One of the most common and picky flowers that our gardeners love so much is the annual aster. It's amazing how many varieties it comes in. Varieties differ in shape, flower size and amazing color range. And the main feature of Callistephus is its complete unpretentiousness, which allows even a beginner to grow a flower garden.
- Description and characteristics of annual asters
- Varieties of flowers
- Bouquet
- Duchess
- Bush cutting
- Needle
- Peony-shaped
- Rose-shaped
- Claw
- Chrysanthemum
- Venechnaya
- Globular
- Landing Features
- Seedling method
- Seedless method
- Aster care
- Watering
- Fertilizer
- Loosening and mulching
- Caring for asters after flowering
- Diseases and methods of their treatment
- Pests and methods of their destruction
- Possible difficulties when growing asters
Description and characteristics of annual asters
Annual asters have characteristic advantages that distinguish them from perennial and other similar flowers:
- great variety;
- not picky about soil conditions;
- the plant quickly reaches the flowering phase;
- there is no need to care when forming a bush;
- flowering lasts a long time, up to 50 days;
- survives short-term frosts.
Varieties of flowers
Now there are about 40 groups of annual asters and more than four thousand varieties. Plants are usually classified according to:
- bush growth;
- on the arrangement of inflorescences;
- according to the purpose of cultivation.
Important! Before purchasing seeds, it is always recommended to make sure that the specified variety matches the contents. Therefore, you should buy seeds and seedlings only from trusted sellers.
As the name suggests, bouquet aster is grown to make colorful bouquets. It is of medium height and has abundant flowering. It is recommended to sow the seeds at the end of March, and once the first shoots appear, they can be planted in open ground according to a 5x5 pattern. Seedlings can be moved to the flowerbed as early as mid-May or June.
An annual low-growing aster, excellent for breeding at home. The average height of the bush reaches 30 centimeters, the circumference of the flowers is from 7 to 12. Flowers are often grown on window sills, in pots and containers. The plant is resistant to short frosts, and blooms until stable heavy frosts.
Bush cutting
The cut aster, on the contrary, has a large growth, up to 75 centimeters, and small flowers (no more than 5 centimeters). The bush Cut aster blooms for a surprisingly long time - from June to September.Grown in open ground. Aster is resistant to climate change and various diseases. They are grown exclusively by seedlings.
Aster Needle is a tall plant with massive double inflorescences. The plant blooms late, the period lasts from mid-August until severe frosts. And the lifespan of a cut flower is 2-3 weeks. When caring, it is necessary to provide a certain amount of sunlight and completely eliminate stagnation of moisture in the soil.
The amazingly beautiful Peony-shaped aster has a stable bush that resembles a cone (thick at the bottom, thinner towards the top). The flowers are large - up to 10 centimeters, have a spherical shape. It blooms for a short time - from mid-August to the end of September. It is recommended to plant using the seedling method.
Aster Rose-shaped is distinguished by a pleasant pink inflorescence and the height of the bushes (60-70 centimeters). The shape of the bush is stable, cone-shaped. Inflorescences on one plant - up to 25 pieces. The most popular representative of the variety is Lady Coral. Maintains a decorative appearance in any climatic conditions.
The classic medium-sized aster is popular in Central Asia. Great for urban flower beds and flower beds. It pleases the eye already from July with its dense foliage and spreading ray inflorescences. It has many varieties: Fire King, Chinchilla, Jewel, Carmelita.
A characteristic feature of this variety of aster are large flowers with wide, pointed petals. During flowering, the plant can easily be confused with a chrysanthemum, but medium-sized bushes (up to 60 centimeters) and the amazing brightness of the flowers make it impossible to make a mistake. The plant is distinguished by multiple colors and a long shelf life.
The tall variety of annual aster is an early flowering variety. The inflorescences are double, compacted, with many tube-shaped petals. The variety is often used to decorate flower beds and summer cottages.
Aster Globular is the most spectacular of all the bushes. The plant is medium-sized, with small bright inflorescences. The flowers completely cover the trunk and form an amazing dome. The Globular Aster is not used in bouquets, but on the site the plant looks elegant.
Landing Features
For annual aster, as for any other plant, the most important role is played by the soil for planting. Therefore, experts recommend preparing the soil in the fall: digging it up, moistening it, and saturating it with fertilizers. There are two ways to plant an aster: seedlings and non-seedlings.
Seedling method
The seedling method involves sowing seeds in special boxes, and only after the first leaves appear can the plant be planted in open ground. The seedling method provides protection from possible changes in climatic conditions and allows for proper timely care.
Seedless method
Seeds can also be planted in open ground for the winter, but this is risky. As long as the seeds are in the soil, they are not in danger, but sprouted plants may freeze. After the appearance of the second stronger leaf, it is recommended to thin out the distance of 15 centimeters between the bushes.
Aster care
Annual asters are extremely unpretentious plants, so they do not require special care. It is necessary to initially provide fertile soil and timely watering. Sometimes it is recommended to weed the beds to improve the aesthetic appearance. And if you feed the plants 1-2 times, the inflorescences will be larger and the stems will be more stable.
Excess water is detrimental to annual aster, so watering should be moderate. There is no standard watering regime for the plant; it is calculated based on soil absorption.
Important! You should not allow water to stagnate in the soil - these are the best conditions for rot to appear.
When using fertilizers for annual asters, it is recommended to proceed according to the following scheme:
- 2.5 weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground, it is necessary to fertilize the plants with a standard set of mineral fertilizers. The quantity is calculated as follows: 50 grams per square meter.
- At the early stage of the appearance of buds, you can add an additional portion of fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus.
Loosening and mulching
Important! The formation of a hardened crust of soil at the roots of Callistephus should be avoided. To do this, it is recommended to resort to loosening and further mulching.
However, do not bury the roots deeply. Also, during this procedure, you can easily remove unnecessary weeds.
Caring for asters after flowering
Since asters are annual, you can’t count on a flower’s long lifespan, but many people grow their own seeds. To do this, it is not recommended to get rid of the inflorescences, but to wait for the seeds to appear. Collect them, and only after that get rid of the bushes. It is important to capture the root system so that it does not interfere with next year.
Diseases and methods of their treatment
Diseases that often affect annual asters:
- Fusarium wilt.
- Late blight.
- Rust.
- Spotting.
- Brown rot.
Many gardeners are of the opinion that it is easier to destroy infected plants and plant new ones than to treat them. However, symptoms appear when there is excess nitrogen or moisture in the soil.Often a decrease in indicators is enough for complete recovery.
Pests and methods of their destruction
The main pests of annual aster are:
- tillage slug;
- common earwig;
- sunflower moth;
- slobbering pennies;
- meadow bug
Special treatments, basic digging and treating borders with lime successfully help control pests.
Possible difficulties when growing asters
Annual asters are unpretentious and do not cause additional difficulties for gardeners. However, sometimes it can be difficult to choose the watering mode. If the flowerbed is very neglected, it is also difficult to get rid of weeds and excess plant sprouts. But the beauty of the flower garden is worth it.