It is very difficult to grow a variety of agricultural crops on your summer cottage, because each of them requires an individual approach. The Tolstoy F1 tomato is a godsend for gardeners, because in order to get a rich harvest you don’t have to put in much effort.
Features of the hybrid Tolstoy F1
Tomato variety Tolstoy F1 was created by breeders from the Netherlands for cultivation in central Europe. Based on the fact that the summer weather in Europe and Russia is similar, the variety is also suitable for planting in the Central regions.It is not recommended to plant in open ground in Siberia and the Far East; greenhouse conditions are better suited for this purpose.
The plant belongs to the hybrid varieties. Tolstoy tomatoes, unlike most other varieties of nightshade crops, can produce a rich harvest even when the bushes are grown in the shade. One of the few hybrids that are highly resistant to all kinds of diseases that most often affect tomatoes. First of all, these are fusarium, tobacco mosaic, and cladosporiosis.
The main characteristic of a hybrid is interdetermination. Bushes can reach a height of up to 3 meters.
Refers to hybrids with early ripening. From the moment tomato sprouts appear until the first harvest, approximately 95–100 days pass. The productivity of the plant is very high; up to 16 kg of ripe tomatoes can be harvested from one bush.
Those summer residents who grew the hybrid in their summer cottage were, in general, pleased with the results they learned. The variety is distinguished by its versatility of use. Also, ripe tomatoes are good for eating fresh. In addition, they are also suitable for cooking tomato juice, lecho, sauces and tomato pastes for the winter.
Collected unripe fruits are distinguished by the fact that they can be stored for a long time without rotting. They can be stored until the New Year.
Hybrid characteristics
Each variety has its own characteristics. Before growing a plant on your site, you need to study in detail the description of the Tolstoy F1 tomato.
Description of the variety and its distinctive features:
- Good yield;
- The maximum number of fruits that can be collected from a bush reaches 16 kg;
- Resistance to major diseases affecting tomatoes is distinguished;
- Early ripening variety;
- Tomatoes of the Tolstoy F1 variety can be grown in the shade or on the balcony at home;
- Tall bushes, can reach a height of up to 3 meters;
- A garter to the trellises is required;
- The leaves are medium sized, dark green in color;
- Few tops are formed on the bushes;
- The hybrid belongs to the “tassel” type; 10-13 clusters are formed on the trunk of the Tolstoy tomato;
- From 7 to 10 fruits are formed on each cluster;
- Ripe fruits reach a weight of 90 to 125 g;
- The color of the fruit is red, the shape is round, there may be a green spot near the stalk;
- The pulp is juicy and sweet, the skin is dense and does not crack;
- The fruits contain a large amount of useful microelements and vitamins;
- After harvesting, the fruits can be stored for a long time;
- Versatility of use in cooking;
- The plant can grow on any soil;
- Does not tolerate prolonged rains well;
- Susceptible to the development of late blight;
- Tolstoy F1 is an unpretentious variety that tolerates climate changes well.
Advantages and disadvantages of growing a hybrid
Any variety of agricultural crops has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.
- Tolstoy tomatoes can produce a rich harvest throughout the summer season;
- Changes in weather do not affect the harvest;
- Pleasant taste of fruits;
- Tomatoes do not crack;
- Resistance to tobacco mosaic, fusarium and cladosporiosis;
- Growing does not require much effort.
Despite the fact that the hybrid has positive reviews, it has a number of disadvantages.
- The need to garter the stems;
- If the summer is rainy, the harvest will be poor;
- Susceptibility to late blight;
- If there is a lack of fertilizer in the soil, the tomatoes will not be very large.
How to grow seedlings for planting on the site
How to grow healthy and strong seedlings? To do this you need to follow some rules.
Description of planting seeds:
- In order for the seedlings to germinate on time, it is recommended to plant planting material on the 20th of February or in mid-March;
- The soil for seeds must be prepared in advance. To do this, you need to take one part of wood ash, sand, humus and earth;
- The soil mixture must be calcined in the oven to disinfect it. You can also pour it with a solution of potassium permanganate;
- Make furrows to a depth of 1 - 2 cm and plant seeds;
- Cover the container with film until the first shoots appear, after which the film can be removed;
- The film must be removed regularly so that the soil is ventilated in the fresh air and does not become moldy;
- After full-fledged leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in the soil.
Seedlings can be planted in the soil at the end of May or beginning of June. It is advisable to cover it with something at night.
I planted seedlings in open ground in this way:
- It is advisable to prepare the soil for planting tomatoes in the fall. To do this, you need to dig up the soil and mix it with manure or humus;
- In early spring, the same place needs to be dug up again, mixed with humus and greenery planted;
- On the 20th of May it is advisable to start planting bushes;
- After the greens are removed from the beds, the soil needs to be dug up again and holes made;
- Add urea and superphosphate;
- The distance between each hole should not be less than 50 - 55 cm;
- Plant the seedlings in the holes and compact the soil;
- Pour half a liter of water into each hole.
Seedlings should be transplanted into the greenhouse at the end of April.
Growing seedlings:
- To plant only good seeds, they can be selected. To do this, you need to prepare a saline solution and soak them. It is advisable to discard any seeds that float to the surface of the water.The rest can be planted.
- It is advisable to plant young tomato bushes where vegetables such as zucchini, eggplant, parsley and legumes previously grew.
- It is not advisable to grow the Tolstoy tomato variety where potatoes or bell peppers grow.
- To prepare seedlings for transplanting into open ground, they can be hardened off. To do this, the containers need to be taken outside for 1 hour.