Lychnis is a perennial flower, a member of the carnation family. Translated from Greek, the name sounds like “lamp”. Flowers decorate any garden and create a cozy atmosphere in it. Planting lychnis in open ground and caring for the crop rarely causes difficulties. Even an inexperienced summer resident can handle it, provided all recommendations are followed.
- Description and characteristics
- Propagation from seeds through seedlings
- Landing dates
- Preparation of planting material
- How to plant
- Site selection
- Soil preparation
- Care
- Watering
- Loosening and weeding
- Removing faded inflorescences
- Top dressing
- Harmful bugs and diseases
- Wintering
- Trimming
- Breeding
- Bush division
- Petioles
- Kinds
- Arkwright
- Alpine
- Viscaria
- Crowned
- Kukushkin
- Sparkling
- Haage
- Chalcedonian
- Jupiter
- Rosetta
- Terry Flore Pleno
- Angela Blanche
- Mysterious Island
- Nana
- Alba
- Rosea Plena
- Molten Lava
- Maltese cross
- Lara
- Vesuvius
- Smolka
- Gibraltar
- Application in garden decoration
- Reviews
Description and characteristics
Lychnis began to be cultivated in the 16th century. Perennial bushes are widespread in the northern states. In the CIS countries, only 15 varieties are in demand. Lychnis grows up to 1 meter in height. The stem has hairs and the leaves are round and heart-shaped. The diameter of the flowers is 20 mm. They come in pinkish, white, bright red, pale yellow and deep apricot. The fruits are multi-nutlets with kidney-shaped seeds of a dark brown hue, 0.2 cm in diameter. Lychnis is grown in one place for up to 5 years.
Propagation from seeds through seedlings
After the completion of the Lychnis pollen, you can wait for the seed material to ripen. This happens in the fall, when the inflorescences dry out. If you save the seeds correctly, they can be stored for 4 years. The first shoots appear after 3 weeks, if the daytime air temperature does not fall below +18. When the shoots have sprouted very close to each other, thinning is done. The procedure ensures free, full development of sprouts.
After they get stronger and the first leaves appear, they are replanted. Each shoot is planted in a separate hole at a distance of 30 cm from each other, taking into account the further growth of the bush in breadth.
Landing dates
Seeds are sown directly into the ground from April to July. The air temperature should be kept within 8-12 degrees Celsius. It will bloom next year or even in summer. The first inflorescences will not be as dense as in the future. This is considered the norm.
Preparation of planting material
Seedlings can be bought in nurseries, 1-2 years old. There should be no damage or signs of disease. Pay attention to the soil in the container to keep it moist. Lychnis seedlings should be placed in a clay mash before planting. You can add a growth stimulant to the mixture. Keep in solution for about an hour. This will help the rhizome to develop faster and get stronger.
If we are talking about sowing seeds, first sort out the rejected specimens and leave only healthy ones. It is advisable to carry out stratification. The procedure involves placing them in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Place the seeds in a wet napkin. To speed up the process of their appearance, before sowing, soak in warm water or a growth stimulator solution for 5 hours. Afterwards, dry thoroughly.
How to plant
Lychnis is planted with seeds or seedlings. To quickly get pollen in the first year, you should resort to the second method. 1 month in advance, make holes in the selected location. Their size is determined depending on the diameter of the rhizome.
When planting several plants, maintain the optimal distance between them - 20-25 cm.
Pour sand or fine gravel into the bottom of the hole. Carefully place the bush in the hole, sprinkle with soil, compacting it a little with your hands. Afterwards, pour plenty of water and loosen the soil.
Site selection
Lychnis prefers to grow in damp, swampy, elevated areas that receive sunlight. The bushes also grow safely in partial shade. For high varieties, a place is selected along house walls or other structures, a fence or gazebo, along the banks of a pond or reservoir.
Low varieties take root well in single or group plantings in flower beds and rock gardens. Crowned Lychnis varieties are best placed in light shade.
Soil preparation
Choose well-drained, light soil.The culture does not tolerate stagnant water. There must be sand in the soil. The earth is first loosened so that it is saturated with oxygen. Add potassium magnesium, superphosphate, and humus to it in advance.
Caring for lychnis is simple; you just need to provide it with timely watering, feeding, loosening, and treatment against diseases. In cold regions, the bush will need to be covered for the winter.
Lychnis is a moisture-loving crop; it should be watered as the soil dries out. This usually happens once a week. The water must be settled. In summer, flowers need to be irrigated more often, 2 times in 7 days. Watering should be done in the morning, since the plant actively absorbs moisture during the day.
Loosening and weeding
You should loosen the soil around the lychnis bush 1-2 times a month. Weeding ensures the removal of weeds and saturation of the earth with oxygen. Loosen shallowly, about 5 cm deep. Weed between the rows with a hoe, trying not to touch the bushes.
Removing faded inflorescences
Dried flowers must be removed. This is necessary so that the plant does not waste extra energy and the bush does not become heavier. Timely excision of faded inflorescences helps the bush form new buds faster.
Top dressing
Lychnis is fertilized 3 times a year, before pollen, during and after. 10 kg of compost, 50 g of superphosphate and 40 g of potassium magnesia per square meter are used as nutrient material. The given substances are dissolved in 10 liters of water.
Harmful bugs and diseases
Lychnis is susceptible to root rot, leaf spot, and rust. Diseases usually develop when water stagnates in the root system. When the first symptoms of the disease were noticed, treat the affected specimen with fungicides.If the bush has been attacked by aphids or leaf rollers, they are removed with a decoction of tomato or tobacco tops. Add grated soap into the mixture and stir thoroughly. In addition, you can treat the crop with insecticides.
The plant does not require shelter for the winter if we are talking about middle and southern latitudes. In the north, after pruning, it is covered with a layer of spruce branches, peat or dry soil.
To preserve the decorative appearance of the bush, timely pruning of the crown is required. The procedure involves picking off faded inflorescences. Before wintering, the entire above-ground part is cut off.
Reproduction is carried out in two types.
Bush division
The healthiest part, containing young shoots, is separated from the mother bush with the root system. She is transplanted to a new place. This method is often used by gardeners, since bushes need to be replanted once every 5 years. Plants under 5 years old should not be divided using this method. It is better not to shake off the soil from the rhizome. Take a sharp pruner and carefully divide the bush into 2-3 parts. If it is quite old, you can do without a knife; the rhizome is divided by hand. Afterwards, plant the young bushes in prepared holes at a distance of 25 cm from each other. It is advisable to divide lychnis in the fall, but you can do it in the spring.
Lychnis is propagated in this way at the beginning of summer. Young shoots are cut 25 cm long, their lower part is treated with Kornevin or another solution that stimulates root formation. Place the prepared petioles for half an hour in a container with this preparation. Afterwards, plant them in the prepared area and cover them with covering material like burlap. Then the petioles will take root faster. In the fall, they are transplanted to a permanent place.You can check whether rooting has occurred with a detailed inspection. A sign of the development of the root system is the appearance of young leaves.
Each variety of Lychnis differs in size, flower color, and bush height.
Depending on the wishes in the landscape design of the site, a specific type of perennial is selected.
The bushes grow 35-40 cm tall. The stems and foliage are narrow and purple in color. The petals are orange, collected in a corolla with a diameter of 3 cm. Pollen falls at the end of June and lasts until mid-August.
The perennial grows up to 0.2 meters in height. The inflorescences look like panicles and consist of pinkish-red or raspberry-colored flowers.
The Viscaria variety of perennial has dark, burgundy stems that rise 1 meter upward. The flowers are white, pinkish or fuchsia. The variety blooms for 2 months, from June to July.
Lychnis crown grows up to 0.9 meters high. The inflorescences are loose, racemose, and consist of pinkish-colored flowers. Sometimes there are white buds.
The variety grows along roads or along river banks. The variety is most resistant to excessive soil moisture. At the base of the stem there is a dense rosette of oval, short leaves. Above it there is a mass of shoots 90 cm high. The top of the stems is branched and decorated with dense pinkish inflorescences. The diameter of each bud is 4 cm. The petals are thin, carved, and painted in a pinkish tone.
The perennial blooms in late May.
The Lychnis variety Sparkling grows up to 60 cm tall. The inflorescences are deep red, 4-5 cm in diameter, the leaves are straight, rich green. Pollen falls in mid-July and continues until the end of August. The variety bears fruit.
The height of the perennial Haage is 0.45 meters. The leaf blades are ovoid, oblong. The inflorescences are racemose, consist of 7 flowers, orange-scarlet. Their diameter is 50 mm. On each side of the petal there is 1 long narrow tooth. The plant exhibits high winter hardiness.
The herbaceous perennial grows up to 1 meter high. The shape of the leaves is ovate-lanceolate, the diameter of the inflorescences is 10 cm. The petals are fiery red, 30 mm in diameter. The variety easily tolerates frost. It has been cultivated by gardeners since 1561. The variety is also popularly called “Zorka”.
The Lychnis variety grows up to 0.8 meters high, the shoots are branched and densely leafy. There is pubescence on their surface. Lavender flowers, 30 mm in diameter. There are white-flowered and double forms.
The Lychnis variety Rosetta is famous for its double inflorescences of bright crimson color. The bush grows up to 1 meter high. The stem is rough, the leaves are heart-shaped, sharp, drooping. The buds are short, up to 2 cm in diameter, dark red in color.
Pollen is long-lasting, lasting 1 month. If you periodically remove faded inflorescences, it can be extended.
Terry Flore Pleno
The bushes grow up to 0.3 meters tall. The inflorescences are racemose, consisting of double flowers with a diameter of 30 mm. The shade of the buds is rich lavender. The leaves are narrow, rich green.
Angela Blanche
The perennial grows up to 60 cm in height. The shoots are ash-gray, hidden under rich green foliage. The buds are deep crimson. Pollen falls in mid-May and lasts until October.
Mysterious Island
The domestic variety of crown lychnis is famous for its pinkish buds, with a white border visible along the edges of the petals. The height of the bush is about 50 cm.Leaves and branches are deep emerald. Flowering occurs in mid-June and lasts until early September.
The variety grows up to 0.15 meters in height, the flowers are deep pinkish with a lavender undertone. Their diameter is 10 cm. The petals are elongated, oblong, narrow.
The inflorescences are painted white, with a diameter of 10 cm. The height of the bush is about 80 cm. The foliage is a rich green hue.
Rosea Plena
The bush grows up to 70 cm tall, the leaves are emerald. The flowers are double, pinkish in color.
Molten Lava
Lychnis variety Molten Lava grows up to 25 cm tall, the leaves are emerald green. The color of the inflorescences is deep red, the petals are small, with pointed edges, slightly twisted.
Maltese cross
Lychnis buds are bright red, the inflorescences are small, up to 5 cm in diameter. The foliage is green, wide, the stem is strong. The bush grows up to 90 cm tall.
Lychnis Lara is famous for its lavender, small flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. The inflorescences are collected in a bud, the petals are short, wavy at the edges. The height of the bush is on average 70 cm. The leaves are muted green, as is the stem.
The variety is distinguished by wide, heart-shaped leaves of a bright green tone and dense flowers. Their hue is a rich red-orange, more fiery. Small inflorescences are collected into a bud. The stem and leaves are bright green. The height of the bush is 40 cm.
The bush grows up to 40 cm high, the leaves are light green. Pollen occurs in May. The flowers are bright lavender, small, collected in lilac-type buds.
Gibraltar Lychnis is the rarest variety. The inflorescences are pale white, small, of medium length. The stem and leaves are light green. The bush reaches a height of up to 80 cm.
Application in garden decoration
Lychnis is widely used for site decoration.Group plantings are good in the middle of a green lawn, next to ponds. You can plant primroses, cornflowers, and bluebells nearby. You can make a combination of different varieties of lychnis.
Feedback from gardeners about Lychnis is mostly positive. They will help you learn more about the plant.
Ilya Livanov, 70 years old, Moscow
Hello! I have been growing the Lychnis Vesuvius plant since 2005. The bushes bloom all summer with beautiful flowers. The plant is unpretentious, I recommend it to everyone!
Oksana Zavalskaya, 66 years old, Kyiv
Greetings to all! I planted Lychnis Smolka 6 years ago. The plant bloomed in the second year with beautiful lavender inflorescences. The garden is fragrant.
Natalya Rozenko, 48 years old, Sevastopol.
Hello! I have been growing Lychnis for over 10 years. The culture decorates the garden in the middle, and dahlias are planted nearby. Lychnis Molten Love and Alba grow in the garden. A couple of times the bushes were sick with aphids, but I got rid of them with vodka.