Tomato Orange Elephant is a large hybrid of unusual color. It was created specifically for northern climates.
First generation hybrids are bred to display the best parental qualities. That's how
A very nice tomato, the Cheerful Gnome, has fruits of an unusual, elongated, pepper-like shape. The variety is low-growing, high-yielding.
The orange pepper tomato is shaped like a sweet pepper. A variety can have not only
Tomato Orange Heart, second name - Liskin Nose, is a tall variety, distinguished by its large size
Heart-shaped tomatoes are traditionally popular among summer residents because they have a rich taste, pleasant shape and,
The Puzata Khata tomato is suitable for those who like to grow unusually shaped vegetables in their beds.
Many gardeners propagate the Russian Yablonka tomato with their own seeds. This is very convenient, because the quality of the seeds
Early June tomatoes on the table are the dream of any summer resident. Tomato Liana can do this
Breeding plant species are popular all over the world and sometimes produce unexpected results. Born for
The Oxheart tomato is considered one of the largest species. The plant got its name thanks to
When it comes to salad varieties of tomatoes, which include the Tsunami tomato, then