Black pine Nana is a very attractive plant that has a number of characteristic features. A distinctive feature of this culture is its fluffy, high-density crown. It makes it possible to plant a bush alone or combine it with other ornamental plants. The culture is considered very unpretentious and does not require complex care. However, to maintain its attractiveness, you still need to follow some rules.
Description of the variety
Black pine Nana is a relatively small crop, the maximum height of which is 3 meters and the width is 4.The plant is characterized by a strong and long root system, which is capable of holding it on mountain slopes.
The plant is characterized by slow development. Over the course of a year, it increases by a maximum of 5 centimeters. The crop has a straight, dark gray trunk covered with furrows. The crown can be spherical or cone-shaped. The tree is decorated with bright green long needles that reach 10 centimeters. As the tree develops, the needles become darker – almost black. In combination with them, yellow-brown, egg-shaped cones look impressive.
Features of the tree
The main characteristics of wood include the following:
- high resistance to frost - the plant can tolerate temperature drops down to -30 degrees;
- the need for cultivation in well-moistened, loose and drained soil;
- drought resistance - the crop still requires periodic watering;
- high resistance to fungi;
- the need for cultivation in well-lit areas - this helps the plant to fully demonstrate its decorative properties;
- high life expectancy – reaches 100 years.
How to plant a pine tree
In order for the plant to fully develop, it is important to carry out planting work correctly. To do this, you need to read the description of the culture. First of all, it is important to choose the right seedling. A healthy plant has a straight and even trunk without signs of damage or suspicious spots. The needles should be soft and have a rich light shade. It is best to buy a tree that is 2-5 years old.
Planting work can be carried out in spring and autumn. The size of the planting hole should be comparable to the volume of the root system.A drainage layer must be placed at the bottom of the hole. For this you can use pebbles, gravel, crushed brick.
To plant a pine tree, it is recommended to do the following:
- Mix half of the soil removed from the hole in equal parts with sand and lime.
- Apply fertilizer. Pine needles or rotted compost are perfect for this.
- Place a fertile layer on the drainage and form a hill.
- Remove the seedling from the pot and place it on the mound.
- Cover with soil, leaving the root collar above the soil surface.
- Water the soil and cover the tree trunk circle with natural material. To do this, it is permissible to use pine needles, sawdust or straw.
Features of care
Young Nana pines are considered especially demanding of care. Immediately after planting, the tree should have enough moisture and useful elements. It needs to be protected from pathologies and pests.
It is recommended to water the Nana pine up to 4 times during the season. If there is no precipitation, the procedure should be carried out more often. It is advisable to irrigate the soil in the evenings, when solar activity decreases and moisture evaporates less intensely. It is recommended to use 30 liters of water at room temperature for a young tree. Adult plants require 40-50 liters.
After watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil around the crop, which will ensure a flow of oxygen to the roots. If there are weeds, the tree trunk circle should be weeded. Then it is recommended to cover it with a mulch layer 5-8 centimeters thick to retain moisture in the soil.
In order for the plant to develop better, it needs to be fed. To do this, you should use humus, mineral fertilizers or compost. It is recommended to add nutrients 2 times a year.
Crown formation is not required for this variety.In this case, sanitary pruning must be carried out. During this procedure, it is recommended to remove broken and frozen branches, as well as shorten shoots that stray from the general contour. As the culture develops, you should get rid of the lower knots.
If you want to get a thick and dense crown, you can pinch the ends of the branches a little. Then it is important to ensure that fallen needles do not accumulate on healthy needles, as this often causes the development of fungal pathologies.
Nana black pine is an attractive crop that fits well in a variety of arrangements. In order for the plant to develop normally, it is important to adhere to a number of rules and recommendations. The ephedra needs to be watered, fed, and pruned in a timely manner.