Dates for planting tomatoes as seedlings for the Moscow region

Tomato varieties zoned for the Moscow region usually begin to be sown for seedlings from the end of February until almost the first days of April. This range of dates is due to the characteristics of the variety and the method of cultivation. Tomatoes with medium and long growing seasons intended for cultivation in greenhouses are planted earlier. Varieties with short ripening periods can be successfully grown without shelter in the conditions of the Moscow region. But it is precisely for them that planting dates must be strictly observed, taking into account the agroclimatic conditions of a particular territory.

Climatic features of the region

In the very large area of ​​Moscow and the adjacent Moscow region, in conditions of a temperate continental climate, there is a spread of above-zero temperatures. The duration of frost-free periods varies significantly.

If the average for the region is considered to be 120-125 days, then in the Naro-Fominsk region this period, according to statistics, is only 102 days. This is due not only to the geographical location of the garden or personal plot, but also to the terrain features and elevation changes.

When planning to grow tomatoes outdoors, you need to determine the period when you can plant seedlings without fear of return frosts. For different zones of the Moscow region, the transition of average daily air temperatures into the spring, through the 10-degree mark, occurs at different times.

For the north and center of the region, it falls on May 8-10, and for the southeastern regions, the transition takes place a week earlier.

In most areas, steady warming begins only from May 11-13. In areas with flat terrain, periods of frost stop on May 10-20, but in some years the return of frost can be expected even in the first ten days of June.

planting seeds

Therefore, we can only talk about conditional planting dates, which each gardener must adjust to suit himself. Knowing the characteristics of our site, we take the period of possible return cold snaps as the basis for calculations. They are the main obstacle to transplanting tomatoes into open ground in the Moscow region in early spring.

Agrotechnical techniques for preparing seeds and caring for seedlings largely influence their full development and can increase or shorten the period from planting to harvest.

Calculating the timing for sowing seeds

Having determined the number from which tomato seedlings can be transplanted into open ground, we study the recommendations of the seed manufacturer. Usually, descriptions of a variety always indicate the age that the seedlings should have at the time of transplantation to a permanent place. This figure for different tomatoes can vary from 45 to 65 days, and is counted from the moment of emergence.

seeds in the ground

To this period should be added 4-7 days for the germination period itself, and an adjustment of up to 5-7 days for survival after picking. We count the resulting number of days on the calendar in the opposite direction and get the date when to plant tomatoes for seedlings.

  1. Late-ripening varieties of tomatoes, for which a greenhouse will be a permanent place of growth from the beginning of May, are sown for seedlings at the end of February, beginning of March.
  2. Traditionally, for varieties with medium ripening periods that are planned to be planted in open ground or under light film covers, the seeds are sown in the third decade of May, early June, in late March, early April.
  3. Determinate or dwarf early varieties, which are planted in the ground on June 5-10, are sown for seedlings in early April. If they are planned to be protected from frost by light shelters, then the planting date is postponed to an earlier period, in the third decade of March.

growing seedlings

Important! By transplanting hardened tomatoes into open ground at an early stage, you can achieve intensive growth of the root system.

Earlier sowing dates are not always justified, because plants are very demanding on lighting. If there is a lack of sunlight, temperature control or additional lighting will be required. The methods of hardening seeds and seedlings also have an important role on the behavior of plants.

By changing watering regimes and carefully monitoring the condition of the seedlings, it is also possible to cultivate vegetative or generative tendencies in the plant and thereby influence the duration of the seedling period.

Checking the dates of the Lunar calendar

Many gardeners find a rational grain, guided by the Lunar calendar during the periods of growing seedlings. You can trust or ignore such techniques, or you can familiarize yourself with and adopt other people’s experience.

If we take into account the influence of astronomical rules, then tomatoes are planted and picked only during periods of the waxing Moon. In the Moscow region, the timing of sowing tomatoes for seedlings falls on the following dates:

  • February 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26;
  • March 20, 21, 24, 25, 26;
  • April 17,18, 21,22, 27, 28;
  • May 18, 19, 24, 25, 26;
  • June 14, 15, 21, 22.

These dates in 2018 will help gardeners navigate and observe the effect attributed to the Earth's satellite. If you have a calendar at hand, you can track favorable dates for agricultural work.

During the moments of the full moon and new moon, any actions with plants, especially planting tomatoes, are not recommended.

lighting for seedlings

Hardening of seeds shortens the seedling development period of tomatoes by 5-7 days, affects yield and earlier ripening of fruits.

Features of planting seeds for seedlings

Often, gardeners make the mistake of trying to plant tomatoes as early as possible. This leads to overgrowth of seedlings, which often suffer from a lack of adequate lighting. Therefore, it is better to sow tomatoes within the estimated time frame, but try to create conditions for the plant that will allow it to grow stronger and endure replanting in open ground. There are simple techniques that prepare the plant for stressful situations.

tomato in the palm

One of them is pre-sowing seed preparation:

  • seed disinfection is carried out in a 1% manganese solution;
  • The seeds are soaked in a growth stimulant or clean water for 12 hours;
  • at the next stage, for hardening, they are kept for 7 days at zero degrees in the refrigerator;
  • we sow the seeds only in well-fertilized and moistened soil, deepening them by 1.5-2 cm;
  • germination temperature for cold-resistant varieties starts from 8 degrees, but the best results correspond to 22-25 degrees;
  • to speed up germination, it is recommended to mulch tomatoes with transparent film;
  • with the emergence of seedlings, the film is removed and placed in an area with good lighting, while observing the intended temperature regime.

If these rules are followed, tomatoes demonstrate a reduction in growth time to 7 days and an increase in yield by 30%.

Also, the further development of the plant is influenced by the quality of care and compliance with agrotechnical practices. Growing seedlings involves watering and proper nutrition. Clear regulation of temperature and humidity, adequate lighting. A couple of weeks before transplanting into the ground, the plants begin to get accustomed to low temperatures and sunlight.

Properly prepared seedlings will spend much less time adapting. Planting in open ground will not be painfully stressful for her. According to experts, even cold-resistant varieties can be too pampered at home, which will certainly affect the timing and yield of tomatoes. Therefore, the question of when to sow seeds for seedlings will require more than just general advice. It is necessary to collect data on the agroclimatic characteristics of your site and make simple calculations based on them.
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