Acidity and use of lowland peat, differences from highland peat and which is better

Peat is a sedimentary rock that has been used since ancient times as a valuable organic fertilizer and fuel. It can improve the condition of the soil on the site, saturate the soil with humus and mineral elements, and improve the air and water permeability of the fertile layer. There are several types of fertilizer; the characteristics of lowland peat will be discussed further.

Description of high peat

This is a fertilizer obtained by rotting the remains of marsh vegetation, moss, and pine needles. Formed under conditions of high humidity and oxygen deficiency. High-moor peat is called sphagnum peat.Its loose structure, high air and moisture capacity, and excellent filtering ability allow it to be used as mulch to lighten heavy clay soil.

Mulching the beds provides additional heating, retains moisture, protecting the root system of plants from drying out, and increases the moisture and breathability of the soil.

High-moor peat is highly acidic, so it is used on alkaline soils to make the soil neutral and increase its fertility. The substance has a brown tint, a fibrous structure, and contains few mineral and organic substances compared to other varieties. Therefore, it decomposes slowly, retaining its properties for a long time. If necessary, use on acidic soils is applied together with ash or dolomite flour. The acidity of the soil in the area is checked with litmus strips.

Rarely used as an independent fertilizer. Used with organics and mineral complexes. The high variety is easily pressed into briquettes, does not lose its properties for a long time, and is convenient to transport. Used as an insulating and filtering material.

heart of the soil

Specifics of lowland

The peculiarity of lowland peat is that it is formed in swamps at great depths. Plants decompose when exposed to groundwater with minimal oxygen. There are 3 degrees of decomposition: weak, medium and strong. A variety with a high degree of decomposition is the most nutritious for garden beds. The fertilizer is rich in organic matter (up to 70%) and looks like black soil. It is used to improve the composition of any type of soil on the site, except black soil.

Important: lowland peat is not suitable for long-term storage; it quickly oxidizes when exposed to oxygen. When compressed, it does not allow air to pass through well. This type of fertilizer has low acidity compared to the top type.

Sphagnum peat is used on the soil surface (for example, for mulching beds), the lowland variety is added for digging to a depth of 25 centimeters. Mixing with the soil, the lowland variety improves the quality of the soil, saturates it with humus and microelements (potassium, nitrogen). The use of peat on the site allows you to clean the soil and water from pathogenic organisms.

high peat

It is suitable for use in greenhouses, greenhouses, and open ground. It will not be beneficial in areas rich in organic matter; it is not applied to chernozem soils. Ideal for use in clayey areas and enriches sandy soil.

What is the difference between high peat and low peat?

There is a significant difference between the two types of sedimentary rocks. Often they are even mined in different places. Therefore, fertilizer is used for different purposes:

  1. When introducing the upland variety into acidic soil, neutralization of the soil is necessary. To do this, lime is added to the fertilizer. It is not added to lowland peat.
  2. The lowland type is richer in nutrients, organic matter, and minerals.
  3. Sphagnum peat is better stored, decomposes more slowly, the lowland type should be used 5-10 days after purchase, the high type can be stored for up to a year.
  4. The high type is used on the surface of the earth, the low type is used for digging, to nourish the soil from the inside.
  5. The deoxidized (neutralized with lime) top type is used to create a nutritious substrate for growing lettuce and indoor flowers, and is used in greenhouses and to “lighten” open ground.

Improper application of fertilizer can harm the area. If there is a significant peat content in the soil, additional watering is necessary; the lack of moisture leads to the soil clumping, its air permeability decreases, and the plants wither and die.

Before fertilizing the site, it is necessary to check the acidity of the soil in different places and the type of soil. Fertilizer is applied taking into account the differences between the highland and lowland types.

The substance is applied every 2-3 years; on heavy clay soil, it can be used every 1-2 years. Sedimentary rock can be used when growing seedlings, indoor flowers, vegetables in greenhouses or open ground. Use tablets with a mixture of fertilizers and cups for seedlings.

Any type of fertilizer can benefit the site. You should not overdo it with its amount or bring the soil to depletion. Then the beds will definitely delight you with an excellent harvest.
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