Description of perennial flowers for Siberia, selection criteria and growing rules

When choosing perennial flowers for growing in Siberia, first of all, pay attention to the plant’s resistance to frost. Crops must have a strong root system and be unpretentious to the poor northern soils. Despite the difficult climatic conditions of Siberia, there is a fairly extensive selection of perennial plants that have been cultivated in this region for years. The main thing is to properly prepare the plants for the cold season and provide proper care.

Features of growing perennial flowers in Siberia

If earlier gardeners in Siberia were limited to growing annual flowers on their plots, today, thanks to the work of breeders, it is possible to plant perennial flowers in the garden. Before deciding on suitable crops, they study the criteria that flowers must meet:

  • Strong roots that can easily overwinter in the ground.
  • Resistance to returning spring frosts.
  • Short growing season and flowering period.
  • Ability to resist fungal diseases.

Suitable perennials for northern regions

The list of flowers suitable for Siberia includes both short and tall representatives. By skillfully combining crops of different heights, the gardener creates an attractive flower bed on his site.


The group of Korean chrysanthemums suitable for growing in Siberia includes plants with different flowering periods, heights, and petal colors. The flowers themselves are both tubular and reed-shaped. Conventionally, all chrysanthemums can be divided into small-flowered (up to 10 cm) and large-flowered (over 10 cm in diameter). Their height ranges from 30 cm to 1 meter.

Among the most popular varieties are the following representatives:

  • Malchish-Kibalchish. It belongs to the border varieties, its height does not exceed 30 cm, and the diameter of the bush is about 55-60 cm. Lush bushes are covered with single inflorescences of a pinkish-lilac hue. The variety blooms in late July and pleases with its decorative appearance throughout the month.
  • Amber. The dense bush of the variety stretches up to 50 cm in height. It is characterized by double inflorescences up to 7 cm in diameter, of a bright yellow hue.
  • Orange sunset. A tall representative of the Korean chrysanthemum.The plant has a height of about 75 cm, double inflorescences are red-brown in color.

Chrysanthemum flowers

Lumbago (sleep-grass)

The plant belongs to the Buttercup family; its natural habitat is the countries of Northern Europe and America. In many regions, the flower is listed in the Red Book. The height of the crop does not exceed 20 cm and is characterized by a powerful vertical rhizome that can easily withstand frosty Siberian winters.

First, flower buds appear from the ground, and only after them leaves. After blooming, the buds resemble bells in shape, and a little later they look like stars. The petals are slightly pubescent and colored blue or purple. Experienced gardeners recommend growing lumbago from seeds at home for seedlings and then transferring them to open ground.

Kandyk Siberian

The plant's homeland is considered to be Southern Siberia and Mongolia; the crop belongs to the Bulbous family. It does not exceed 35 cm in height, the green leaf blades of the Siberian kandyk are covered with red-brown spots. The flowers of the plant are drooping in shape, about 6-7 cm in diameter. According to the description, the buds of the culture resemble cyclamen. One of the earliest representatives, blooming in the gardens of Siberian gardeners 20-25 days after the snow melts. The flowering period lasts about 2 weeks.

Kandyk Siberian


A representative of the Astrov family, found naturally in the prairies of North America. It is characterized by simple or branched shoots with a height of 50 cm to 2 meters. The leaf blades are oval or ovoid in shape and length from 5 to 15 cm. The diameter of rudbeckia baskets is about 15 cm, the color of which is mainly yellow. The plant is mainly grown by sowing seeds into seedlings, but the method of dividing the rhizome of an adult flower is also used.


Hyacinths belong to the Asparagus family and belong to the earliest spring flowers. The variety of shades allows you to create harmonious compositions in flower beds - there are representatives with pink, yellow, blue, and red shades. Hyacinths are among the most capricious plants that require special soil composition. Flowers react negatively to excess moisture and lack of adequate lighting.

Hyacinth flowers


Like hyacinths, muscari is a bulbous plant, so growing a flower in the Siberian climate presents certain difficulties. For Siberia, varieties are selected that begin to bloom in June; others simply cannot withstand the cold spring and die. The main color of the inflorescences is blue in various shades and white.

Growing muscari requires moisture-permeable soil, but the plant is not so demanding of sunlight and develops even in partial shade.


A representative of the Crassulaceae family, an unpretentious succulent, popularly known as hernia grass. It grows in the form of a shrub or subshrub with fleshy, alternately arranged leaf blades of various sizes and colors. The first flowers are observed on sedum in late summer or early autumn. These are inflorescences that have a racemose or corymbose shape with flowers of various colors.

Sedum flowers


Representatives of the Sinyushny family are distinguished not only by their high decorative qualities, but also by their unpretentiousness to growing conditions - lighting, soil types. In addition, they have increased frost resistance, so these flowers occupy a leading position among gardeners in Siberia.Most often, paniculate phloxes are preferred for gardening; the first flowers appear on them in late summer. The flowering period continues until the end of September.

The bushes grow in height from 40 cm to 1 meter, and the shades of fragrant inflorescences are lilac, pink and dark purple.


Doronicum belongs to the Asteraceae family and is popular among gardeners due to its unpretentiousness and decorative qualities. The leaf plates of the plant are alternately arranged, and the shape of the inflorescence-baskets is broadly bell-shaped or hemispherical. The color of the flowers is yellow, they resemble a chamomile. Doronicum is grown from seeds at home, and when consistently warm weather sets in, it is transferred to flower beds.

Doronicum flowers


Not every type of clematis is suitable for Siberian harsh conditions as a perennial plant. Developed specifically for this region clematis pungent, considered a long-liver. With good care and strong support in one place, the plant can bloom for up to 15 years. It has dark green, oval-shaped leaves. The flowering period begins in early July and ends in August. For cultivation, be sure to select a sunny area, because burning clematis does not develop well in the shade.


To plant bush asters, select an open sunny area. The variety of colors (pink, white, red, purple) allows you to create flower beds only from these plants. The most popular varieties for Siberia are Dick Ballard and Beachwood Rivel, Blue Danube and Mount Everest. They bloom in August and continue to delight with colors until the first significant cold snap.

Aster flowers


Hybrids based on the Asiatic lily are considered suitable for the harsh Siberian regions.Such plants have a thin and straight stem on which several flower stalks are formed. The leaf blades of the crop are glossy on top, dense and narrow. Asian hybrids grow from 30 centimeters to one and a half meters in height.

Plants can be either monochromatic or combine several shades. The most popular are: London, America, Lollipop.


Astilbe looks like a subshrub with straight and strong stems. They are densely covered with foliage. Plant height varies from 15 cm to 2 meters. The leaf blades have a jagged edge and a bright dark green hue. At the time of flowering, about 2-3 peduncles are formed on one stem. Inflorescences drooping, paniculate or pyramidal. The flowering period depends on the specific variety, but its duration is approximately the same for all - no more than 35 days. For cultivation, select a place in the shade, since astilbe does not tolerate open sunlight.

Astilbe flowers

Anemone (anemone)

An herbaceous plant, not exceeding 35 cm in height. The stems of the anemone are thin and brown in color. Along their entire length there are leafy rosettes. The leaf blades have a carved edge, a light green tint and an elongated shape. The color of the inflorescences can be white, pink, red, blue - this parameter depends on the selected variety. The most popular representatives are Blue Shades, Admiral, Pink Star.

Care instructions

The climate features of the north of Russia leave their mark on the implementation of agrotechnical measures:

  • Irrigation is carried out infrequently, trying not to flood the plants.
  • Bush varieties are planted periodically to avoid crushing of flowers.
  • Bulbous plants are prepared for winter more thoroughly than those with a root system.
  • Be sure to apply fertilizing, following the instructions for the composition.

If you follow all the rules of care, even in such a harsh region as Siberia, you will be able to grow beautiful and fragrant flowers that adorn the area for many years.
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