Description and rules for growing roses of the Rhapsody in Blue variety

The variety of roses Rhapsody in Blue interested gardeners with the unusual purple-violet color of the buds, which acquires a blue tint at dusk. Caring for the selection species consists of balanced watering and mandatory feeding during flowering. The advantages of the Rhapsody rose are frost resistance, long flowering and immunity to fungal diseases.

The history of the creation of the Blue Rhapsody variety

A blue or blue rose is a breeders dream, like a black tulip. The closest to the ideal was the British breeder Frank R. Couslaw. He crossed several varieties: Summer Vine, International Herald Tribune, Blue Moon, Montezuma, Violachia. The result is a flower with a rich purple-violet hue.

A new variety appeared in 1999 under the name Fantasy. But for presentation to the world community of flower growers in 2002, they chose a more poetic name - in honor of the play of the same name by J. Gershwin. Until now, the Blue Rhapsody rose is considered the closest to the blue palette.

Description and characteristics of the rose Rhapsody in Blue

The variety belongs to scrubs - winter-hardy park shrubs, as well as to hybrid polyanthus floribundas used in landscape design.

External features of the variety:

  • dense bush;
  • 80-165 centimeters in height;
  • 60 centimeters wide;
  • shoots are straight, grow vertically;
  • sharp thorns;
  • light green leaves with a glossy surface.

Structure of buds:

  • diameter – up to 6 centimeters;
  • semi-double petals;
  • one bud has 20 petals;
  • buds are collected in 5-7 pieces;
  • petals are purple with a violet tint;
  • the core is white with yellow stamens.

Flowers are arranged evenly on the bush. At the beginning of flowering they are cone-shaped and open in the shape of a bowl. Rhapsody in Blue rose petals change color. When the buds first open, they are colored blue-gray, which changes to purple. In the shade and in cloudy weather, roses appear purple-blue.

Rhapsody in Blue

Main advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Blue Rhapsody:

  • withstands frost down to -20-23 degrees;
  • not sensitive to powdery mildew;
  • blooms long and profusely;
  • smells spicy, with clove notes;
  • does not require maintenance.

The variety blooms in two periods with an interval of up to a month. Flower growers consider the disadvantage that the buds quickly fall off and the color of the petals changes depending on the location of the bush.

rhapsody with leaves

Rules for growing crops

When caring for Blue Rhapsody, it is important to choose moderate lighting and balance the watering regime.

Selecting a location

The geography of cultivation of the Rhapsody in Blue variety extends from the Middle Zone to the northern regions.

An area with partial shade is suitable for planting roses - next to a hedge, trees, gazebo. In the open area the roses are fading. After burns from direct sunlight, the petals will not turn blue even at dusk. In a shaded and ventilated place, the bushes will be protected from overheating, and the flowers will retain their bluish-purple hue.

Roses should not be planted in low, dark areas. Water collects in cold lowlands. Fungus develops on roses due to moisture and cold. Wetlands with groundwater close to the surface are not suitable for a rose garden.

The minimum depth of sources is 1 meter.

insert into the ground

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Roses are planted from April to May. In autumn, bushes with developed roots are replanted. Seedlings must take root before the cold weather, so autumn planting is suitable for the southern regions.

In clay areas, you need to add peat, sand or a mixture of humus and compost to the soil. Sandy soil is poor in microelements and nutrients, heats up in the sun and does not retain water. Sand must be mixed with clay, peat, compost or humus.

Before planting, the seedling is kept in a rooting solution for 30 minutes so that the roots develop faster.

shovel with soil

Step by step landing procedure

How to plant roses:

  • holes are dug on the site 60 centimeters deep and 40 centimeters in diameter;
  • the interval between holes is 0.5 meters;
  • 10 centimeters of a layer of pebbles and crushed stone are placed on the bottom for drainage;
  • a layer of humus or compost of the same thickness is laid on top of the drainage layer;
  • pour earth mixed with clay, bone meal and superphosphate, form a low hill;
  • straighten the roots of the seedling, place it on the soil layer, holding it with your hand;
  • gradually covered with soil.

Planting is completed with abundant watering. If blue roses will form a hedge, young bushes should be planted at an angle of 30 degrees relative to the support. When planting near the wall of the house, you need to retreat 0.5 meters from it so that rainwater from the roof does not flood the seedlings.

man with gloves

Further flower care

For the health of the rose garden, it is important to adhere to moderation when watering. In order for roses to bloom profusely every year, you need to apply fertilizers during flowering and prune the bushes before wintering.

Watering rules and humidity

Young bushes absorb a lot of moisture, especially in the heat. But you should avoid stagnant water and water the rose garden in the evening, when the sun is not shining. During the day, drops of water leave burns on the leaves.

The main rule for watering blue roses is to keep the soil moist and not allow it to dry out.

water in the ground

Fertilizing and soil quality

Roses require dry, light, nutritious soil that allows moisture and air to pass through. Water stagnates in oily loams. Wetlands are also not suitable. In sandy-loamy soil mixed with humus, Blue Rhapsody will easily receive oxygen, nutrition and moisture.

The normal soil pH for roses is 5.6-6.5. With the help of peat and humus you can increase the acidity, and with ash and lime you can reduce it.

At the beginning of flowering, the bushes require fertilizing with nitrogen. From June to August, roses are fed with organic fertilizer every 2-3 weeks. When replanting, humus is added, and when pruning, mineral fertilizers are added.

soil amendment

Pruning and replanting

In late autumn, before covering the bushes for the winter, faded buds that have not had time to form seed pods are cut off. In spring, cut off frozen and unnecessary branches. On the main shoots, 3-4 secondary ones are left. The main branches are shortened by a third. Pruning increases flowering time and the number of buds.

Features of wintering a flower

The Rhapsody in Blue variety does not require shelter at temperatures down to -7 degrees. When it gets cold, the bushes are pruned and covered with garden soil, compost or humus. It is better not to use sawdust, sand and peat. This coating retains moisture, freezes, and the plants get sick.

For shelter, a frame is built, fir branches are placed and wrapped with insulation. In early spring, holes are made in the covering for ventilation and prevention of early flowering. If the bushes are left closed, the buds will begin to turn green. Due to a lack of nutrients in the cold soil, they will dry out and the bush will not bloom in the summer.

shelters for flowers

Diseases, pests and methods of combating them

Insects that attack rose bushes:

  • rose aphid - the pest destroys young seedlings, their stems become bent, and leaves and unopened buds fall off. A soap solution, garlic tincture, and ash are used against aphids. External and systemic insecticides are also used - Karbofos and Aktara;
  • spider mite, gall mite - live on the back of the leaves, leaving cobwebs and a powdery coating, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Insects are destroyed only with insecticides;
  • The leaf roller is a moth-like butterfly.Like the mite, it spoils the leaves by wrapping them and gluing them with cobwebs. In case of minor damage, the curled leaves are torn off and the bushes are treated with Aktara. Products with permethrin are also used to combat;
  • The leafhopper is a very small insect; its presence on the bushes can be guessed by the light specks on the leaves. The plant loses its leaves and does not grow. Cicadas spread viruses. Pests are sprayed with a soap solution and permethrin insecticide on the outside and back of the leaves.

The fungus Spheroteca, the causative agent of the powdery white coating on leaves, develops in high humidity. Young seedlings growing in shady corners of the garden where sunlight does not penetrate are at risk of infection. Black spotting appears due to a lack of potassium. The leaves are covered with dark spots with a yellow border.

leaf roller butterfly

Removing affected leaves, treating with a copper-soap solution or Bordeaux mixture will help against fungal diseases. With proper care and slight deviations from the norm of watering, the Rhapsody variety is resistant to powdery mildew and black spot.

How to propagate?

The Blue Rhapsody variety is propagated by cuttings. They are cut from young bushes after the first flowering period. An oblique cut is made just above the kidney. The length of the cuttings should be 10 centimeters. Make an even cut at the top.

cuttings in the ground

The cuttings are kept in a solution of a drug that accelerates root formation. After the roots appear, the branches are planted in a seedling box or in pots.

The use of roses in landscape design

Plants that are shorter are planted next to blue roses so that they do not obscure the buds. When forming a rose hedge, you should plant three bushes at an interval, filling it with other plants. A contrasting combination will be yellow flowers.

Roses of the Rhapsody in Blue variety are used in summer and autumn compositions, single flower beds and hedges.
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