Step-by-step instructions for several options for delicious juicy plum jelly for the winter - every family will need this set of knowledge. The recipe does not require a lot of time and effort to prepare. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations, and in winter there will always be a jar of beautiful and fragrant thick jam on the table.
Features of preparing plum jelly
This product has its own subtleties in preparation:
- The jelly may begin to sugar.To avoid this, just add a few drops of lemon juice to each jar of product.
- Sour plum varieties will require the addition of 300 g of granulated sugar more than normal.
- It is not recommended to use refined sugar. A plum mixed with such an ingredient will be able to produce juice in the required quantities only after 10 hours.
- There is a simple way to determine the readiness of the jelly. Place a spoonful of jam on a chilled plate. If the mound does not spread over the plate, you can start putting thick jam into jars.
- The rolled up jars must be turned over, placed on the floor and wrapped in a blanket until the product cools.
Important! High-quality plum jelly can be used to make pies and rolls, and eaten as a snack with pancakes and pancakes.
Selection and preparation of plums
The plum should be ripe and juicy. It is better to use sweet varieties of fruits, for example, Honey. You will need to add a minimum of sugar to this jelly.
It is not recommended to use unripe, overripe or rotten berries; such jam will not bring joy to your family.
To process and use berries in making thick jam, you will need to remove the seeds and skins of the fruit. To do this, pour the fruits into a saucepan and plunge into boiling water for 5-10 seconds. Then the berries are dipped in chilled water. After such heat treatment, the skin and seeds will be easily separated from the pulp.
The peeled fruits are washed under running water and each half is cut into 2 parts. The plum is ready for making jam; all that remains is to choose one of the options for preparing it.
Recipes for making plum jelly at home
Let's look in detail at several ways to prepare a healthy and tasty product for the whole winter.
A simple recipe for the winter
Even a teenager can prepare such a composition on his own. You will need to prepare:
- yellow honey plum;
- granulated sugar - 500 g;
- plum juice - 1 liter or you will need to add another 600 g of sugar.
The work is performed in the following order:
- the prepared plum is filled with water at the rate of 200 ml per 1 kg of fruit;
- put the pan on the stove and cook the fruit over low heat, stirring constantly;
- the berry has softened and began to separate into fibers; rub the mass through a sieve;
- pour a full portion of sugar into the resulting puree and cook for at least 20-30 minutes, bringing the mass to normal thickness;
- when the total mass decreases by a third, add plum juice or sugar.
- bring to a boil and place the finished product in prepared jars and seal them tightly.
This recipe is prepared according to a certain scheme:
- the finished plum is passed through a meat grinder or rubbed through a fine sieve, water is added and cooked over medium heat for 20-30 minutes;
- put the resulting slurry in liter jars in a container and add 1 kg of granulated sugar to each;
- Place the pan on the stove and over medium heat, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil;
- Over low heat, stirring, bring the marmalade to the required thickness and place in jars.
Hermetically sealed glass containers are placed under a blanket.
With gelatin
To prepare you will need:
- plum - 500 g;
- sheets of gelatin prepared in advance - 5 pcs. cinnamon - 2 sticks;
- granulated sugar - 50-60 g;
- purified water - 1 glass;
- cloves - several buds;
- dry wine - 150-175 ml.
The work is simple:
- Grind the chopped plums with a knife or in a meat grinder and put the pulp into a saucepan.
- Pour in water, add spices and sugar and, stirring constantly, cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
- Strain the mixture through cheesecloth and add wine diluted with water to the juice for every 500 ml of jelly.
- Take a little mass, put it in a separate bowl and add gelatin. After the sheets have swollen, place the saucepan in a water bath and bring the mixture until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
- Add gelatin to the juice and distribute the finished product into jars.
Advice! You don’t have to use wine and spices, but with them the jelly becomes delicious.
With pectin
This recipe allows you to reduce the amount of sugar and bring the thickness to the state of marmalade. Prepared:
- prepared plum - 500 g;
- sugar - 100 g;
- pectin - 25 g.
Cooking process:
- The plum is passed through a meat grinder or crushed in a blender.
- Add a little water to the prepared puree and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes.
- Strain the juice through a sieve and add sugar and pectin to it.
- Stir the mixture and put on fire. Cook, stirring constantly, 5 minutes.
- Pour into jars and seal tightly with lids.
With currants
Guests will love this dessert. Bright color and pleasant, interesting taste - for these reasons it is recommended to prepare jelly according to this recipe. You will need:
- plum and currant - 500 g of each berry;
- purified water - 400-600 ml;
- pectin - 250 g;
- peppermint - 3-5 leaves to taste;
- granulated sugar - 1 kg.
- separate the currant berries from the branches and wash under running water;
- add currants and plums to the pan;
- pour sugar into the pan, mix thoroughly;
- the berries have released their juice, place the pan on low heat and cook for 15-20 minutes;
- remove the mixture from the heat and leave until completely cooled;
- put the cooled jam on low heat, stirring, and cook for another 10-15 minutes;
- remove the pan from the heat;
- finely chop mint leaves;
- add mint and pectin to the slightly cooled mass, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes.
Hot, thick jelly is placed in jars and sealed tightly.
To preserve plum jelly, no special conditions are required. It can be lowered into the cellar or basement or placed on a shelf in the pantry. The main condition for long-term storage is the absence of sunlight. Such housewife products can be stored for a long period, but it is better to eat them within 18 months.
By preparing delicious, thick plum jelly for the winter, you can provide your family with a healthy, fortified product. Jelly or homemade marmalade can be added when preparing various pies, cakes and rolls. Children will be happy to dip pancakes and pancakes into a fragrant, thick mixture with a pleasant taste.