Why do the leaves of the Vanka flower turn yellow and fall off and what to do about it?

Vanka wet, also known as balsam, flame and touch-me-not, is a very delicate and fragile indoor flower. All his names fully describe his character. He doesn't like his leaves being touched, but he loves water very much. If you do not maintain its moisture, it will quickly wither, but it does not tolerate dampness. Beginning flower growers wonder: why do the leaves of the wet Vanka flower often turn yellow and fall off? Considering the characteristics of the flower, it is necessary to choose the right care for it.

Features of indoor balsam foliage

Balsam leaves are soft green, lance-shaped, with jagged edges. With good care, they reach a length of up to 12 centimeters. The leaves contain a large supply of nutrients, which is why they are so fleshy. They also have very high sensitivity. It is by them that almost all plant diseases can be identified.

Vanka wet has a peculiarity - before the rain, drops of juice form on its leaves and branches, and as they evaporate, they crystallize. Because of this, it is called a home rain predictor.

Interesting! Balsam leaves contain trace elements and are added to salads and used in homeopathy.

Main causes and solutions

The causes of yellowing and falling leaves can be:

  • direct sunlight on the foliage;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • lack of moisture;
  • low room temperature;
  • dry air;
  • pests


All these reasons are a consequence of improper plant care. As soon as favorable conditions and proper care are created, the problem will disappear.


Impatiens do not need high humidity. It should be within 60%. It’s another matter if the room is hot and dry, and the flower sheds its leaves. The cause may be a heater located nearby, or a radiator above which a plant stands on the windowsill.

To create the necessary humidity, the plant should be sprayed, avoiding inflorescences. Ideally, there is a humidifier in the room.


The soil in a pot with balsam should always be moist. In summer, the plant is watered more often than in winter. What to do if a white coating has formed on the top layer of soil? This indicates alkalization of the soil due to too hard water for irrigation.

watering flowers

  1. First, remove the top layer of soil and add a new one.
  2. To avoid a repeat situation, you need to use soft water, without unnecessary impurities: settled or filtered.

When the leaves become dusty, carefully water them with a shower hose using low pressure. Dust takes away light and the plant will not be able to produce chlorophyll.


You cannot immediately plant a flower in a large pot, as it will not develop and bloom correctly. Land for balsam you can cook it yourself. Required:

  • fine sand;
  • peat;
  • compost;
  • leaf soil.

Take everything in equal proportions. Place expanded clay pebbles at the bottom of the pot for drainage. The flower needs to be watered and carefully removed from the pot using the transfer method. Then place it in a new pot, compact it a little, sprinkle with soil and moisten.

transplanting into flower beds


The leaves of the plant lose moisture and dry out due to direct sunlight. There is a disruption of natural metabolic processes in the plant. When sunburn occurs, spots with a dried out center appear on the leaves, then the leaves fall off.

If you remove the flower from the window in time and take better care of it, it can be saved.


Pests do not bypass balsam; most often they attack:

  • whitefly;
  • aphid;
  • thrips;
  • spider mite

flower pest

To remove whiteflies, spider mites and aphids, the plant is washed and sprayed with Actellik and Aktara. For thrips, treatment is carried out with Fitoverm and Vertimek.


Get infected balsam may be due to pests, and the fungus may be in poor quality soil.

Diseases Control measures
Brown rot. The stem at the very base darkens and dries out. Treated with Fitosporin.
Downy mildew.White spots appear on the top of the leaf, and a dirty white coating appears on the bottom. Diseased shoots are cut off and sprayed with Allette.
Bacteriosis. Appears as black spots on the leaves. Infected trunks are pruned and sprayed with fungicides.
Cucumber mosaic. Leaves become limp, with yellow spots and holes. Cannot be treated. The plant must be destroyed.

Infection can occur not only outdoor maintenance of balsam, but also in the apartment.

leaf parasite

Tobacco smoke

The smoke from cigarettes is destructive for Vanka wet. He is particularly sensitive to it, therefore, there is no need to smoke near it.


To avoid balsam diseases, it is necessary to provide proper care. Adhere to the rules of watering and temperature conditions. Fertilize and treat the leaves with a soap solution, followed by washing the plant in the shower.

root disease


Balsam loves warmth and is painfully tolerant of cold. In summer, it tolerates temperatures well from 20 °C to 28 °C. In winter, the temperature in the room where she is on vacation should not be lower than 16 °.

Light level

Vanka is a wet photophilous. In summer it needs to be protected from the sun by moving the pot to partial shade.

With a lack of sunlight you can observe:

  • strong stretching of the trunk and side shoots;
  • a small number of buds;
  • slow growth of leaves and their pallor.

flowers on the window

Doesn't like being cramped on the windowsill or being close to other flowers.

Top dressing

Fertilizing is applied in spring and summer, once every 14 days. Complex mineral fertilizers are suitable. Organic fertilizers are not applied; because of them, Vanka’s foliage grows excessively. After replanting, the plant is fed only after three weeks.

Feed after watering, when the soil is wet.

Watering rules

There are several rules for watering a plant:

watering balsam

  1. Water frequently, but in small portions. Excess water that flows into the pan must be drained so that it does not stagnate and the roots do not rot.
  2. There should be drainage at the bottom of the pan.
  3. Water in a small stream along the edges of the pot so as not to flood the neck of the root.
  4. After watering, the soil needs to be loosened a little.

These simple rules will help you avoid flooding the plant and causing the roots to rot.

Transplant timing

A young flower needs to be replanted every year. As the roots grow, it requires a larger diameter pot. Impatiens likes its roots to be freely located in the pot. This procedure is carried out in summer and spring.

Vanka wet is an unpretentious and very beautiful perennial. Its luxurious inflorescences will not leave any gardener indifferent. And if you take it out onto the terrace or balcony, you can observe vigorous flowering all summer long.

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