What does the ruffe fish look like and where does it live, diet and size, lifestyle

The common ruffe is a tasty river fish with an aesthetically pleasing appearance, which makes it a desirable catch for anglers. Also, some fish farms are happy to breed ruffs. To better understand the characteristics and lifestyle of this fish, we will look at the habitat and habits of the ruffe, as well as its diet and some of its popular species.

What does a fish look like?

The features of the river ruffe are so unique that it is difficult to confuse it with other species of fish. He has a large head, light pink eyes, and a mouth filled with tiny teeth.Its body is thick, cylindrical and slimy to the touch. There are wide gill covers with spines, and small ctenoid scales complement its appearance.

The back of the fish is grey-green, with spots and dots, while the sides are more yellowish. The color of the underside of the body varies from light gray to white, depending on the environment. Fish that live in sandy areas will be lighter in color than those that live in siltier ponds.

The average adult size is ten centimeters, although some can grow up to twelve centimeters. They are usually quite small, weighing only 13-26 grams, but there are also larger specimens up to twenty centimeters long and weighing one hundred grams.


The common ruffe is the most common of the 4 species of its genus. It lives in many areas, including northern and eastern France, eastern England, rivers around the Baltic Sea, rivers in central and eastern European regions, and northern Asia as far as the Kolyma River basin and Trans-Urals.

Features of life

Ruffs lead a modest existence. They are able to live at various depths, with most being found near the seabed, but they can also be seen at or near the surface, as well as in intermediate waters.

Ruffs usually live in bodies of water that are calm and have little human presence near them. They prefer areas with a soft bottom and lack of aquatic vegetation, as their main food source is usually present there. Ruffs also settle in shaded areas of the reservoir, because they are ideally adapted to low light levels.

ruff fish

How long does the ruff live?

Scientists can determine the age of these representatives based on the number of growth lines on their scales, and sometimes by counting the levels in the otoliths. Females of this species live up to 11 years, while males live no more than 7 years. They become sexually mature at the age of 2-3 years, when their size is 10-12 centimeters.

What does he eat?

The common ruffe primarily consumes crustaceans, but it also actively preys on insects and larvae. In the spring, this fish will even begin to consume other ruffs. Often this fish consumes the eggs of other fish species, which leads to a decrease in population numbers. The ruffe is not picky about food - both juvenile fish and fry look equally attractive to it. In addition, they feed on benthic organisms living at the bottom of water bodies.


Ruff spawning begins in mid or late April, when the water temperature has risen to 6 degrees Celsius and above. The spawning process occurs in several batches, with each batch containing from ten to two hundred thousand eggs.

For spawning, females prefer deep bodies of water near river mouths or lake areas with higher oxygen concentrations and cooler temperatures. Spawning occurs until mid-June and the fish go there in schools, usually at night. During this period, the fish are quite lively and create a lot of noise.

ruff fish photo

Ruff caviar is sticky to the surface, and its consistency is like that of pudding. It is usually attached to rocks or some kind of aquatic vegetation. The eggs take about two to three weeks to hatch, and once hatched the fry remain close to the same area until late summer.

Natural enemies

Other bottom-dwelling fish such as perch, large roach, burbot, bream, eel and smelt are common competitors of the common ruffe in both Asia and Europe.

Perch is considered the main competitor of the ruffe, since their diet is identical. Eels, salmon, burbot and catfish feed on ruffs. There have also been cases of cannibalism among these fish.

Various species of herons, cormorants and smaller birds actively hunt ruffes and their offspring.

How to catch ruff

Fishing for this fish is an exhilarating experience. If a fisherman knows where to find it, he will be able to catch a large number of fish. Knowing the ideal place to find ruffe is essential for successful fishing.

Fishing for ruffe is practiced all year round, but the most successful fishing is usually observed in the autumn, when these fish form large groups around certain depressions on the bottom. With some experience, one piece of bait is enough to hook several ruffs. If after ten to fifteen minutes there is no bite, then most likely there are no fish in this place, and it’s time to move on.

ruff fish

The most effective way to catch ruffe is with a fishing rod set so that the bait is close to the seabed. The preferred bait is to use earthworms that have been slightly flattened, but these fish will also take other baits. This type of fishing is relatively easy for beginners, and experienced anglers are sometimes not interested in catching these “ordinary” fish because they are looking for a more valuable catch.

The best time to catch ruffe is spring, autumn and early winter, because during this period he is especially hungry and will take any bait.

In summer, fish are caught in the morning and evening, and night fishing can be done without bait.For winter fishing, it is suggested to switch to mosquito larvae as bait. As you know, the ruff is very gluttonous.

When removing the hook, you must be careful not to prick yourself, since when it senses danger, the fish puts out spines that can cause an unpleasant wound.

Gastronomic value

Ruff is considered a low-calorie food product, high in easily digestible protein and nutrients beneficial to the body, such as vitamins A, E, PP, amino acids, molybdenum, phosphorus, chromium and fluorine. One hundred grams of product contains 88 calories.

ruff fish photo

Ruff fillet is a fairly nutritious product, rich in proteins and some important nutrients. Here are some characteristics of the gastronomic value of 100 grams of ruffed fish fillet (average values):

  1. Proteins: 19 g.
  2. Fat: 3 g.
  3. Carbohydrates: 0 g.
  4. Calories: 90 kcal.
  5. Cholesterol: 63 mg.
  6. Omega-3 fatty acids: 0.3 g.
  7. Vitamin B12: 2.5 mcg.
  8. Vitamin D: 8.5 mcg.
  9. Iron: 0.5 mg.
  10. Phosphorus: 190 mg.

Protein is the main nutritional component of ruffed fillets, and they are also rich in vitamins B12 and D, which are important for healthy bones and the nervous system. Omega-3 fatty acids in ruff are also beneficial for heart and vascular health.

The taste of the fish is pleasant and somewhat cloying. Cooking methods include frying, baking, stewing and boiling. Ruff-based fish soup is known to be an amazing dish.

Gutting the fish and then covering it with a layer of coarse salt on top of the carcass is a common method of salting. Subsequent rows of fish are laid out in an identical manner. After 3-5 days, the carcasses are removed and soaked in water for several hours to remove excess salt. After this, the fish should be dried in the shade for 5-7 days.

fish ruff dacha

Breeding recommendations

This fish is not farmed commercially. However, some hobbyists may want to create a pond on their property in which they can keep ruffes.

Tap water is suitable for breeding ruffs, but it must be purified and prepared. Special products are purchased to turn unusable water into something suitable for your backyard pond.

It is not allowed to bring fish into the pond immediately after filling it with water. The first step is to install the plants and wait until a suitable microclimate and sediment layer has formed, which will take up to one month. After this, the water must be carefully drained without destroying the sediment and replaced with clean water. Once some time has passed, then it’s time to put the fish there.

Plants not only fill the pond with oxygen, but also provide it with essential nutrients. They are also often a source of food for fish in the pond.

The pond will be beautified and its fish ecosystem enhanced with water lilies, water hyacinths, water mint and other plants. To prevent the area from becoming overgrown with vegetation too quickly, special bags filled with gravel are used for planting.

ruff fish

Control of the quality, composition, hardness and acidity of water is extremely necessary when breeding fish in the country. These characteristics are modified by additives available in stores. It is also recommended to install an aerator, especially during the winter months, to prevent high mortality rates due to lack of oxygen, as seen in the natural habitat. In addition, it is important to provide the ruffes with specialized food.

Types of ruffs

Ruff fish is tasty and attractive, and various types are available:

  1. The Donskoy is a fish that has a distinct wedge-shaped head with an elongated snout, the underside is white, while the back is usually light yellow. One specimen weighs up to 200 grams and reaches 18-20 centimeters in length. Unfortunately, this species is endangered and is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.
  2. Baloni - reaches a length of 17-18 centimeters and a weight of 40-50 grams, while its life expectancy is up to 6 years. It has a tall body with a hump, a short flattened snout, two spines on each gill cover, and a brindle gray-yellow color.
  3. Striped. The sides are olive-yellow with 3-4 spots or stripes. It has an elongated snout, a retractable mouth and large eyes. This fish reaches a length of 30 centimeters and weighs up to 250 grams.
  4. The Black Sea ruffe has only one thing in common with the common species - sharp spines. This is a carnivorous sea creature, with a huge mouth and a long lower jaw.

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