Rogersia is loved by gardeners for its lush foliage and unpretentiousness. The exotic guest does not need an abundance of sunlight; she spreads a carpet of carved leaves in shady corners where other plants would wither without bright rays. Let's consider how to grow Rogers - choosing a location, planting and care, as well as use in landscape design and methods of propagating the plant.
- Description and features
- Kinds
- Elderflower
- Chestnut-leaved
- Cirrus
- Centopolist
- Nepalese
- Henrici
- Popular varieties
- Bronze Peacock
- Irish Bronze
- Elegance
- Dark Pokers
- Superba
- Fireworks
- Hercules
- White
- Chocolit Wings
- Braunlaub
- Emerald
- Pagoda
- Rothlaub
- Cherry Blausch
- Dee Sean
- Growing in open ground
- Selecting a location
- Soil requirements
- Deadlines
- Planting scheme
- Care
- Watering
- Trimming
- Top dressing
- Mulching
- Preparing for winter
- Diseases and pests
- Reproduction
- Dividing the bush
- Cuttings
- Seeds
- Use in landscape design
- Why doesn't it bloom or grow?
Description and features
The homeland of Rogersia is the eastern part of Asia, the Himalayas. It is a herbaceous perennial with a long taproot. The plant is cultivated for its beautiful carved leaves - on long petioles, pinnate or palmate, with a pointed end. During the growing season, foliage may change color. The inflorescence is a panicle, the color of small flowers is from white to red. The bush blooms for 4-6 weeks in mid-summer. Bright flowers against the background of a carpet of foliage look elegant and touching. Belongs to the Saxifraga family.
There are only a few known species of Rogersia, differing in the shape and color of the foliage. All of them are found in nature only in the east of the Asian continent.
Found naturally in China. Rogersia elderifolia blooms with white fragrant panicles, reaching a height of 0.5-0.6 meters. The leaves look like elderberry greens.
The foliage of this type of Rogersia resembles a horse chestnut; with good care, the bush can grow over a meter. The leaves are a rich dark green color. Horse-chestnut-leaved Rogersia blooms in mid-summer with white, pink or pink-white panicles.
The pink-white inflorescences of Rogers pinnate grow up to 1.2 meters in height, the length of the panicle is 30 centimeters. Short petioles make the leaves look like palm trees. Many varieties are based on Rogersia pinnate and are distinguished by high drought resistance.
One of the most decorative types of Rogers - the color of the foliage changes from bronze to green, and by autumn the bush becomes red.Grows up to 1.6 meters. Flowers in cream-colored panicles.
Nepalese Rogers leaves are planted far apart on long petioles and have a glossy surface and pointed edges. The inflorescences are dense, the color of the petals is yellow-green.
The bushes grow up to 0.8 meters. Henrici is a subspecies of horse-chestnut-leaved Rogersia. In summer, the foliage becomes bright green, the color of the flowers is pink and cream.
Information: the beautiful perennial received its name from the surname of Admiral Rogers (America), whose expedition discovered an unfamiliar plant of impressive appearance in China.
Popular varieties
The varietal diversity of Rogers is impressive. Many varieties exhibit striking changes in foliage color throughout the season. Those who believe that leaves can only be green will also find Rogers to suit their taste.
Bronze Peacock
The Bronze Peacock variety features structured leaves that change color from bronze-brown in spring to dark green in summer. Pink flowers are collected in large inflorescences, rising up to 1.2 meters.
Irish Bronze
Irish Bronze has a bush up to a meter high and wide. Leaves are up to 50 centimeters, on long petioles. They bloom bronze-gold, then turn green. Flowers change color from cream to white.
The pink-white inflorescences of Elegans rise up to 1.2 meters, the leaves are purple at the beginning of the growing season, gradually turning into rich green.
Dark Pokers
Dark Pokers blooms with pink-red small flowers on tall peduncles. Along the edge of the green leaves there is a brownish-pink border. Withstands frosts down to -29°, can be planted in any region of Russia.
The pink panicles of the Superba variety will not leave anyone indifferent.The crinkled foliage with showy veins acquires a bronze patina closer to autumn when the Rogersia fades.
The mauve flowers bloom in late June and early July. All season long, Rogersia delights the eye with its large, elegant leaves with a purple edge.
The Hercules variety is distinguished by large expressive leaves (50 centimeters long). Against the background of funnel-shaped foliage, pale pink long panicles of inflorescences look tender.
A large perennial is used to create spectacular landscaping. White flowers throughout the month delight with freshness and beauty against the backdrop of impressively sized leaves.
Chocolit Wings
A popular variety among those who love more than just green color in their garden. The foliage is bronze-chocolate when blooming, turning green only before flowering. Peduncles with buds of a red-pink hue rise above a meter.
The Braunlaub variety is unpretentious and grows in the shade and in dim sun. The leaves turn green at the time of flowering, at first the color of milk chocolate. Cream flowers have a delicate aroma.
Lovers of green foliage should choose the Smaragd variety; it will delight you with the expressive emerald shade of the bush throughout the season.
The inflorescences of the Pagode variety reminded the breeders of the iconic building, which is why Rogers got its name. One of the earliest flowering varieties.
This Rogersia variety is famous for its spectacular leaf color. If the bush is grown in full sun, the foliage remains bronze-brown and reddish throughout the season. Bushes growing in the shade have green leaves. The flowers remain fresh for a long time, the panicles are pinkish-cream with a pronounced aroma.
Cherry Blausch
The showy perennial produces pink cherry blossoms that bloom in late June.The Cherry Blush variety starts out with chocolate foliage that gradually turns green and turns red in the fall.
Dee Sean
Rogers' inflorescences Die Schone rise above a meter. Against the backdrop of expressive large green foliage with raised veins, pink flowers look bright and fresh.
Growing in open ground
Rogersia is grown by flower growers in Europe and America; our lovers of exotic plants know less about the spectacular perennial. Unpretentiousness and undemandingness to sunlight allow you to grow Rogers in any region.
Selecting a location
The selection of a place for planting Rogers should be taken seriously - the bush lives for a long time and does not require replanting. What to consider when choosing a location:
- the bush grows and looks better in shaded conditions;
- the plant has a powerful root system that constantly grows and can destroy neighboring plants with weaker roots;
- bushes grow up to 1-1.2 meters in diameter, it is necessary to provide enough space;
- in low-lying areas with high groundwater and frequent puddles, the Rogersia root may rot.
It is recommended to plant different varieties at a distance from each other, as Rogers can cross-pollinate. The bushes are planted in places illuminated by scattered rays of the sun for 1-3 hours a day - between the fence and buildings, between bushes and trees.
Soil requirements
Rogersia requires light, air- and moisture-permeable soil with neutral acidity. Heavy clay soils are lightened with tree leaves, compost, and humus. The planting area is dug up in advance, if necessary, deoxidized with lime, and complex fertilizers are applied.
Rogersia takes root well after planting in spring and autumn. Things to remember when choosing a deadline:
- Experienced flower growers believe that Rogersia planted in the fall quickly grows in the spring. It is important not to plant the bush too late so that the root system has time to strengthen before frost.
- When planting in spring, you need to wait for stable heat - 5-10 ° at night for a week.
Rogersia is often planted from pots along with soil, so the plant takes root quickly and without problems.
Planting scheme
The bushes are planted at a distance of 1.2-1.5 meters, trying to place different varieties further away from each other. The pit is prepared in advance, focusing on the size of the seedling:
- the bottom is lined with a drainage layer - broken brick, small stones, sand;
- prepare planting soil - a mixture of compost, humus, leaves, fertile soil, pour a small layer onto the drainage;
- remove the plant from the pot along with a lump of earth or straighten the roots of an open seedling;
- placed in a hole, deepened by 6-10 centimeters, covered with soil, lightly tamped, watered.
To retain moisture, the soil in the root hole is mulched with organic matter - leaves, hay, dry grass.
Rogersia in the shade effectively changes the color of its leaves, looks fresh, and produces tall flower stalks with a large number of fragrant buds. In order for the bush to grow quickly, you need to follow the recommended care rules for the crop.
The exotic perennial loves moisture, but the overgrown rhizome does not tolerate stagnant water. When choosing an irrigation mode, they are guided by the weather conditions of the season. In dry times, water 2 times a week. If the weather is rainy, check the soil moisture and adjust the Rogers watering scheme.
Shrubs growing along ponds and receiving moisture from the soil are especially carefully watered. With excess water, vegetation slows down due to rotting of the roots.
Help: the powerful root of Rogers is often exposed during watering; you need to immediately cover it with a layer of fertile soil and organic mulch to protect it from drying out and damage.
Decorative pruning is not required for bushes. Flower growers advise immediately cutting out drying and fading leaves so that they do not spoil the appearance of the plant, and in the presence of diseases or pests, do not infect the entire bush. If seeds are not needed, drying flower stalks are cut off immediately after wilting so that they do not stick out like dry sticks above the greenery. If it is necessary to obtain seed material, only 1-2 peduncles are left.
Top dressing
In spring and autumn, the bushes are fertilized with organic matter; nitrogen fertilizersto ensure the growth of green mass. Manure or bird droppings are infused in water for 10-14 days, then diluted with water and fed to the bush during watering. Rogersia needs complex fertilizing containing sulfur, iron, magnesium, zinc, which will ensure flowering. You can use organomineral fertilizers for flowering plants, which also contain potassium and phosphorus. During the season, 2-3 feedings are carried out.
Mulch serves to retain moisture at the roots, reducing the need for watering. The root circle of Rogers is mulched with organic matter (hay, sunflower husks), which will later become fertilizer.
Help: a thick layer of mulch is used to protect rhizomes from freezing in winter.
Preparing for winter
Most Rogers varieties are famous for their enviable frost resistance. To reliably preserve the plant from freezing, you must:
- Before frost begins, cut off the green part at the root. This will make wintering easier in any region.
- Water the bush thoroughly. Pour in 1-3 buckets of water, depending on soil moisture.
- Cover the soil around the bush with a thick layer of mulch.
- In cold regions (Siberia, northern regions, the Urals), use additional insulation.
With the arrival of spring, the covering material is removed to prevent damping and rotting of the roots, to ensure natural ventilation and drying of the soil. Old mulch is removed or dug up and turned into fertilizer.
Diseases and pests
In rainy years and in low-lying areas, Rogersia suffers from fungal diseases. Despite the culture's resistance to diseases and pests, if there is excess moisture, rust fungus, snails and slugs may appear on the bushes, choosing plants in shaded areas.
Rot can be identified by yellowing and dying of leaves, dark spots, and slower growth rates. A bush affected by root rot is dug up, diseased areas of the rhizome are cut out without pity, treated with fungicides, and replanted. Pests are controlled by mechanical, folk (dry mustard) methods or chemicals (“Thunderstorm”).
Rogersia reproduces using all traditional methods. Most gardeners prefer vegetative ones, since when propagating from seeds it will take a long time to wait for the result; varietal properties are not transferred.
Dividing the bush
A part of a horizontally located root is dug out of the soil. Divide it into parts (about 10 centimeters) with 2-3 buds. In the spring, pieces of the root can be planted in the soil, in the fall the divisions are planted in containers and grown at home. Plants are provided with regular watering and fertilizing.
The role of the cutting when propagating Rogers is performed by a leaf with a petiole. It is cut off and placed for several hours in an aqueous solution of a root formation stimulator. Then they are transferred to a nutrient substrate until strong roots appear.Maintain soil moisture and temperature 15-18 °.
Before planting, the seeds are hardened - wrapped in a damp cloth and kept in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. The time for planting seeds is the end of February. Hardened seeds are sown in nutritious soil, carefully placed on the surface of the soil. Lightly powder with dry soil and moisten with a spray bottle. The container is covered with glass, humidity and constant temperature are maintained (18-20 °). After emergence, feed. When several leaves appear, they are transplanted into individual containers for growing.
Use in landscape design
With the help of Rogers, you can landscape shaded areas, giving the garden an exotic flavor and charm. A change in leaf color noticeably changes the appearance of the bushes; flowers, although not particularly decorative, decorate the plants for 4-6 weeks. Rogersias are planted next to bluebells, delphiniums, and ferns. Delicate irises and daffodils benefit from the abundant greenery of the bushes. The powerful foliage looks great against the background of coniferous trees and juniper. Rogersias decorate rock gardens, complex flower beds, and rocky gardens. It is believed that the bush is in harmony with most plants, but it is also used for solitary plantings alone.
Why doesn't it bloom or grow?
Rogersia needs fertile soil rich in microelements - zinc, phosphorus, copper, sulfur. Let's note some nuances of care:
- Green mass grows poorly if there is a lack of nitrogen in the soil. Rogersia grows foliage poorly and the bush does not grow in size. It is necessary to add nitrogen fertilizers to the soil.
- With a lack of nutrients, flower buds do not form, the peduncle does not form or is weakened.Excess nitrogen fertilizer leads to excessive green growth at the expense of flowering. To stimulate flowering, Rogers should be fertilized in May-June with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers and growth regulators.
Lack of moisture and irregular watering have a negative impact on the formation of flower buds. If Rogersia constantly does not receive enough moisture, the leaves fall off, do not grow to the usual varietal size, and flower stalks do not form.
Rogersia has an unpretentious nature; the bush grows in one place for up to 10 years. Large bushes with carved leaves that change color tolerate shade. Rogersias are grown in areas with a large number of trees, in corners where sun-loving flowers cannot survive. This exquisite perennial is gradually winning the hearts of Russian flower growers.