Requirements for peat soil for seedlings and which one is better to use, treatment

The use of special peat soil for seedlings helps accelerate the development of plants. Ultimately, this has a positive effect on crop yields. It is important to choose the right substrate depending on the plants you plan to grow. Only in this case will it be possible to obtain the desired result. In addition to a special substrate, peat tablets are suitable for growing seedlings.

Soil requirements

The soil for seedlings must meet the following characteristics:

  1. Fertility - the substrate must contain a sufficient amount of organic and mineral substances that contribute to the normal growth and development of crops. This parameter is directly affected by the degree of decomposition of the material. Therefore, it is better to use lowland peat.
  2. Balance of components - both deficiency and excess of microelements have a bad effect on the development of seedlings. Low-lying peat is characterized by an excess of organic and nitrogen substances, while high-moor peat is characterized by a shortage.
  3. Structure – should be loose. Thanks to this, the sprouts receive air and water.
  4. The ability to retain moisture - the soil must gradually absorb moisture and also release it. This feature is characteristic of the high substrate.
  5. Acidity - the soil reaction should be close to neutral. Peat does not meet this parameter. That's why it has to be processed.
  6. Absence of pathogens - peat soil is considered an almost sterile environment. It contains substances with antiseptic properties.
  7. Lack of toxins – peat obtained from environmentally friendly places does not contain toxic elements.
  8. No tendency to overheat - despite the fact that the peat substrate contains a lot of organic matter, it decomposes slowly. Therefore, no heating occurs.

Peat is suitable for growing seedlings in most respects, but it also has certain disadvantages.

Which peat is best to use for seedlings?

To grow seedlings successfully, it is important to choose the right substrate. In this case, peat can have several varieties.


This type of soil is formed in elevated areas. It has a low degree of decomposition and contains very few useful substances. For seedlings, a composition with a degree of decomposition of more than 15-20% is suitable.However, it should not contain bark or wood fragments.

hand in the ground


In terms of decomposition parameters, the amount of organic matter and nutrients, the material occupies a middle place between low-lying and high-moor peat. The pH parameters are 3.5-4.5, therefore, before planting seedlings, the acidity must be neutralized.

transitional peat


This substrate contains the most useful elements. It can be used as an independent primer. However, it is best to mix the composition with humus, sand and fertile soil.

It is important to perform an acidity assessment before use. The level of decomposition of the material should be 20-30%. In this case, the amount of iron cannot exceed 5%.

the earth is like peat

Peat soil treatment

It is recommended to treat the peat substrate before planting. First, it is worth removing impurities from it - fragments of bark, branches, small stones. After this, it is worth reducing the acidity parameters. To do this, it is recommended to add limestone flour to the composition. The volume of this component depends on the type of peat:

  • for riding use 350-450 grams per 1 kilogram;
  • in the transitional one add 200-350 grams per 1 kilogram;
  • for lowland it requires 100-200 grams per 1 kilogram.
The components need to be mixed well and left for several days. After this, it is recommended to evaluate the acidity parameters. This should be done using litmus paper. If peat is used to prepare a soil mixture, it is not necessary to control the pH. Other substances can compensate for this deficiency.

With active watering there is a risk of peat becoming waterlogged. To avoid this, it is recommended to add the following components:

  • washed river sand;
  • agrovermiculite;
  • perlite

Soil mixtures

Peat is best added to various seedling mixtures. To do this, it is mixed with the following components:

  • garden or turf soil;
  • sand;
  • rotten leaves;
  • perlite;
  • agrovermiculite;
  • humus;
  • vermicompost.

soil mixture

Peat tablets

It is permissible to use peat tablets for growing seedlings. Essentially, they are crushed and compressed peat soil, which is sold in thin mesh shells made of non-woven material.

Such briquettes can be used as an alternative to peat pots. These products are easy to use. They are especially useful for plants that do not tolerate transplanting into open soil.

Peat is quite often used for growing seedlings. It is important to monitor the composition of the mixture and adhere to the rules of agricultural technology.
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