try to make adjustments to the pH parameters.
Plants that indicate soil acidity are divided into several categories. Thus, acidophiles grow on acidic soils, neutrophils grow on neutral soils, and basophils grow on alkaline soils.
The following plants indicate high soil acidity at the level of 3-4.5:
- mosses - this can be dicranum, sphagnum or hylocomium;
- lichens - in particular, cetraria;
- mosses - these include species such as clubmoss, annual, club-shaped;
- blueberry;
- blueberry;
- sorrel;
- crowberry
Moderate acidophiles are considered to be lingonberries, wild rosemary, and knotweed. They also include wheatgrass, blueberries, sorrel, and mint.The listed plants are found at pH parameters of 4.5-6.
In slightly acidic soil with indicators of 5-6.7, snakeweed, spreading boron, and bluebells are found. Raspberries, bracken, black currants, and green cherry can also grow in this soil.
Neutrophilic plants that prefer pH parameters of 6-7.3% include Siberian hogweed, meadow bluegrass, chicory, and hemlock. Also considered such crops are soapwort, wild strawberry, and European honey.
A neutral and slightly alkaline substrate with a pH of 6.7-7.8 is suitable for alfalfa, bluegrass, and bentgrass. Also in this type of soil, goosefoot, field mustard, delphinium, meadow timothy, and white gum grow well.
Basophilic plants that prefer alkaline soil with pH parameters of 7.8-9 include rough elm and Siberian elderberry.
Plants for identifying dry and wet soils
An important characteristic for farmers is soil moisture, or the water content in the soil, which is measured as a percentage. Moisture is very important for the full development of crops. They obtain most of their water from the soil through their root system.
Sandy and sandy loam soil types are the driest. At the same time, clay and loamy soil types are considered the wettest.
Various types of horsetail, meadow mint, and marigold require moist soil. In such soil, cinquefoil, creeping buttercup, and meadowsweet grow well. Sedge, reeds, and cattails need high humidity.
If you correctly determine the volume of water in the ground, you can choose crops that are more adapted to the existing conditions. Thus, tomatoes, beans, carrots, and parsley tolerate drought normally. At the same time, cucumbers, cabbage, dill, sorrel, garlic, beets, and peppers need moisture.
To determine acidity parameters, you can use special indicator plants. This will help you choose the right crops to grow in a specific area.