Description of the best varieties of clematis and characteristics of varieties

Multi-flowered plants are loved by all gardeners. Clematis bloom for a long time, the bushes are simply strewn with buds, and a delicate aroma adds to their beauty. Clematis is used to decorate gazebos and walls; of all the vines, it has taken root best in our flower beds. Let's look at the main varieties and types of clematis to know what to choose for your site.

Botanical description of the species diversity of clematis

Clematis are perennial plants that belong to the genus Clematis (as they are often called) of the Ranunculaceae family. Among the species there are evergreen and deciduous.

Most clematis are vines that cling to supports with leaf petioles. There are species with erect stems in which the leaves are not able to grasp the support. In most species, the shoots are herbaceous and die off for the winter; in others, young shoots are woody and remain for the winter.

The flowers have no petals; the perianth leaves (sepals) are colored differently. Large-flowered species and varieties of clematis are distinguished; division is also carried out according to the color of the sepals.Another characteristic of the species is the point of seed germination - aboveground, intermediate and underground.

The place of formation of buds is an important species characteristic; we will talk about it separately. Classification is also carried out according to flowering time - at a late date, clematis delight the eye until late autumn.

Important: many clematis show remarkable winter hardiness, which allows them to be grown in any region.

 flower description

Varieties of vines depending on the place of flower formation

The place of bud formation and flowering is one of the main characteristics of varieties. It determines the rules for pruning the bush so that the plant enjoys abundant flowering. Clematis are divided into 3 groups according to this criterion.

Flowers on shoots of both past and current (group I)

The group includes varieties that bloom on overwintered shoots. When the young shoots gain strength, buds appear on it. The first flowering is June, the second is August-September.

flowers on shoots

Clematis woolly

Clematis woolly blooms twice per season, depending on where the buds form. The flowers are large (up to 20 centimeters) and strongly open, the shoots are thin and delicate. Woolly varieties do not tolerate frost well. The color of the petals is light, from blue to pink.

Representatives – Lawsoniana, Hybrida Sieboldii.

Clematis spreading

Also called Patens. The length of the vine reaches 3.5 meters. The flowers are usually single, varied in color - from white to deep blue. The shape is often star-shaped, sometimes double.

The most beautiful are Joan Pikton, Multi Blue.

clematis spreading

Flowers on the shoots of the current year (II group)

Flowering of this group occurs only on young shoots of the current year.

Clematis Jacquemand

Interspecific hybrid. The stem of Jacquemman's clematis grows up to 4-5 meters. They bloom abundantly from July to September.The flowers are strongly open, the sepals are smooth, sometimes layered on top of each other. The color is bright, the predominant colors are bluish-violet. Petals sometimes have veins, changes in tone, and strokes.

Most Jacqueman varieties grow well in Russia. The most famous are Gypsy Queen, Lilac Star, Hagley Hybrid.

Clematis viticella

Shrub vines growing up to 3-4 meters. The flowers of this group are open or drooping. The predominant colors are pink, purple, red. They bloom on young shoots from May.

The best are Madame Grange, Ville de Lyon, Forest Opera.

Viticella variety

Whole leaf clematis

In nature it grows on hillsides, near water. The stems stand erect and are colored reddish. The flowers are similar in appearance to bells, the heads are lowered, and they do not differ in their large size (6 centimeters). Varieties – clematis Durand, Memory of the Heart.

Flowers on last year's shoots (group III)

Abundant friendly flowering is observed on overwintered shoots of clematis.

Clematis Alpina

Alpine varieties are distinguished by a long stem (up to 3 meters) and a love of semi-shaded areas. The flowers are wide, half-open bells. Color: pink, purple, white.

Varieties - Albina Plena, Pamela Jackman.

alpine bloom

Clematis Florida

Florida vines grow up to 1.5-2 meters. The flowers are large, in the shape of a cross or star. On last year's shoots, flowering begins in May, on young ones - in June, and continues until October in favorable weather. On old shoots, most flowers are double or slightly double.

The best varieties are Mrs. Cholmondeley, Joan of Arc, Daniel Deronda, Baby.

Mountain clematis

Mountain clematis was discovered in the Himalayas. It is a deciduous vine that blooms in nature in white or pale pink.Cultivated varieties can have different colors - from white to dark pink and lilac.

Mountain clematis can withstand temperatures down to -40° with shelter.

pink fence

Herbaceous, shrubs and subshrubs

One of the characteristics of clematis is the degree of woodiness of the shoots. The appearance of the plant depends on this. Let's look at the main groups.


These plants are decorative, unpretentious, and grow in one place for a long time. Without support, they quickly cover the entire area with a green-colored carpet. Easy care - complete pruning at the root.

Clematis straight

The stem grows up to 1.5 meters, does not cling on its own, and needs to be tied to a support. It blooms with small, very fragrant white flowers, which smell even stronger in the sun. It blooms for about a month.

stem white


The hard, woody stem grows up to a meter. It can be shaped to give the desired look. Decorative no less herbaceous. They winter well in open ground and are winter-hardy.

Tip: bush varieties are suitable for gardeners who do not want plants to climb along the walls and do not want to make supports.

Clematis Patens

The Patens group is derived from the natural species Clematis patens. The stem grows up to 3.5 meters. Double flowers are obtained on old shoots, and simple flowers on young shoots.

Excellent varieties - Diamantina, Doctor Rappel, Arctic Queen.

Clematis Lanuginosa

The shape of flowers in this group is in the form of crosses, stars or disks. Flowers are solitary, on long stalks. The main color tones are pink or slightly purple. The liana grows up to 2.5 meters, the shoots are thin. The diameter of the flower is 10-20 centimeters.

Varieties - Ballerina, Flower Ball, Olympics-80.

Lanuginosa petals

Clematis Burning

Lianas of this species grow up to 5 meters and have dense, dense decorative foliage. The flowers look like small crosses as they have 4 petals.They bloom very profusely, covering a dense wall of leaves. The flowers smell sweetly of honey and almonds. Very frost-resistant.


Clematis allifolia has non-clinging vines that grow up to 3 meters. The lower part is woody and herbaceous and requires pruning for the winter. The flowers are half-open and drooping (up to 12 centimeters) in the shape of bells.

Varieties - Alyonushka, Aromatic, Gray Bird.

Clematis Texas

It grows naturally in the southern part of North America. Subshrub or herbaceous species with a powerful vine. The flowers resemble tulips with bent petals and thin stems up to 15 centimeters long. Blooms on young shoots.

herbaceous species

Clematis Tangutsky

Tangut species of clematis have medium-sized flowers (up to 5 centimeters), with heads similar to tulips. They have angular stems with a large number of shoots, growing up to 3-6 meters. The foliage is sparse and covered with flowers. The main tones in the color of the buds are white and yellow.

Popular varieties are Anita, Bill McKenzie, Grace, Radar of Love.

Clematis hogweed

This species is native to China and Korea. It has decorative foliage - dense, bright, leathery. The inflorescences are a panicle, the flowers resemble hyacinths, the tones are white-blue-blue. The buds are not large, but in mass they look beautiful.

Clematis Integrifolia

The whole-leaved species Clematis integrifolia is classified in a separate group. The buds are single or connected in groups of 3, bell-shaped. There are 4-5 sepals, they curl and bend during the growth process. The best flowering is on young shoots, where the buds grow up to 12 centimeters.

The vines weave strongly and cling weakly, so they need to be tied. They winter well in cold regions after cutting off young growth.

Clematis integrifolia

Clematis Brown

This type of clematis came from the Asian region and grows in the Far East, Kamchatka.The flowers resemble glasses with a ribbed surface, the heads are lowered down. The tips are slightly curved. The size is small - only 4 centimeters.

The name clematis was given for the color of the flowers - brown, purple, brown. Sepals are pubescent. Flowering – July-August. The liana is long - 4 meters.

Brown clematis grows well in most regions, including Yakutia. It looks impressive next to coniferous plants and is often used in group plantings.

How clematis are distinguished by flower size

Clematis is grown in areas for its flowers, which are very diverse. Flower sizes vary over a wide range - small (3-5 centimeters), large ones reach 25 centimeters.

flower sizes


Large-flowered plants are a real decoration of the garden. Most summer residents tend to choose just such species.

Large flowering is the main difference between hybrids of the following groups:

  1. Jacqueman. The cups grow to 12-20 centimeters. The best representatives are Zhakmani, Queen, Luther Burbank (up to 25 centimeters), Blue Flame.
  2. Florida. Mrs. Cholmondeley has a head of up to 12 centimeters, terry.
  3. Patens. Representatives - Andromeda, President. Single flowers grow up to 22 centimeters, star shaped.
  4. Lanuginosis. Usually blue and purple tones. The best - Olympics-80, Prince Hendrik.
  5. Viticella. The cups grow up to 12 centimeters. Representatives: Alexandrite, Ville de Lyon.

Many of the listed species bloom profusely and for a long time.


Clematis, which have small flowers, usually bloom profusely and for a long time. The bushes are literally strewn with buds, which often have an exquisite shape and a pleasant aroma.

Avangard is multi-flowered, with sepals of a red hue (up to 5 centimeters) and a pink center. Bright buds completely hide the foliage, making the bush pink-red.

Other popular small-flowered clematis are Vitalba, Memm, Maydwell Hall.

 strewn with buds

Color variety of clematis varieties

It is more pleasant for simple gardeners to divide plants according to the color of their petals. This does not comply with botanical rules, but it is more convenient to select a variety using this method. Clematis have a wide variety of colors.

The intensity of the color and even its tone are affected by weather conditions, strong or weak illumination of the bush. This is especially noticeable on the stripes and strokes on the petals. Some species bloom in one color and end in another.

White varieties of clematis

The white color of the sepals is considered exquisite; elegant bushes in summer remind of spring.

sepal color

Variety John Paul II

The pride of the Polish selection is one of the most popular among summer residents. Blooms for a long time (June-September). Snow-white sepals with a faint pinkish stripe in the center, brighter in late summer. The anther is red.

The plant is persistent and overwinters well. An excellent decoration for trellises and arbors due to the long stem growing up to 4 meters.

Variety Joan of Arc

When Zhanna blooms, she completely hides the greenery with the snow-white foam of the petals. Diameter - 20 centimeters, pronounced terry (24 petals). Large cups are decorated with yellow anthers. An exquisitely beautiful plant. It entwines green bushes, creating a magnificent garden decoration.

Variety Arctic Queen

It blooms with lush double flowers of white color, the anther is yellow. Bred in England. In June, flowering occurs on old shoots; by August, buds bloom on new growth.

Arctic Queen

Bella variety

Exquisite flowers, similar to stars (15 centimeters), the petals are narrow and do not close. The sepals are initially creamy yellow and gradually turn white. Stem – up to 2.5 meters. Not susceptible to fungal infection.

Blue clematis varieties

Blue colors are expressive, they contrast with the general green background of the summer cottages. Blues also belong to this group, since the intensity of the color largely depends on weather conditions, lighting and care. We also note that during the season the blue color can turn into blue and vice versa.

Variety Blue Light

Flowers of this variety are famous for their doubleness, which is observed on shoots of any age. The petals are lavender-blue, bright and expressive. The low size of the vine allows you to grow Blue Light in small areas and balconies. Flowers grow up to 15 centimeters, the upper sepals are narrow and arrow-shaped.

Blue Light

Variety Clematis Durana

The sepals of clematis have a rich blue color, the diameter of the open flower reaches 12 centimeters. The anthers are yellow-blue. The number of sepals is 4, very rarely up to 6. The bush grows up to 2 meters, the foliage is dense green and juicy.

Variety General Sikorsky

Large flowers of pronounced blue-violet or lilac color cover gazebos and fences with a continuous blanket. The petals are wide, the whole flower is flat, reaching a diameter of 20 centimeters. Blooms twice per season, prefers shady areas without excess sun.

Variety H. F. Young

The size of the flowers reaches 18 centimeters. It blooms twice, in the first wave - with semi-double single flowers, in the fall - with simple flowers. The color of the sepals is blue-blue, the anther is yellow-white.

General Sikorsky

Yellow varieties of clematis

Yellow varieties create a cheerful mood; the buds are visible from any distance and are pleasing to the eye.

Variety Blue clematis

The leaves of this clematis are bluish. The flowers have a yellow-green tint, sit on a thin stalk, the number of sepals is 4, they are slightly curled outward. Distributed in China and Mongolia, found in southern Siberia.The liana grows up to 5 meters; in the Middle Zone, clematis can freeze out.

Redera variety

Small drooping bells (length - 2 centimeters) of a pale yellow tone are collected in inflorescences. They have a slight pleasant odor. Redera is a subshrub and grows up to 3 meters. Blooms well in mild, humid climates.

drooping bells

Variety Serrated

Natural species come from the Far East. In nature, serratifolium is not distinguished by abundant flowering, its shape is bell-shaped, the sepals open strongly over time, and sit on thin pedicels (4-6 centimeters). They have a pointed shape, the inner part with an edge. Color: light yellow.

The brightest representative of the group is Golden Tiara, with exquisite bright yellow petals and a lilac-yellow center.

Pink varieties of clematis

Pink flowers are loved by all gardeners; they are cute and delicate.

Variety Josephine

The flowers reach a diameter of 20 centimeters and are very double. The lower petals are wider and open. The upper petals are tightly rolled and open one by one. They are narrower than the lower ones and have a brighter stripe in the center. Color – lilac-pink.

When grown in a shaded area, there are no stripes on the petals. When fully opened, the flower turns into a lush, dense pom-pom of exquisite color.

hands in Josephine

Variety Madame Baron Vilar

It is characterized by high winter hardiness; the bush remains viable for a long time. Blooms profusely. The petals are lilac-pink in color, gradually becoming lighter. The number of sepals is 5-6. The liana stretches up to 3 meters. Clematis blooms from mid-summer on young shoots.

Variety Pink Fantasy

A beautiful variety with soft pink flowers. A darker streak runs along the petals; cherry stamens set off the pink petals.Blooms in a large number of flowers. Can be grown in flowerpots. The stem grows up to 3 meters.

Flowering time is July-September.

Variety Asao

The Japanese variety was introduced to the market in 1971. The flowers are slightly double, pronounced pink (some consider red), the middle of the petals is less colored. The stamens are thin and yellow.

When grown in bright sun, they lose their decorative effect and quickly crumble; it is better to keep them in partial shade. They quickly wrap around vertical supports - trees, bushes. Stem – up to 3 meters. Often grown in containers.

Japanese view

Shade-tolerant varieties of clematis

Many species and varieties of clematis grow well in shaded conditions and do not need bright sun. Some, when exposed to bright light, crumble and lose their decorative effect. They are grown under trees, near fences.

Clematis Vanguard

Clematis has a cheerful, festive appearance - the lower sepals are bright red, the upper ones form a separate flower of a light pink hue. The flower is double and dense, diameter is 10 centimeters. There are many buds, they are bright and noticeable. Liana - 2.5 meters.

Flowering lasts all summer.

Clematis Anastasia Anisimova

Clematis blooms on the current year's shoots with open flowers with 4-7 sepals. The color is light blue, lighter towards the middle; the anthers refresh the flower with a yellow tint. The petals are shiny and curl outward towards the end of flowering. Clematis of this variety can be classified as shade-loving; it does not require constant light for abundant flowering.

It blooms in June, then new buds appear in late summer.

Anastasia Anisimova

Clematis Ballerina

The open white flowers of clematis look like a tutu. The number of sepals is 5-8. In the center are dark gray-cherry anthers.The variety has been known since 1967 and is popular among clematis lovers. It blooms in June, on last year's shoots, and again on young shoots in August and September.

Clematis Gypsy Queen

The wonderful Gipsy Queen clematis does not lose its bright color during prolonged flowering and remains purple-violet. The surface of the sepals is velvety. The shoot produces up to 20 buds. Flowering continues until frost.

One of the oldest and most popular clematis varieties from the Jacqueman class.

Gypsy Queen

Clematis varieties that bloom all summer

Many species and hybrids of clematis delight gardeners with constant flowering throughout the summer. For some, there is some gap between the early and late periods. By the end of the season, early double flowers can be replaced by simple ones with one row of sepals.


Frost-resistant Arabellas bloom all summer and the warm part of autumn. Soft stems without garter spread beautifully along the ground, occupying the entire area. The flowers have a wonderful bright blue or blue-violet hue. There are many buds, they completely cover the foliage with a blue carpet. Arabella looks good if it entwines green bushes of other plants.

frost-resistant Arabella

General Sikorski

The wide sepals of this variety are saucer-shaped, have a rich violet-lilac color and expressive yellow anthers. The dense stem is heavy; clematis can damage neighboring plants if it is poorly tied.

They grow well in partial shade, bloom in June and bloom until mid-autumn.


The color of the sepals of the Romantika variety is dark purple; in the shade the flowers look black. The bright yellow anther refreshes the petals. It belongs to the long-flowering varieties, for which gardeners love it. The length of the stem is 2.5 meters. It climbs well, so it is used for vertical growing.

sepal color

Clematis is an excellent choice for garden plots. Bright bushes decorate the area with abundant flowering all season long. Unpretentious plants survive the harsh Russian winters well. Many hybrids do not require full sun and bloom well in partial shade.

Having mastered the rules of pruning and forming a bush, flower growers receive an exquisitely beautiful plant, which becomes a real decoration of the garden, balcony or apartment.
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