Rules and frequency of watering tobacco in open ground, features

Due to the deterioration in the quality of cigarettes, growing tobacco on your own plot is gaining popularity. Tobacco belongs to the nightshade family of plants, and the most valuable part of the crop is the leaf cover. The plant is unpretentious to growing conditions, but requires timely care. The crop is especially demanding when it comes to watering. We will look into the details below on how to properly water tobacco in greenhouse conditions and open ground.

How often should tobacco be watered?

The irrigation schedule for tobacco bushes is based on the climatic characteristics of the growing region and the crop variety.Mature plants are characterized by well-developed rhizomes capable of receiving moisture from the depths of the soil. But young shoots need constant monitoring of soil moisture.

The biggest problems for the gardener are yellowing and wilting of the leaves of smoking tobacco, because they contain nicotine, for which the crop is grown.

Causes of yellowing of leaves:

  • sunburn;
  • lack of moisture or severe waterlogging of the soil;
  • low level of minerals and organic matter in the soil.

In the first case, it is recommended to shade the beds with tobacco bushes. The lack of moisture is compensated for by frequent and abundant watering. Overmoistening increases the risk of rot, fungal and viral infections of rhizomes and aerial parts of plants.

Lack of fertilizers can also cause diseases, attacks by harmful insects, and stunted growth and development of plants. Therefore, the schedule of watering and fertilizers is drawn up based on the weather conditions of the region where the crop is grown and soil fertility.

Interesting! Tobacco bushes are grown both in open ground and in greenhouse complexes. The culture also grows and develops well at home.

How to water tobacco?

With a lack of moisture, adult tobacco bushes are prone to overheating, yellowing and curling of the leaves. Young seedlings also need a lot of moisture during the rooting period.

It must be remembered that the conditions for growing crops in a greenhouse and open ground are significantly different, which must be taken into account when drawing up watering and fertilizing schedules.

tobacco on the fence

In the open ground

In open ground, tobacco bushes are daily exposed to stress associated with heat, drought or prolonged and heavy rainfall. Until flowering occurs, plants are watered 3-4 times a week, pouring up to 10 liters of liquid per meter of planting.

The flowering period coincides with the full development of the root system, which receives moisture from the deep layers of the soil, so the amount of watering is regulated to a lesser extent. In regions with heavy rainfall, irrigation activities are abandoned altogether.

Important! Water the crop with settled water heated in the sun. Plant feeding is combined with watering and loosening the soil.

green spaces

In the greenhouse

In greenhouse conditions, a unique microclimate is created for growing cultivated plants. Tobacco bushes do not tolerate proximity to other plants, so the crop is planted in a separate greenhouse.

To avoid waterlogging of the air and soil, the premises of the greenhouse complex are equipped with good ventilation or ventilated daily, and the planting beds are loosened several times a season. Water the bushes as the top layer of soil dries with warm water. The quantity and frequency of irrigation are regulated in each case individually.

Tobacco is susceptible to various diseases and parasites, which spread much faster in greenhouse conditions. At the first signs of fungal and viral infections, plantings are treated with fungicides, and harmful insects can be controlled with insecticide-based preparations.

grow in a greenhouse

Interesting! Abundant watering of tobacco significantly increases the yield of the crop, but, at the same time, worsens the taste and aroma of the final product.

At home

When growing tobacco bushes at home, it is necessary to maintain a microclimate suitable for the growth and development of plants. The air in the room with plantings is humidified from a sprayer, and watering is carried out at least 1-2 times a week. In extreme heat, the amount of irrigation is increased to daily.

After disembarkation

In temperate climates, tobacco is grown by seedlings; at the end of spring, young plants are transferred to greenhouses or open ground.

fresh watering

After transplantation, the bushes should take root in the new place. During the first 15-20 days, the culture takes root. During this period, seedlings need a large amount of moisture. Watering of young shoots is carried out daily, abundantly irrigating the plantings with warm, settled water.

Watering seedlings

Seeds for seedlings are sown in early spring, in containers with fertile soil. After the sprouts appear, the seedlings are watered daily, not allowing the soil to dry out completely, but also not allowing the soil to become waterlogged.
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