An abundant and high-quality harvest is the dream of every gardener. Various fertilizers will help achieve this. To get safe fruits, you can use peat. This fertilizer has a number of advantages and is versatile. At the same time, the question sometimes arises of how to deoxidize peat at home. There are several basic methods for reducing acidity parameters.
What is sour peat
Acidic peat is an indispensable fertilizer that helps grow many flower crops and vegetables. The substance includes organic components, minerals and water.
This product is formed as a result of the decomposition and humus of natural raw materials - plants, moss and leaves. The formation of a peat substrate is possible only under conditions of high humidity and lack of oxygen. It is mined mainly in swamps and floodplains. The material that is obtained from June to October is of the greatest value.
Peat substrate comes in different colors. Its shade is determined by the period of formation and climate. Average pH parameters are 3.5-5.5.
However, you should not add too much peat to the soil. If the soil is quite fertile, the substance will not give the required effect. Before adding peat, acidity parameters must be assessed. You can do this yourself using vinegar or litmus paper.
To avoid harm to plants, it is recommended to make peat compost yourself. To obtain useful plant nutrition, it is not enough to take peat and combine it with the soil. It will take approximately 2 years for the fertilizer to form.
The following types of peat exist:
- Horse - also called sphagnum. The substance is usually formed at higher elevations, due to the decomposition of various grasses. This occurs in the presence of oxygen. The basis of the composition is considered to be humus. The substance is usually used for greenhouse seedlings and is included in ready-made formulations for home crops.Much less often it is used as bedding for animals. This composition is considered the most acidic.
- Transitional - its acidity is 4.5-5.5 units. The mass contains few acid salts, but contains many valuable elements. Such peat is considered slightly acidic and is used to increase productivity.
- Lowland - has a dark color and almost does not allow air to pass through. Almost two-thirds of the mass consists of organic elements. It is extracted from river floodplains and large ravines. The formation of a peat substrate is carried out due to the decomposition of fern, birch, willow and other plants with a lack of oxygen. The substance is used to improve the quality characteristics of soil. But when interacting with the soil, it loses its characteristics. After pouring onto the ground, this type of peat mixture must be buried immediately. It has almost neutral acidity.
How to deoxidize peat at home?
To neutralize the acidity of high-moor peat, it is recommended to gradually add crushed chalk, dolomite and limestone flour to the composition. All components must be thoroughly mixed and the composition moistened. After 1 week, you need to check the acidity parameters using an aqueous extract.
The composition is used to saturate the soil with humus and improve its mechanical parameters. It can also be used for growing seedlings and as a covering material when mulching the soil. At the same time, farmers do not recommend using high-moor peat for structuring fertile soils.
Deoxidation of peat mass can be carried out in different ways. Most often, chalk, limestone and dolomite flour are used for this purpose.