Many herbicides have been developed for use in agriculture and are used to treat grain crops. Let's consider the capabilities of "Alistair Grand" - a 4-component drug that is used against 1-year-old and perennial weeds on cereal crops. What advantages does it have, how to use it in accordance with the instructions, compatibility with other pesticides and analogues of the product.
Composition and dosage form of the product
"Alistair Grand" is produced by Bayer in the form of an oil dispersion.Contains 4 active components - diflufenican (180 g per 1 l), iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium (4.5 g per 1 l), mesosulfone-methyl (6 g per 1 l), mefenpyr-diethyl (27 g per 1 l ). According to the method of penetration, it is classified as systemic and contact herbicides; according to the nature of action, it is classified as a selective pesticide. It goes on sale in 5 liter canisters.
Area and principle of herbicide application
“Alistair Grand” is intended for treating winter wheat, rye and triticale against 2-lobed weeds and perennials belonging to the cereal family. The protective effect continues throughout the entire growing season.
3 substances act on important processes inside weeds, causing their death; diflufenican destroys the seedlings of a new wave of weeds, discoloring them. Mefenpir-diethyl does not have a herbicidal effect, but protects the crop from the toxic effects of the drug.
Advantages of the drug
Weed species die completely after 2-4 weeks.
Instructions for use "Alistair Granda"
It is not advisable to spray cereals weakened by adverse weather factors or diseases. After using the drug during reseeding, you can sow corn and any grains in this area with the exception of oats. You can plant potatoes.
Security measures
"Alistair Grand" is classified as a herbicide with class 3 hazard for people and insects. Aerial treatment is allowed, but cannot be used in water bodies.
When working with the solution and spraying, wear protective clothing, put on rubber gloves on your hands, take goggles and a respirator. Do not remove protective equipment during operation. After finishing spraying, wash your face with soap and water, rinse off any splashes that get on your body. In case of poisoning, drink plenty of water and take activated carbon tablets.
Compatibility with other substances
The herbicide can be combined with pesticides, except for fungicides that contain tebuconazole. Do not mix with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.
It is recommended to check compatibility with microfertilizers, as well as with any product in general, if there is no information about their compatibility with the drug.
How to properly store the product
The product can retain its properties for 2 years from the date of production. Storage conditions: at a temperature of 0-30 °C, dry and darkened room. The herbicide must be in its original packaging, with the lid tightly closed. After the shelf life has expired, the product must be disposed of. Store the diluted solution for no more than 1 day, after which it loses its effectiveness.
Analogues of the drug
Analogues of the herbicide can be considered the following products: for diflufenican - “Bakara Forte”, “Morion”, “Nerta”, for iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium - “Verdict”, “Meister Power”, “Puma Gold”, “Pruner Turbo”, for mesosulfuron -methyl – “Verdict”. If necessary, these drugs can replace the main herbicide.
"Alistair Grand" is a multicomponent herbicide effective against many types of weeds in winter rye, wheat and triticale crops. Spraying is carried out in the fall; to obtain the effect, only 1 treatment is carried out. The drug destroys not only vegetative weeds, but also prevents the formation of new shoots, thus controlling the weediness of cultivated crops. It is effective on the first day after treatment, is used sparingly, and is not washed off with water. Non-addictive, non-phytotoxic in reasonable doses.