Description and characteristics of Yadrenaya currant variety, planting, cultivation and care

Blackcurrant is a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals. People often call it the “northern lemon” for its high vitamin C content. Therefore, gardeners strive to plant bushes on the site. But berries are also divided into many types. Thus, the largest fruits are observed in Yadrenaya currant. But the variety requires careful care, and it is important to familiarize yourself with its full characteristics in advance.

History of variety selection

Currant Yadrenaya was bred relatively recently by Altai breeders, more specifically by workers at the Siberian Research Institute of Horticulture named after M.A. Lisavenko. The main role of the excretion process was assigned to L.N. Zabelina, she is also the originator of the variety.

Vigorous is created on the basis of other popular varieties: Dikovinka, Lyubimitsa Altai, Bredtorp. This currant was included in the state register in 2000 and is recommended for cultivation in the northwestern regions of Russia.

Description and characteristics of the culture Yadrenaya 1 and Yadrenaya 2

Visually, until the berries develop, Yadrenaya and Yadrenaya 2 currants are almost indistinguishable. However, the fruits of the second grade are larger and are recognized as the largest in Russia. The weight of Yadrenaya berries reaches 10 grams, they are fleshy, with dense black skin. But due to their large size and pressure on them, the berries do not tolerate transportation well.

Yield indicators are at a high level and amount to 5.5-6 kilograms of berries. Vigorous has a rich currant aroma, sweet and sour taste and gives a refreshing effect. The berries completely cover all the stems and easily move away from the stalks, which makes harvesting easier.

characteristic of culture

Bush and root system

The currant root system is fragmented and fibrous. The average length of the roots reaches 50-60 centimeters, this should be taken into account when creating a hole for planting. The main advantage of the roots and basal part of the trunk is that the plant can easily recover from mechanical damage.

The bush is compact, reaches one and a half meters in height and has medium spreading branches. Thanks to upright growing stems (greenish with a slight pink tint), more space is saved. The leaves are a rich green color and decorated with a pattern of pink depressed veins.

black fruits

All about flowering and fruiting

During flowering, currants also serve as a magical decorative addition to the garden. The flowers of the plant are medium in size, with delicate creamy pink notes.

Important! The variety is considered self-fertile and does not require additional pollination.

Yadrenaya currant ripens late. Depending on the region, the appearance of ripe berries dates back to July-August. The fruiting period is short, so it is important to harvest on time.

after flowering

Susceptibility to diseases and insects

This hybrid is resistant to many diseases and pests characteristic of currants:

  • to powdery mildew;
  • grouse;
  • kidney mite.

Aphids and anthracnose are of particular danger to Yadrenaya. But, as you know, a disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, starting from the flowering period, it is recommended to regularly carry out preventive examinations of the bush, and if the first signs of trouble appear, remove the affected parts and treat them with preparations purchased at a gardening store.

full palm

Resistance to frost and drought

Currant Yadrenaya was bred for distribution in the northern regions, so it tolerates frost well. The maximum lower limit is minus 30 degrees, however, with proper mulching, it is possible even lower. The plant is also unpretentious to drought, but does not tolerate stagnation of moisture at the roots.

hanging on the trunk

Pros and cons of currants

The main advantages of the variety:

  • increased size of berries and their fleshiness;
  • high yield coefficient;
  • high levels of winter hardiness and immunity to drought;
  • the harvest appears already in the first year of planting;
  • resistance to most common diseases and pests.

Among the shortcomings noted:

  • the berries are predominantly sour in taste;
  • requires careful care;
  • poor tolerance to wet conditions.

huge bush

How to plant and grow Yadrenaya on the site

To grow healthy and productive Vigorous currants, you will need to comply with the basic conditions of agricultural technology and care. Important aspects of the process are: choosing a suitable seedling, watering and pruning.

Choosing a healthy seedling

To select a healthy, strong seedling, it is recommended to be guided by the following principles:

  • there is no damage, traces of mold or rot on the root system of the plant;
  • the trunk is young, green, with a slight woodiness that can be easily removed with a fingernail;
  • The rod is smooth, without scratches or visible damage.

planting from a pot

Choosing the optimal location

Vigorous currant does not tolerate root moisture, this provokes rot and infection, so it is recommended to choose the right planting site. It is better to give preference to small hills and hills. It is also not recommended to plant the bush in a well-ventilated area. The wind will quickly cause the berries to crumble under their own weight.

Additionally, it is necessary to provide the hybrid with a sufficient amount of sunlight, so it is not recommended to plant plants near taller bushes and trees.

Soil preparation

It is advisable to fertilize the soil for future planting with humus or manure several months before the procedure. Then, 10 days before planting the seedling, it is recommended to take care of creating a suitable hole. The hole is dug approximately 50x80 in size and 20 centimeters in depth.

Important! It is necessary to create a small drainage and fill the hole with 2-3 buckets of water to allow the earth to settle.

soil preparation

Timing and technology of planting bushes

You can plant Yadrenaya currants both in spring and autumn (in the first half of October). The main thing is that the soil temperature is at least 10 degrees. If you plan to plant several bushes on a site, it is important to follow the planting pattern. The average distance between plants should be at least two meters. It is not recommended to plant currants next to trees and tall bushes.

Features of caring for Yadrenaya

Vigorous, to obtain good harvests, it requires careful care. The average lifespan of the main bouquet of trunks is from three to four years. To extend the service life of currants, it is recommended to properly prune the bush from the second year.

Watering and loosening

It is recommended to water currants immediately after planting every 3-4 days, 2 buckets per bush. However, this regime lasts only 2 months. Further, everything depends on weather conditions, humidity and the absorption of liquid by an individual bush.

cultivate the land

Important! The bush tolerates drought better than the accumulation of water at the roots. Gardeners also recommend regularly loosening and weeding the bush. The soil under the plant must be kept soft and loose, this helps to better absorb water and useful elements.


Starting from the second year, Yadrenaya currants must be pruned. It is recommended to perform the procedure in the spring, before the buds appear. The bush must be formed from 3-5 strong branches, in which the upper part is cut off into 3 buds. The remaining young shoots need to be removed. In the 4th year, the number of shoots left can be increased to 6, and cut back to 3-4 buds.In the fall, it is necessary to perform sanitary pruning of currants, removing old, damaged or dry branches.

pruning branches

Top dressing

Once a year, currants need to be fertilized using mixtures based on animal manure and humus. On average, one bush will need from half to a whole bucket of fertilizing. It is recommended to add useful elements in the spring, before the buds begin to swell.

Preparing for winter

Vigorous currant is a frost-resistant variety and does not require special insulation. However, it is recommended to mulch young shoots and cover them with covering material. This will allow them to successfully survive the winter.

Without exception, all bushes need to be wrapped with rope, moving in a spiral, but not squeezing the branches too much. The procedure will protect the plants from the onslaught of winds.

caring for shrubs

Prevention from diseases and pests

For prevention purposes, you need to perform a number of simple actions:

  1. Before flowering, it is recommended to treat currants with a solution of Bordeaux mixture, Karbofos or preparations from the Iskra series.
  2. Also suitable for processing are a mixture of ash and ordinary laundry soap, an infusion of yarrow or dandelion with the addition of garlic.
  3. In addition to preventive spraying, it is necessary to comply with care conditions, promptly weed the soil and get rid of diseased branches.

How to propagate a culture

You can propagate Vigorous currant in three main ways. It is impossible to single out the most convenient method or the one that produces strong shoots. Each method is good.

By layering

One of the popular methods of propagating a bush is by layering. To do this, you need to bend the branch and press it to the ground with iron staples. Sprinkle soil on top, water and fertilize like a young seedling. As soon as the shoot takes root, the branch can be replanted.

propagate currants


The cuttings can be planted immediately in fertilized soil or placed in water until 5-centimeter roots appear and planted later.

Important! When processing cuttings, it is recommended to make cuts at an angle, so they grow faster.

Dividing the bush

You can also separate one of the shoots in the fall, along with part of the root system. It is recommended to trim the top and insulate the roots with straw or dry leaves. You should know that incorrect division of the bush will lead to the death of both an individual shoot and a common bunch of stems.
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