Description of the best varieties of Martagon lily, planting and care, propagation methods

The lily called Martagon is known for its longevity and beauty. This species tolerates problems with diseases and pests well, which allows it to be grown in large quantities and does not require much effort. The first examples of this hybrid were exclusively white, but later breeders were able to develop more than 200 new varieties of bright colors.

Description and characteristics

The plant is quite tall, its size reaches two meters. The petals of almost all flowers are curved back, which gives them volume. These flowers arrived in Europe many years ago, and new hybrids are still being developed, which are actively used to decorate gardens, alleys and parks. Usually the plants grow nearby, and they form something like bushes. Martagon lilies can grow in the same place for more than 10 years.

Also, cut flowers may not fade for a long time, but it is not recommended to place a vase in the house; the strong smell often makes you dizzy. There is a sugary sweet aroma. This hybrid can grow both in sunny areas and in the shade.

Types and varieties of Martagon

There are not many varieties of this flower, but still these specimens are worthy of attention. Crossing makes it possible to develop new hybrids, colors and find a suitable variety for each gardener, improving its general characteristics:

  • The most beautiful varieties are considered to be lilies called Maroon King, “Mr. RO Backhouse”, “Sunny morning”, as well as Canadian lilies.
  • Russian morning. The height of the stems reaches 80-110 centimeters, the flowers are medium in size. They are lowered down, and the petals are bent back and slightly curled at the ends. The color of the lily ranges from light yellow to bright orange. The flower begins to bloom in early summer and until the end of August or beginning of September. The smell is delicate, sweet.
  • "Henry". Lily comes from China. Quite a popular variety that grows in almost all gardens in the world. Thanks to the Chinese lily, it was possible to develop new varieties by crossing the plant with other oriental lilies. The height of the lily can reach up to 2.5 meters, the stems are very long and elastic.The foliage covers the stems completely and has medium-sized leaves. The hybrid tolerates frost well and rarely gets sick.

types of lilies

Main advantages and disadvantages

No matter how much the plant is praised, it still has its drawbacks:

  • Lilies take a very long time to grow their bulbs, so in the first years there will be few flowers.
  • The first flowering will be poor, the price of Martagon lilies will be high.
  • Dried parts spoil the overall appearance; they cannot be cut off if the gardener wants to have abundant flowering in the following years.
  • It is also not recommended to replant the plant, so if you need free space in the flowerbed, you will have to find another replacement.

But lilies tolerate frost and drought well and are not picky about where they grow; the main thing is not to forget to water the flowers from time to time. The culture will also give the garden a wonderful aroma and will be pleasing to the eye.

Lily flower

How to grow properly

Before you start a lily in your garden, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of planting and care, which are very important if gardeners do not want their work to be done in vain.

When and where to plant

Planting is carried out at the end of summer, when it is still warm and not too hot. You can also carry out this procedure in early September. Choose a place where there are no strong drafts; an area under trees is perfect. It is recommended to plant Martagon lilies near other lily hybrids. They are looking for a higher place so that the sun's rays reach the young plant. The wells are pre-prepared.

Preparation of planting material

They buy planting material in special stores and monitor the quality of the bulbs. It is very important to pay attention to this in order to have success after planting. Damaged bulbs will simply rot in the ground.The surface is smooth and not too wet. Finding good specimens can be very difficult, since this variety is rare and is almost not on sale.

planting lilies

How to plant

The planting process requires care and quality execution. Before planting the bulb in the ground, it is pre-treated with a solution of “Fundazol”. The holes dug should be 2.5-3 bulbs deep to leave room for future young specimens and stems. The soil dug out of the hole is mixed with mineral fertilizers and ash. Afterwards, humus is added to the mixture so that at first the plant feeds on substances from the soil. The roots must be carefully straightened and inspected again for the presence of defects. The onion is sprinkled with the resulting mixture and humus is also added on top.

Water the planting site well and allow the water to soak in; too much watering will be harmful to the lily. With the arrival of cold weather, the soil around the planting site is mulched, but not covered.

Subtleties of flower care

It is important to properly care for the plant after planting in order to obtain the desired result. Watering, fertilizing, loosening and mulching are all the keys to successful cultivation of Martagon lilies.

different lily

How to feed

The plant is regularly fed so that the flowers are large and lush, and the stems themselves are strong and less painful. After the snow has melted and the soil has warmed up a little after winter, the place where the lily grows is watered with nitroammophos and ammonium nitrate. The following fertilizers are applied after the first buds appear. Phosphorus fertilizers are used for this.


Watering the crop is considered an important point. They do not spare water, because the liquid must penetrate to a depth of 30 centimeters. The place should be well drained.But you should try too hard, because in too humid an environment the bulb will begin the process of rotting.

Shelter for the winter

Lilies of the Martagon variety are frost-resistant and do not require special care before the arrival of frost. In winter it is not covered, only lightly sprinkled with mulch.

lily martagon

Methods of controlling diseases and pests

Lily variety Martagon rarely suffers from viral infections, but still it has its weaknesses. Gray rot can affect flowers, so formaldehyde is used to combat it, which is injected into the soil.

If the plant is affected by rust, then the lilies are sprayed with Ditan, Cuprozan and colloidal sulfur. The soil is also fertilized with phosphorus or potassium fertilizers.

How to propagate Martagon

In order to propagate this beautiful flower, several methods are used. Among them, the most popular are propagation by bulbs and scales.

Baby bulbs

The easiest way to propagate lilies. But here, growing bulbs will take a very long time, unlike other types of lilies. The bulb grows and over time small specimens appear on it. They are planted and grown in separate containers.

lily bulbs


Several scales are separated from the bulb and then dried. Prepare in advance a mixture of sphagnum, peat, and charcoal. Store the petioles in it at room temperature, after a while small bulbs will appear.


Carefully tear off the leaf and stem, then prepare a mixture with fertilizers and moisten it. Flowers are planted at an angle. Before this, small cuts are made on the stems. Create a greenhouse effect for rapid root germination.

Use in garden design

These flowers are often used by designers, as they are a good material for decorating gardens and alleys.A variety of colors and scents will help create a pleasant atmosphere. Since the flowers grow in bushes, this will help hide defects in buildings and generally give them a fresh look.
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