Description and characteristics of carp - where it is found and what it eats, is it a predatory fish?

Carp is an undemanding and strong fish species. It originated in China, but has since spread throughout the waters of the globe thanks to its natural qualities, as well as the efforts of people. Currently, this is one of the most popular fish, both among gourmets and fishing enthusiasts. Let's figure out what makes this unusual fish so popular all over the world.

What kind of fish is this

Carp, which are large freshwater fish, come in many varieties - predators, omnivores and those that feed exclusively on plants. They are easily distinguished from similar species such as crucian carp and grass carp by the short antennae on the upper part of the lip. In addition, all subspecies of carp also have individual distinctive characteristics.

River carp are known for their narrow, elongated bodies and small size; this is due to the need to fight the current to find food. Lakes and ponds are closed bodies of water. Carps in these places are distinguished by their round shape, grow faster and are able to tolerate a lack of oxygen in the water.

Carps are strong and not very demanding creatures that eat almost anything, quickly adapting to any type of water. They do not require any special care. A high level of reproduction and a low number of natural predators allow them to colonize large bodies of water, especially those where fish are bred for commercial purposes. There is no need to constantly count the number of carp, since their eggs and juveniles become prey for adult fish, birds and other animals, which protects against the danger that the carp will become a “monopoly” of the reservoir.

This fish is so undemanding that it does not notice water pollution and its priority is only to search for food, which is why it received the nickname water pig.

Due to bad weather, Japanese rice farmers were often unable to travel to markets to buy food. To make up for the lack of protein-rich food, they ate carp that lived in neighboring ponds, the water from which was used to irrigate rice plantations.

One 70-year-old Japanese man takes care of a carp he inherited, which is already one hundred and five years old.Despite the fact that he is offered a lot of money for it, he categorically refuses to part with his beloved pet.

carp fish


Carp has distinctive features that make it easy to recognize, for example:

  • eyes of a green-golden hue, located high on the head;
  • large size fish with an arched and full body;
  • double nostrils on the muzzle;
  • large scales with a dark border;
  • the sides are golden in color with a slight brownish tint, the underside of the body is light in color, while the back is dark;
  • the dorsal fin of a greenish-gray hue has a concave shape, topped with a spiny ray, and the short anal fin also has one spine;
  • the mouth is wide, elongated in the form of a tube;
  • There are four short antennae on the upper lip.

In addition, the fish has a layer of mucus that covers its body to protect it from predators or adverse environmental factors.


This fish prefers a warm climate, so it is not found in the northern regions. Cyprinidae species such as the common carp live in temperate and southern regions, including the Far Eastern part of Russia and Eurasia.

In the 1970s, silver carp were introduced into lakes and other bodies of water in America and Canada. In Russia, carp is found in water bodies such as the Baltic, Japanese, Caspian and Okhotsk seas.

Carp live in ponds where there is a lot of vegetation on the bottom, which usually consists of soft clay, sand or silt. They prefer warm water and depths of between two and five metres, although larger carp are capable of descending to depths of up to ten metres. This freshwater fish can also be easily found in shallow lakes, flooded quarries, ponds and reservoirs.

Carps are wary creatures, so they prefer to live in places with plenty of cover rather than in open areas with a flat bottom. They like areas overgrown with dense vegetation, secluded crevices, snags and clusters of underwater plants. In winter, these fish gather in groups and look for depressions, where they will remain until spring, burrowing into the substrate.

carp fish photo


Carp is an insatiable and omnivorous creature that lives in bodies of water. Before and after the hibernation period, it consumes mainly food of animal origin. During the summer months he switches to a plant-based diet.

Their diet is very varied, it includes:

  • crustaceans and molluscs;
  • fish and frog caviar;
  • tadpoles and leeches, insects with their larvae;
  • worms;
  • young shoots of aquatic plants.

Large specimens will not hesitate to swallow their relatives or other creatures living in the same pond, such as frogs and crayfish. Large carp will even try to catch birds that come down to the surface of the water.

During periods of food shortage, they consume mucus collected on plants and devour mammal droppings.


To spawn, carp need a warm environment, preferably a temperature of eighteen to twenty degrees Celsius in a water depth of 50-150 cm. The female carp then searches for a shallow area in the reed beds, where she lays up to a million eggs, which hatch within four to seven days. For the first few days after hatching, the fry feed on egg yolk and then switch to consuming zooplankton.

Only upon reaching sexual maturity is it possible to distinguish between males and females of this species. Males reach sexual maturity after two to three years of life, while females take two years longer. The main difference between them is the size of the carp.

Females are usually six to seven centimeters longer than males. To reproduce, males must be at least thirty centimeters in length, and females must be thirty-seven centimeters or more. In addition, males have whitish warts on the cheeks, occiput (back of the head), front fins and gill covers.

In some species, males and females have other differences in physical characteristics. The anus of the female is enlarged, oval in shape and reddish in color. In addition, the female's genital opening resembles a triangular fold.

Female carp become aggressive during spawning, and males then guard the eggs they lay, showing increased levels of aggression.

carp fish


Carp tend to swim in groups. Only the largest fish tend to stay alone, preferring deep places, but still have other carp nearby. They don't like to sail away from familiar territory; when they move, they often swim in schools, including fish of different sizes and ages.

Carp are generally calm creatures that do not hunt for prey, but will sometimes fight if they feel their territory is being encroached upon. Raptor carps, on the other hand, are considered active hunters that consume their prey and then rest to digest their food.

Green frogs usually feast on the eggs and juveniles of large carp, and crayfish and other fish also consider it a delicacy. Eggs laid by carp near the shore are often destroyed by birds and other creatures.

The fry are also in danger from adult fish of their own species, which will eat them without any remorse. They are also eaten by other predators - pike or catfish.In addition, people pose a threat to carp due to fishing activities, which can lead to their destruction.

In the beginning, how carp grow depends on nutrition. Fry, which are constantly given food, reach a weight of 500 grams by six months of age. The carp, which are fed special food, weigh eight to ten kilograms and are half a meter long after seven years. At the same time, carp in natural ponds, without an enriched diet, take twice as long to reach this size; they grow to optimal size only at fourteen to sixteen years.

The second requirement for optimal growth is the size of the pond; fish will not grow large in a small, poorly maintained pond. They also need access to open water, such as a lake or river, where there is not excessive crowding. In such places it is easy to find specimens up to 1.5 m and weighing more than twenty-five kilograms.

The lifespan of these fish is determined by their habitat. Human-raised carp reach a suitable size for sale in two to three years, after which they are supplied for sale. On the other hand, wild carp living in a natural body of water can live up to three decades or even more; this is influenced by factors such as water temperature and the amount of food they consume.

Anglers usually catch carp that are between two and seven years old and weigh between one and six kilograms. It’s rare to come across old-timers who are forty-five years old. Ornamental species can live for more than a century.

Origin story

There are two conflicting theories about how carp came to be.

  1. The first says that the carp was bred by Chinese breeders from domesticated carp, which is allegedly confirmed by the translation of its name as “domesticated carp.” And subsequently it spread through river channels and through human transportation to Europe and America. However, this version is recognized by most scientists as erroneous.
  2. Fans of the second theory argue that wild carp originally lived in rivers and lakes, while those individuals that lived in lakes were artificially distributed. Over the past hundred and fifty years, new breeds of this type of carp have been artificially bred to improve species diversity.

 carp fish in water


The family of these fish covers more than a third of thousands of species, including domesticated ones. However, only about ten to fifteen species are well known.

naked carp

This species is a type of mirror carp, also known as naked carp because it has no scales at all. However, there are several scales, large in size, that are visible on its back and near the caudal fin. This vulnerable fish is only suitable for artificial ponds due to its weak immunity; She often gets sick and becomes infected with parasites.

Siamese carp

This species, usually called giant because of its weight of forty to one hundred and fifty kilograms, is considered the most numerous. It is a non-predatory omnivore that feeds on plants, algae, fruits, grains and phytoplankton from local water sources. Representatives of this mustachioed species look impressive - they can reach three meters in length. Its scales are large and hard; The color of the body is determined by the environment in which it lives.


These creatures are hybrids, so they do not reproduce.There are similarities with crucian carp in terms of head and color, but the body is more like a river carp. They do not have whiskers and are omnivorous carnivores; known for their rapid growth (two kilograms in a couple of years) and delicious meat.

Mirror carp

This species has a large build, with tough scales that are larger than those of the normal species. These scales resemble small round mirrors, which are located only on the upper part of its body. It prefers to live in muddy, warm water, like other species.

Koi carp

This variety was developed in the second century by crossing wild carp and local crucian carp. They come in white, red, pink and spotted colors and grow up to one meter in length when kept in ponds. In some regions they are eaten. In the Land of the Rising Sun, koi have become an important part of the culture; they are used to decorate ponds and also have their place in art, symbolism and tradition.

About carp fishing

Fishing for this non-marine fish will be successful when the day is hot, windless and cloudy with a light south-southwest or south-southeast breeze. In addition, barometric pressure should be low. The best chances of catching big fish are at dawn and dusk. It is better to fish in muddy water than in clear water.

carp fish

Fish that have completed the spawning process are easier to catch as they are very hungry and not as alert.

The nutritional value

River carp fish contains important nutrients such as proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Here are some of the main nutrients that are found in 100 grams of cooked carp fillets:

  1. Proteins: 19 g.
  2. Fat: 6 g.
  3. Carbohydrates: 0 g.
  4. Calories: 120 kcal.

However, it should be noted that frying a dish more than doubles its calorie content. Therefore, those who are trying to lose weight or prevent weight gain are advised to consume carp that has been boiled, as well as stewed or baked.

Carp is also an excellent source of some important vitamins and minerals, including:

  1. Vitamin B12: 1.6 mcg.
  2. Vitamin B6: 0.4 mg.
  3. Vitamin D: 0.6 mcg.
  4. Vitamin E: 0.5 mg.
  5. Phosphorus: 220 mg.
  6. Potassium: 310 mg.
  7. Magnesium: 30 mg.
  8. Iron: 0.7 mg.

Fish also contains small amounts of calcium, sodium and zinc. The proteins found in carp contain all the essential amino acids, making it a healthy source of protein for those who do not eat meat. In addition, Omega-3 fatty acids, which are also present in carp, help lower blood cholesterol and improve heart and vascular health.

Carp feed on algae, plants and shellfish and do not consume carrion. Thus, their meat is always uncontaminated and nutritious, and its consumption will not bring any negative consequences.

carp fish

It has long been noted that regular consumption of fish improves bone health, mental activity, and also protects the heart and blood vessels. It is also believed to boost immunity, provide energy and vitality, and slow down the aging process.

Farmed carp fillets are not always healthy due to several factors.

  1. Firstly, it is recommended to cook the fish thoroughly, as it sometimes contains parasites.
  2. Meat may contain unhealthy fats and too much cholesterol, which is dangerous for humans.
  3. Since antibiotics are used in fish farming, these chemicals can weaken the human immune system.
  4. And finally, small carp bones, if consumed carelessly, can cause injury to the throat or esophagus.

People prone to allergies may experience an allergic reaction if they consume carp meat.

Cultivated carp are fed a nutritious diet that consists of fibre, protein and fat. However, the addition of chemicals used to promote growth, antibiotics, flavors and dyes can ruin the taste of captive-bred fish. On the contrary, wild species are distinguished by healthy meat with a pleasant aroma, which is also tender and juicy.
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