Description and characteristics of the Venus currant variety, cultivation and care

Currant Venus is a frost-resistant and drought-resistant berry variety, unpretentious in care, and takes root well in any soil. Undemanding to watering and fertilizing. It has a high yield and produces large, juicy, sweet, black fruits.

History of selection and region of growth

The Venus variety was included in the State Register of the Ural Territory in 2004. He was bred by breeder V.S. Ilyin. Work on black currants was carried out at the Research Institute of the South Ural Territory of Fruit and Potato Growing. Venus was bred after crossing the Bradport and Seyanets Golubki varieties.

Advantages and disadvantages of Venus

The Venus variety has its positive and negative sides. Positive features include:

  • transportability of fruits;
  • pleasant taste of berries;
  • winter hardiness;
  • drought resistance;
  • strong immunity;
  • ease of care;
  • high productivity;
  • precocity;
  • large berries.

Disadvantages include:

  • lack of resistance to septoria;
  • Possibility of infection by kidney mites.

currant fruits

Description and characteristics of Venus

Mid-season variety, plant of medium height, spreading branches, average growth density. The branches are medium in thickness, light green in color with a white coating, curved, grow upward, do not bend. The leaves are five-pinnate, medium-sized, green, with a waxy shiny coating. The leaf teeth are pointed, wavy, attached by dense cuttings.

Flowering occurs in early spring. Small pale pink, matte flowers are formed on the branches. One flower consists of 5-6 petals; the inflorescence includes 7-11 flowers, which are attached by a peduncle 4-7 cm long. After flowering ends, fruit sets.

The berries are large, the size of one reaches 6 grams. The pulp is sweet, juicy, the skin is thin, sweet, and black. The shape of the fruit is round.

Frost resistant variety

Venus currants are suitable for growing in regions with frequent frosts. Tolerates low temperatures well. Tolerates temperatures below -35 °C. However, it is recommended to insulate young seedlings for the winter.

black berries

Important! The plant tolerates drought and low humidity well.

Resistance to diseases and frosts

The variety is resistant to powdery mildew and anthracnose. Susceptible to attack by kidney mites and septoria. Winter-hardy currants take root well in cold regions of the country. Tolerates low temperatures below – 35 °C. To prevent the development of diseases, it is necessary to spray before the buds begin to set, in early spring.

All about flowering and fruiting

Currant blossoms begin in early spring. Buds are set in 7-11 pieces on one ovary. It blooms with pale pink flowers, matte, with slight pubescence. Flowering lasts about 2 weeks. Then the ovaries form and large black berries grow. Fruit sizes vary from 2.5 to 6 grams. They are round, black, taste sweet, with a slight sourness. The skin is thin and loose. The fruits are tightly attached to the shoots and do not fall off.

Application and beneficial properties of berries

The berries are used for fresh consumption and also for processing. They are used to make jam, compotes, jams, and homemade wine. Used for making homemade baked goods. The variety is grown for sale in markets, as the fruits are stored for a long time and can easily be transported.

picking berries

The berries have excellent taste. The fruits are rich in vitamin C; 100 grams of berries contain 95 mg of the vitamin. Currants have an individual sweet, dessert taste.

How to plant currants on the site

In order to plant Venus currants on your own plot, it is necessary to take into account the timing of planting, choose the right place, and prepare the seedling.

Timing of planting work

Seedlings are transferred to the soil in spring or autumn. The soil begins to be prepared in August. In the selected area, they dig up the ground, remove weeds and stones. Then manure, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added. They are left to interact for several days, then holes are dug for planting.

branch with fruits

Important! When planted in autumn, the survival rate of the bush is higher.

Selecting a location and preparing a seedling

Venus is not very picky when choosing a location. However, waterlogged soils and soils with stagnant water are not suitable for it. Since the plant is drought-resistant, the bush prefers dry, airy soils. Currants can be planted in semi-shaded areas. Suitable for growing next to other trees and shrubs. Daylight hours for a shrub should last 5-6 hours a day for good growth and development.

Technological process of planting a plant

Shrubs are planted at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other. After preliminary preparation of the site for the shrubs, planting is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • Dig a hole 50 cm deep and 60 cm in diameter.
  • The excavated soil is mixed with peat (2 buckets), humus (1 bucket), superphosphate (15 grams), potassium sulfate (30 grams).
  • Part of the mixture is placed in a hole and filled with 2 buckets of warm water.
  • Leave for 2-3 days.
  • The roots of the seedling are carefully straightened, each shoot is cut off by 5-6 cm, and damaged ones are removed.
  • Placed in a hole.
  • The soil is sprinkled in layers. Each layer is moistened and compacted by hand to prevent the formation of cavities with air near the roots.
  • The top is mulched with a layer of peat, straw, and compost around the bush.


Nuances of caring for the variety

For successful cultivation and obtaining a rich harvest, it is necessary to carry out regular watering, fertilizing, loosening and mulching, and form the crown when pruning. Carry out preventive treatments against diseases and pests. Young seedlings are covered for the winter.

Regularity of watering

Currants are drought-resistant, but love abundant watering. It is carried out 3-4 times per season. Water with 2 buckets of water at a time. In dry weather, irrigation is increased up to 5-6 times per season. On average, 1 watering is carried out every 2-3 weeks.

What and how to feed bushes

The first fertilizing is carried out in the spring during the flowering period, organic fertilizers are applied. Second - after harvesting, phosphate and sulfate mineral fertilizers are added along with organic matter. Chemical compounds are sold in stores. They are used according to the instructions on the package.

Loosening and mulching beds

Loosening the soil around the root area is carried out after each rain and watering. This provides additional aeration to the roots and feeds them with oxygen.

loosening the soil

Mulching helps retain moisture at the roots of currants, prevents the development of rot and infection of currants with infections. Mulching is carried out using peat, straw, compost, and pebbles. The selected material is evenly distributed around the bush. The material is compacted tightly by hand to prevent erosion during rain and watering.

Formative pruning

After planting in the ground, the central shoot is removed. At the end of the season, thinning is carried out, damaged and dry branches are removed. If the branches have grown densely, then cut off every third. To prevent infection, the cut areas are covered with garden pitch.

Every 2-4 years, cut off all the shoots, leaving 2 main ones for the formation of young branches. The younger the shoot, the larger the fruit it produces.

Preventative treatments

The treatment is carried out in spring, in warm, dry weather, when the temperature outside is not lower than 18 °C. The drug “Fitoverm”, tobacco-ash water, and treatment with a soap solution help against harmful insects that feed on currant leaves. To prevent butterfly caterpillars from appearing on the leaves, elderberry branches are dug in next to the bush. Elderberry repels butterflies with its scent.

currant processing

Shelter for the winter

Winter hardiness of currants appears in the 3-4th year of the growing season. It is recommended to cover young seedlings completely with a special cloth. For the winter, mature shrubs are insulated with moss or straw and mulched.

Important! The fabric for insulation should not be of a synthetic composition.

How to propagate currant bushes

Currant propagation is carried out by three methods: cuttings, layering, and dividing the bush.

By cuttings

For propagation by cuttings, lignified annual shoots are used. Material preparation is carried out in early spring or autumn. It is important that the shoots are collected from healthy bushes. The cuttings must be at least 6 mm in diameter and about 15 cm in length.

currant cuttings

Before planting, the beds are prepared, they are well moistened and fertilizers are added. When planted in spring, buds begin to form by early summer. On the 7-10th day, the cuttings are covered with film to speed up rooting. When planted in autumn, by spring the buds awaken and leaves form. When planting for the winter, fresh bushes are covered until spring.

By layering

Layerings are made from the mother bush by shoots at the age of 1-3 years. A branch attached to a bush is buried nearby.Along with it, a wooden stake is dug in along with the cuttings. Reproduction by this method is carried out in spring and autumn. After rooting, the daughter bush is transplanted from the mother bush.

Dividing the bush

After harvesting, a hole is dug next to the currant bush until the roots appear. Part of the roots with 4-5 woody shoots is separated from the mother bush and transplanted to another place, observing all the rules.

Reviews from experienced gardeners about the variety

Igor, 35 years old, Chekhov: “I bought Venus currants at the gardening market 3 years ago. I would like to note the unpretentiousness of the bush. It took root well and pleased me with its berries in the first year. Planting was done in the spring. At the end of the season, I propagated by cuttings, almost all the cuttings took root. The berries are very large and sweet, the pulp is soft and sweet, and so is the skin. The fruits are well stored. Every year we make jam and compotes from them.”

Tatiana, 43 years old, Ufa: “The neighbors in the area shared a cutting of the Venus currant with me. Reproduction was carried out by dividing the bush. I planted currants in the fall. In the spring the first shoots appeared. In the summer they harvested. Before the formation of buds, all the necessary treatments were carried out; no diseases or harmful insects were noticed. Very tasty black fruits. What struck me most was their size. Children really love currants with sugar, I heard that this variety is rich in vitamin C.”

Angelina, 54 years old, Moscow: “I have long wanted to plant currants on my plot. For a long time I couldn’t decide on the variety. I chose the Venus variety. I bought 3 seedlings at the market. They all settled in well. I chose the landing site next to the fence. The soil on the site is quite dry, but this did not affect the quality and quantity of fruits.All the berries are large and store well, since it was not possible to process them right away. They grow in clusters on the branches and do not fall off. Our whole family enjoys this berry.”
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