Characteristics and description of the Tsunami tomato variety, its yield

When it comes to salad varieties of tomatoes, which include the Tsunami tomato, consumer qualities come to the fore. The variety is large-fruited, the ripening period is gradual, and early enough, which allows tomatoes to be harvested and used for food from July. The fruits are smooth, pink in color, have a pleasant sweetish taste, juicy and aromatic.

Main characteristics of the Tsunami tomato

And now a more detailed description of the tomato:

  • mid-early variety, from germination to fruit ripening requires from 112 to 117 days;
  • The plant is heat-loving, recommended for growing in film and glass greenhouses without heating;
  • tomato is an indeterminate type, medium-sized, requires staking and measures to form a bush;
  • trunk, medium leafy, weakly branched. The leaves are medium sized, slightly corrugated, light green in color;
  • the first brush is laid above the level of the ninth sheet. The following inflorescences are formed through 3 leaves;
  • the plant produces up to 6 clusters, each containing 3-5 fruits;
  • With proper care, 3-4 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one plant, which is a good yield for large-fruited plants;
  • tomatoes are large, approximately the same size and weight from 275 to 315 g;
  • fruits are 6-8 chambered, have a flat-round shape with slight ribbing, smooth;
  • Ozhitsa is smooth, thin. The color of the fruit is pink, with a slight pearlescent sheen. The pulp is dense, juicy;
  • the fruits have a good, rich taste, sweetish, without sourness;
  • used for fresh food and for making purees, pastes, juices, salads, soups.

tsunami tomato seeds

Taste benefits and good yield are most often reflected in reviews of the Tsunami tomato. Gardeners also note the attractive commercial qualities of tomatoes. They have an average size, smooth fruits without defects. Tomatoes collected at milk ripeness ripen well. In addition, a pink tomato always looks beautiful both in the greenhouse and on the dining table.

Important! If there is a lack of air in the soil, the seeds do not germinate well, the root system stops growing, and the plant’s nutrition is disrupted. The soil for growing seedlings should be loose with a good lumpy structure.

Growing and caring for the Tsunami tomato

The peculiarity of the variety is its good yield and gradual ripening of fruits, but pink tomatoes require special attention. The main labor costs are associated with the regular removal of stepsons and dying foliage.

appearance of a tsunami tomato

Growing seedlings

Plants are grown in seedlings in order to begin receiving the first harvest as early as possible.

  1. Seeds are planted for seedlings 55-60 days before the planned transplant into the greenhouse. They germinate fastest at 20-25 degrees.
  2. With the emergence of seedlings, the boxes with seedlings are placed in the most illuminated place with a low temperature. During the day it should be 12-15 degrees, at night 8-10 degrees. This mode will prevent fragile sprouts from being pulled out.
  3. I change the temperature when the seedlings become stronger and the leaves acquire a rich green color. On a sunny day, seedlings will be comfortable at 20-25 degrees, on a cloudy day – 15-18. Night temperatures usually drop to 10-12 degrees.
  4. When 2 permanent leaves appear, the tomatoes are planted in separate containers.
  5. Caring for seedlings involves feeding, watering and observing light and temperature conditions.

tsunami pink tomato

The seedlings are transplanted into the soil in early May.

For tomatoes, the ratio of soil moisture of about 70-80% and low air humidity of about 60% is important. This is achieved by moderate watering, loosening the soil and ventilating the greenhouse.

Caring for tomatoes in a permanent place

Care comes down to maintaining humidity levels and the desired temperature in the greenhouse, fertilizing, bush formation, pest and disease control. Description of agrotechnical techniques for growing “Tsunami” tomato.

  1. Tomatoes are planted in a permanent place in early to mid-May according to a 40 x 60 pattern. After an adaptation period, the plants are fed and, if necessary, tied up.
  2. Mid-early tomatoes are formed into one stem. Leave 4-6 brushes, after which they pinch off the growth current. The shoots that constantly form in the axils of the leaves are broken off or cut off at a level of 3-5 cm.
  3. The temperature in the greenhouse should be between 18-24 degrees during the daytime, and at night from 15 to 18 degrees. To combat condensation, which causes many diseases, the greenhouse should be equipped with ventilation.
  4. Dying leaves are removed in a timely manner, which improves gas exchange in the ground part of the plant. The lower part of the stem is hilled.
  5. During the flowering period, the greenhouse should not be too humid. Therefore, after watering, they loosen the soil to avoid moisture evaporation and improve the flow of air to the roots.
  6. Do not allow a simultaneous increase in the temperature of the soil and air in the greenhouse. This threatens the appearance of gray rot and brown spotting.

tsunami tomato in a box

By following simple and understandable agricultural practices, by July a pink variety of salad tomatoes “Tsunami” may appear on the gardener’s table.
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