Description and varieties of herring - where the fish is found, its spawning and use

Herring is a valuable commercial fish that belongs to the Herring family and the Herring order. These individuals differ in size and visual characteristics. At the same time, many people have a question about where exactly the herring is found. It lives in the Atlantic along the coasts of North America and Europe. This fish is also found in the Pacific Ocean. It is found in the Black and Caspian Seas.

Description of the fish

Herring is a small predatory fish that belongs to the Herring family. This species is of great industrial importance.It is popular among fans of sport fishing.


This fish lives in sea waters. Moreover, during the spawning period, it can enter river mouths. The Herring family is considered very numerous. However, its representatives have a number of common characteristics. These include the following:

  • an elongated body, which is shaped like a willow leaf;
  • large triangular-shaped caudal fin;
  • silver color of scales;
  • medium sized head;
  • large anal fin;
  • mouth directed upward;
  • relatively large eyes.

Like many pelagic fish, herring is characterized by an elongated body, which is characterized by good hydrodynamics. In combination with a large caudal fin, this shape makes it possible to quickly swim long distances and easily catch up with its prey.

All members of the family are distinguished by a long anal fin, which serves as a keel. It helps stabilize the predator’s movement in the water and allows it to quickly change direction of movement. The dorsal fin is small in size. It is located approximately in the central part of the body. There is no adipose fin.

The sides of this individual are distinguished by a silvery color. Depending on the type, the back may have different shades - gray, blue-gray or gray-green. Some varieties have small dark spots on the body, which are located above the lateral line and are located very chaotically. Depending on the variety, herring scales differ in size. The scales are loosely located on the skin and quickly peel off under the pressure of the teeth of large predators.

The herring head is medium in size. There is a large mouth on it, directed upward. It contains many small teeth.This suggests that this species is considered a typical predator that leads a pelagic lifestyle.

Description and varieties of herring

Herring are characterized by large eyes, which are light-sensitive and help to search for single food objects. If a fish hunts in schools, it drives schools of peaceful individuals, focusing more on the lateral line.

The size and weight of herring depend on its type. The largest representative of the family is considered to be the Black Sea herring. Its length reaches 50 centimeters, and its weight is 1 kilogram. The Baltic variety is considered the smallest. The length of its body usually does not exceed 18 centimeters. In this case, the maximum weight is 100 grams.


Most representatives of this family belong to pelagic schooling fish that live in the salty waters of oceans and seas. Herring lives in the North Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. She prefers northern and moderately cold seas. There, the herring feeds on fish fry, small crustaceans and other representatives of the animal world.

Schools of herring are found in estuaries, bays and fjords. In open reservoirs, fish live at relatively shallow depths. It does not fall below 150-200 meters. Some species move to river beds and shallow bays during spawning.


Herring is characterized by its ubiquitous distribution. It is found wherever there is food for it. In Russia, this fish lives in the North Sea, the Volga, and the Caspian Sea. Since the herring is considered a predator, it feeds only on animal organisms. Its diet includes the following individuals:

  • fish fry;
  • arrow worms;
  • mysids;
  • small crustaceans;
  • pelagic amphipods.

Description and varieties of herring photo

Young herring mainly consume phytoplankton. Small individuals form schools, find accumulations of microorganisms and move with their mouths wide open. As a result, water passes through the gills and food enters the stomach.

Features of reproduction

The spawning period of herring is determined by its habitat region and species. If we consider all members of the family, the spawning process continues throughout the year. Moreover, each flock has its own time period during which it produces offspring.

Some species of herring lay eggs near sea shores, while others move en masse into river beds. Marine fish are distinguished by a certain spawning hierarchy. First, eggs are laid by herds, which include older specimens, after which it is the turn of the young.

Before breeding begins, herring form large schools and move to the spawning areas. After maturation, the eggs are deposited on underwater rocks, aquatic plants, submerged snags and rocks. The masonry is covered with an adhesive film. Thanks to this, it is well fixed on underwater objects. Only powerful waves that appear during a storm can carry eggs.

The female lays 20-40 thousand eggs. Moreover, their size and shade differ depending on the variety. Caviar develops well even under conditions of significant temperature fluctuations. This factor has a beneficial effect on the herring population.

The incubation period depends on the water temperature. As a rule, it is 15-45 days. The fry that appear immediately move to depth. At the same time, they try to stay away from adult specimens.

Description and varieties of herring

Its varieties

The herring genus includes 9 species that are of high commercial value.All species are divided into 2 large groups according to their habitats - Atlantic and Pacific.

The first category includes the following varieties:

  1. Herring or Baltic herring is small in size. The length of this fish is 12-18 centimeters, and its weight is 50 grams.
  2. Norwegian - lives in the northern regions of Norway. It is also found in the Barents Sea.
  3. Baltic sprat - large carcasses do not exceed 10 centimeters in length. The fish prefers to lead a schooling lifestyle.
  4. Caspian Hall - also called blackback for its unusual color. The length of this fish reaches 50 centimeters, and its weight reaches 2 kilograms.
  5. Black Sea herring is considered a migratory species that enters the Don during spawning.

The most famous representative of the Pacific group is considered to be the Olyutorskaya. The fish has high fat content and excellent taste.

Fishing for herring

Herring fishing lasts almost the whole year. For commercial catch, a cat or purse seine is used. Nets and pelagic trawls can also be used. On large vessels, the catch is sorted by size, processed and cooled.

Recreational herring fishing is very popular. The optimal time for solo fishing is spring and autumn. At this time, schools are approaching the shore, so you should fish from an embankment or pier. When using a boat, you should give preference to shallow water. In this case, the distance to the bottom should not exceed 2-3 meters. To catch different varieties of herring, use a spinning rod or a fishing rod.

Description and varieties of herring fishing

Application of fish

Commercial herring has excellent taste. That is why it is actively used in cooking. At the same time, it is permissible to cook this fish in different ways - salting, drying, smoking.Herring is also fried and baked.

Salted herring is especially tasty. At the same time, it is permissible to eat not only fish meat, but also its caviar. This product contains many small seeds, but with proper heat treatment, most of them soften.

With regular consumption of herring, you can achieve the following results:

  • improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • normalize hemoglobin content in the blood;
  • strengthen bones and cartilage.

Herring is a valuable fish that has many varieties. These individuals are distributed throughout the world. At the same time, herring is valued due to its properties. It contains many valuable components and brings great benefits to the body.
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