With the onset of summer, gardeners become more active, and now the task is to create lush and beautiful flower beds. To maintain such beauty, it is necessary to work and regularly provide the soil around the lilies with water. There is no clear answer to the question of how often to water flowers such as lilies. The thing is that the frequency and rules of irrigation depend on the characteristics of the soil.
General rules
Lily is one of the most beautiful garden flowers. The buds can decorate any flower bed. A wonderful aroma spreads from the flower.There are several varieties, each of which has special shades of buds.
In order for a crop to delight with flowering, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for growth. An important condition is regular watering. Lily loves moisture, but it should be moderate. You should not flood the soil so that there is water standing between plantings, but you should not dry out the soil until lumps form.
Basic requirements for watering:
- if the soil moisture is moderate, there is no need to organize additional irrigation; the need for irrigation depends on the air temperature;
- hours for work are determined in advance; it is better to water the plant early in the morning, when there is no intense sun, or late in the evening, when it has already disappeared;
- Root watering is recommended, when water does not fall on the buds or leaves, but periodically fine spraying of the above-ground parts is allowed, subject to the rules and conditions;
- in spring, summer and autumn, watering should be systematic;
- Most of all, the crop needs watering at the stage of active growth and during the formation of flowers.
Lily is a crop that loves water, but does not tolerate excessive watering. Usually, lush and beautiful flower beds appear from those gardeners who have found a golden mean, a certain balance between overwatering and underwatering.
Watering a newly planted flower
When the first shoots appear, which indicate the beginning of the flower formation stage, the requirements should be observed especially carefully. Moisturizing is practiced every three to four days. Activation of drip irrigation is allowed here, but this is done on the condition that drops of water do not create preconditions for sunburn.
How to water a blooming lily
When a lily blooms, it becomes vulnerable.Water is poured carefully, under the root, carefully ensuring that the drops do not fall on the delicate petals. The fact is that excessive moisture of the above-ground part during this period becomes an obstacle to the flowering process.
What about after flowering?
As soon as the buds fade, you should reduce the amount of watering. The crop worked actively, especially during bud formation, now it’s time to rest. The dormant state for the lily will last until the next season. Now it is recommended to water the soil. As soon as it becomes covered with a dry crust, which will indicate a lack of moisture, but not before. The optimal time for watering remains the same at all stages: early morning or late evening.
Individual recommendations
As you know, lilies grow as garden and indoor plants. If we are talking about garden plants, then a lot depends on the characteristics of the soil. For example, if the soil contains peat and clay, then this indicates high density, which means slow loss of moisture. This soil stays moist longer.
If the composition is dominated by sand, then it quickly allows water to pass through, and such soil needs additional watering.
But it is important to understand that overwatering destroys lilies, as it displaces the oxygen necessary for further growth from the soil. Overwatering promotes rotting of the roots of the lily crop. If fungus appears on only one area of the root, then most likely the flower will be lost.
Experienced gardeners take this as a sign that lilies need watering due to the condition of the soil. The surface layer of soil is checked by digging, that is, digging up the ground with a shovel to a depth of 15 centimeters. You can't focus on the rain here.It happens that with light surface rain, the soil layer below 5-10 centimeters remains dry.
Watering garden flowers
Lilies that grow in the garden are a special aesthetic pleasure for the gardener. Properly planted lilies form luxurious flower beds. Provided favorable conditions are created, they bloom for a long time.
It should be remembered that during sunny, hot summer days, evening activity is recommended for lilies. The fact is that in the summer mornings moisture evaporates much faster as soon as the sun rises. Moisture does not have time to reach the roots in full. It's already starting to evaporate.
There are times when evening irrigation becomes impossible. Then gardeners practice morning watering, but at the same time mulch the soil with freshly cut grass or other material. In this case, the soil retains moisture much longer.
Simultaneously with watering, they practice weeding the soil around the bush, as well as active loosening. On the plots, gardeners create optimal conditions that allow crops to grow in accordance with the characteristics and requirements.
At one stage, you can create and arrange a special watering irrigation system. But when organizing, you should take into account the following features:
- the sprinkler method underlying automatic irrigation is used only during warm weather in the evening or at night;
- do not allow splashes to come into contact with petals or leaves;
- a plant such as a lily does not accept subsoil watering, since the root of the crop remains a bulb, the condition of which is difficult to control;
- The best option is drip irrigation, which can also be used to add the necessary vitamin complexes of fertilizers.
Houseplants - how to treat them
Growing a lily at home is quite difficult. This flower is accustomed to space, blooms in collaboration with other lilies, and prefers open ground. But it also grows at home, although it requires a lot of attention. One of the conditions is the correct selection of the pot. The bulbs are planted in containers that match the size of the root system. It should be taken into account that the system will grow and develop, but the lily does not like transplants. This means that the pot must initially be selected according to size.
To get a beautiful flower at home, it is important to follow the rules of irrigation from the very beginning. The older the flower becomes, the more often it needs watering. The most moisture is required when the flower forms a bud. During this stage, the bulb needs an increased amount of nutrients, which it receives along with water.
After the flower fades, the amount of watering is reduced, and then the crop is left dormant until the next season.
It is important to consider that moisture is retained inside the pots longer than when watering open ground. It is for this reason that indoor lilies are watered less frequently than garden lilies.
In spring and summer, the flower is watered twice weekly; in autumn, the frequency is 1 time every 10-14 days. Domestic flowers of this crop are rarely watered in winter, about once a month. But when lily bulbs are stored in the cold, there is no need for watering.