Is it possible to plant beets at the end of June or July in open ground?

Beetroot is widely used in the daily diet of the average Russian. This vegetable crop is propagated by seeds and seedlings; there are no particular difficulties during cultivation. A good harvest of root crops can be grown in any climatic zone of the Russian Federation with the exception of the Far North.

Is it possible to plant beets in July?

If a summer resident has a question about whether it is possible to plant table varieties of beets in July, it means that he did not have time to plant this crop in the spring. If in the fall you want to have small root vegetables with juicy tops, then you can sow the vegetable in early July.

In the southern regions, where autumn is long and warm, beet seeds can be planted in open ground in both June and July. There will be enough heat, but you will need to spend time on regular watering, since in July in the south the weather is hot and the soil dries out quickly.

Features of vegetable crops

Table varieties are very useful. Dishes made from this root vegetable have medicinal and dietary properties. The pharmacological properties of the vegetable are determined by its chemical composition:

  • proteins;
  • fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose);
  • mineral salts (magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine, manganese, phosphorus);
  • carotenoids;
  • pectins;
  • amino acids.

beet care

Useful substances (carotene, ascorbic acid) are contained not only in the pulp of the root crop, but also in the tops. Table varieties are used in folk and traditional medicine as a means to improve metabolism, prevent atherosclerosis, treat colds, skin diseases and intestinal problems.

In the southern regions, you can plant the root crop in July in place of the early potatoes planted in the spring. Rich borscht cannot be cooked without a juicy root vegetable, so it is in the southern regions that late sowing of table varieties of beetroot is practiced.

Autumn in the south is warm, so when sowing beetroot late, it is possible to grow full-fledged root crops suitable for winter storage. At the same time, the land is used intensively, since other plants are grown on it in early spring.

What are the benefits of late sowing of beets in summer?

In summer, beetroot is planted no later than mid-July.Early ripening table varieties are suitable for late summer sowings in June (July):

sowing beets

  • Red ball.
  • Cold resistant 19.
  • Egyptian flat.

These varieties are not stored for a long time, but they are ideal for autumn consumption. In addition to root vegetables, many vitamins and important microelements are present in young tops. It can be used stewed and boiled. The health benefits of consuming it are enormous.

You can include the June (July) sowing of beetroot in the gardener’s calendar. Late sowing allows for intensive use of small summer cottage plots. Medium and small-sized root vegetables can be used to prepare borscht dressing and freeze.

What should you consider before planting?

When sowing beets late in July, you need to properly arrange the bed. When planting late, you need to take into account the crop’s high need for lighting and not make wide ridges. You can speed up the ripening of root crops using the seedling planting method.

beets planting

You still need to take your choice seriously beet varieties. It is better to choose early ripening varieties. Round table fruits are more suitable for summer planting; cylindrical root crops do not tolerate autumn frosts well.

Guidelines for successful late landing

Rarely does a summer go without weather surprises, but experienced gardeners know the average temperature and amount of precipitation in their region. Based on average statistical data, they calculate the ripening time of beetroot.

The timing of root crop ripening depends not only on the weather. When growing beets, the quality of the soil and the method of planting seeds or seedlings play a role.


Although beets are considered a frost-resistant crop, they need enough heat to ripen.Shoots appear if the average daily temperature is not lower than 10 °C. An adult plant planted in spring can withstand short-term frosts at the end of June, which often occur in northern latitudes.

It is better to sow beets after the onset of stable heat, because the temperature favorable for their growth is from 20 to 25 ° C. When planting early, sudden cold snaps are possible, after which it is difficult to obtain a harvest of high-quality root crops. After a cold snap, the beet produces flower stalks and becomes unsuitable for consumption.


Buryak is considered a drought-resistant crop; it can survive for a long time without watering. There are few health benefits from such a root vegetable, since when beets are grown in unfavorable conditions, they do not accumulate the required amount of nutrients.

When sowing beets at the end of June, it is important to monitor soil moisture daily. The quality of root crops is affected by both a lack of moisture and its excess. It is best to grow beets in loose, moderately moist soil with sufficient warm days.

Detroit beets


It will not be possible to grow juicy, sweet root vegetables in shade and partial shade.. Beets are a vegetable crop that requires light throughout the day. Direct sunlight promotes the active accumulation of nutrients in the root crop; in the shade, the plant’s biochemical processes slow down, which affects the beet yield, its taste and size.

You can plant beets in early June, but choose a sunny place in the garden for this. Make the bed narrow, on two lines, so that each plant receives enough sunlight. At the end of June, it is worth planting month-old beet seedlings; sowing seeds at this time hardly makes sense.The result of useless labor will be tops and small root crops, which make no sense to store.

Sowing beets in July, nuances of cultivation

Beetroot sown in June requires thinning, since several seedlings grow from one seed. In July they can be transplanted to other beds. The root vegetable is a good compactor for legumes and onions. It can be planted in a garden bed only with vegetables with different growing seasons and nutrient needs.

nuances of growing

Buryak goes well with vegetables:

  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • bush beans;
  • spinach;
  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • strawberries

Beets can be planted with seeds in July as a repeat crop. To plant, you need to dig up the bed, water it well and sow the seeds to a depth of 2 cm. After the seedlings appear, you need to monitor the soil moisture and, if necessary, shade the tender seedlings from the scorching sun.

Caring for summer crops

Caring for late beet crops is more difficult than spring crops. And all because of the hot July weather. Summer residents who rarely visit their dachas are unlikely to be able to grow beets in July.

At first, after the emergence of seedlings, you need to constantly monitor soil moisture and cover the seedlings from the scorching sun.

planting beets

Summer beet care after emergence:

  • loosening the soil after watering;
  • weed removal;
  • mulching;
  • fertilization;
  • thinning of seedlings.

The summer feeding scheme is shown in the table.

Period Fertilizer Quantity per 10 liters of water
during the period of active growth of tops ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate, double superphosphate 25 g, 30 g, 30 g
during the formation of root crops any potassium-phosphorus fertilizers according to instructions
foliar feeding during the active growing season Solyubor 50 g

Cleaning and storage

When planting beets in June, harvest the beets in late autumn, but before the first frost. If frost catches root vegetables, they will not be stored well. The collected vegetables need to be dried, cleared of soil, and the tops trimmed.

Root vegetables with a diameter of about 10 cm are suitable for long-term storage; larger fruits are stored less well. Many summer residents prefer late sowings only because the root crops grow medium in size, are convenient to process, and are better stored in winter.

Beets should be stored at a temperature of 3 °C. At higher temperatures, the tops of root crops harvested in mid-autumn begin to grow, which affects the quality of the beets and the duration of storage.

Residents of the southern regions can sow beetroot in the summer. Thanks to late planting, you can grow all the necessary vegetables in a small garden.
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