Characteristics and description of the Tolstoy tomato variety, its yield and cultivation
It is very difficult to grow a variety of agricultural crops on your summer cottage, because each
Characteristics and description of the Blue Bunch tomato variety, its yield
Tomato Blue Bunch f1 is a very interesting variety obtained by crossing and selection, named
Characteristics and description of the Bogata Khata tomato variety, its yield
The Bogata Khata tomato is an early ripening hybrid that gives a rich harvest already in the middle
Characteristics and description of the Dubrava tomato variety, its yield
The Dubrava tomato is a variety recommended for cultivation in the central and southern regions of the country.
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Sugar Bison or Leader of the Redskins, its yield
If you have and know how to use a greenhouse or greenhouse, it makes sense to pay attention to tomatoes
Characteristics and description of the Eagle Beak tomato variety, its yield
In terms of productivity, the Eagle's Beak tomato is considered the leader among large-fruited varieties. It's different pink
Characteristics and description of the Mongolian Dwarf tomato variety, its cultivation and yield
The Mongolian Dwarf tomato was bred by amateur breeders and was not included in the state Register of Varieties. Them
Characteristics and description of the Honey Drop tomato variety, its cultivation and yield
The very name tomato Honey Drop helps you get to know the vegetable plant better, learn
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Red Riding Hood, its yield and cultivation
One of the productive tomato varieties, Little Red Riding Hood, came to Russian open spaces thanks to German breeders.
Characteristics and description of the Cardinal tomato variety, its yield and cultivation
Like any other tomato variety, Cardinal, adapted to Russian conditions, has pronounced
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Auria (Maleness), its yield
For those who are still unfamiliar and have not planted tomato variety Auria or whatever they call them
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Azhur f1, its yield
There are varieties of tomatoes that produce a very large harvest and are completely unpretentious in care.


