The herbaceous plant perennial balsam Wallera (Wallera) is loved by flower growers for its beautiful double inflorescences of original shape and color. This type of balsam is popularly called “Vanka wet” or “Touchy”. The flower is capable of scattering seeds over long distances at the slightest touch. The plant is used in landscape design, where the flower is used in various combinations.
- Description and characteristics
- History of origin
- Varietal diversity
- Musica pure white
- Musica bicolor dark red
- Musica fine purple
- Musica red crimson
- Musica pink energy
- Musica orange energy
- Care
- Landing
- Choosing a pot
- Soil preparation
- Transfer
- Watering
- Humidity
- Thermal mode
- Illumination
- Reproduction methods
- Seeds
- Cuttings
- Growing from seeds
- Land requirements
- Planting in a seedling box
- Temperature
- Picking
- Hardening
- Transfer
- Trimming
- Bloom
- Top dressing
- Protection from diseases and pests
- Growing difficulties
- Small leaves
- Leaves fall, curl, rot
- The leaves dry out and fall off
- Weak flowering
- Stop flowering
- Use in landscape design
Description and characteristics
Waller's balsam is a prominent representative of the Balsam family. The plant is perennial, but is often grown as an annual flower. Main distinctive features and features:
- Powerful root system.
- Thick, juicy, but quite fragile stem.
- The leaves are rich green in color, wide, elongated with small even teeth along the perimeter.
- Inflorescences are formed in groups or grow one at a time.
- The seed fruit is a capsule.
- Plant height is up to 60 centimeters.
- The colors of the flowers are varied: from white to deep purple.
The plant is heat-loving; in northern latitudes in open ground it is cultivated as an annual. Not able to withstand harsh winters and frost.
History of origin
Waller's balsam is native to the tropical forests of Zanzibar. The species was discovered by the emperor of this country in the 19th century. It was used as a landscape decoration in the palaces of the rulers of the East. During the Renaissance, balsam officially won the hearts of Europeans.
Despite the fact that Vanka wet is a heat-loving flower, it feels good in the middle zone of our country. The main thing is not to leave the balsam in the open ground for the winter; it must be transplanted into a pot.
Varietal diversity
The color range and varietal variety of Waller's balsams pleasantly surprises. The flower can be matched to various landscape compositions, flower beds, and alpine slides.Use as a border plant.
Gardeners have a choice of which balsam to plant. Some gardeners grow several different varieties on their site at once.
Musica pure white
Luxurious double soft white large flowers completely cover the bush. The inflorescences resemble roses, the diameter of the flower is 20 millimeters. Perfect for growing in flowerpots and individual pots. It requires watering and does not tolerate drought well.
Musica bicolor dark red
Classic red combined with transitions to white is a distinctive feature of the color of the inflorescences. Each flower is individual and unlike the other. The bush is compact, small in height.
Musica fine purple
The cosmic purple color of the inflorescences is mesmerizing. The flowers are large, double, and bloom together. The plant loves moisture and can be grown in partial shade. Forms a powerful root system.
Musica red crimson
The unforgettable scarlet color of large double inflorescences. The plant looks great in flower arrangements and individual pots. The bush is powerful and spreading. Regular watering is required.
Musica pink energy
“Energetic pink” is the literal translation of the variety’s name. The color saturation is truly amazing. Decorate terraces and balconies of garden plots and cottages. Looks great in compositions with Musica pure white.
Musica orange energy
The juicy red-orange color of the inflorescences looks piquant in flower arrangements and landscape projects. The flowers are large, double, and completely cover the bush. Does not tolerate drought and overdrying of the soil.
Despite the fact that the flower feels great when grown indoors and has performed well in open ground conditions, it is necessary to carry out competent caring for balsams.
Impatiens are planted by seeds or cuttings. For open ground, the best planting time is early June. It is necessary that the threat of frost has passed and a stable temperature plus has been established at night. Choose a sunny, well-lit area for the flower. In lowlands, with stagnant moisture at the roots, balsam will not grow.
Choosing a pot
Choosing the right container for balsam will not be difficult. The root system of the flower is powerful, but superficial; the roots do not go deep. A shallow pot with a wide neck would be optimal.
On a note! The closer the flower is in the pot, the more ovaries and flowers it will collect..
A clever trick is used in landscape design: several seedlings are planted in one container, and different color variations can be planted together. The bush will look more magnificent and elegant.
Soil preparation
Waller's balsam does not like acidic soils. The soil should be loose and nutritious. You can use a ready-made peat-sand mixture for flowering plants or make the composition yourself. Leaf humus mixed with peat and sand in equal proportions.
Important! The flower pot must have drainage for the roots. Balsam does not tolerate stagnant moisture.
Wet Vanka tolerates replanting well, which can be done even during the flowering period. When growing indoors, it will be necessary to update and thin out the bush no sooner than after 2-3 years. It is best to do this procedure in early spring. If the plant feels comfortable, blooms profusely, does not shed its leaves and does not lose its beautiful appearance, then replanting is not necessary.
Balsam is a moisture-loving plant with a thick, succulent stem. Drying of the soil is not allowed.Watering is carried out in the early morning hours or late in the evening, preferably using drip irrigation. The water should be warm, with a low alkali content.
The plant comes from hot tropical forests and loves warmth and humidity. To prevent the leaves from losing their color and wilting, in the summer they must be sprayed with water from a spray bottle. If you add 10 drops of brilliant green to the solution (per 10 liters of water), the color of the foliage will improve, the bush will receive additional energy and antiseptic treatment.
Thermal mode
Optimum temperature for growth and flowering +25 0C. Long, “sizzling” rays of the sun are destructive. When growing plants on the balcony, shading is necessary. In winter, the air and soil temperature should not fall below +10 0WITH.
Waller's balsam is a long-day plant. The more light the flower receives, the better it will feel and bloom profusely. It is important to remember that prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause leaf burn.
Reproduction methods
Balsam propagates easily, using cuttings or seeds. Under natural conditions, the plant increases its population by “squirting” seeds from a ripe seed pod over considerable distances.
Before planting seedlings in the ground, the seeds are soaked and disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. The soil should be light, with the addition of sand. The best time for sowing is March. The first shoots will appear in 10 days. At the three-leaf stage, the plants are picked and transplanted into individual containers. At the beginning of summer, balsam is planted in open ground.
When grown indoors, balsam is propagated by cuttings.A small branch 6-8 centimeters long is cut from an adult plant and the lower leaves are removed. The cuttings are placed in water in a small container. After 10 days, roots will appear, when the root system has grown, the branch is transplanted to a permanent place. The process is easy, the plant quickly takes root, and within a month begins to bloom.
Growing from seeds
At first glance, growing balsam from seeds seems to be a difficult task. Actually this is not true. The seeds have good germination, young sprouts have high growth rates. If agricultural practices are followed, three months after sowing the plant will delight the gardener with gorgeous flowers.
Land requirements
Loose soil with a neutral pH level is the main soil requirements for balsam. Drainage does not need to be installed in seedling boxes, but its presence is required in permanent containers. Soil looseness can be achieved by adding sand.
Planting in a seedling box
The seeds are planted at a distance of 10 centimeters from each other in a checkerboard pattern and sprinkled with soil and then watered. The box is covered with film and placed in a bright, warm place. The optimal temperature for seed germination is from +20 0From to +22 0C. The first shoots will delight gardeners in 10 days.
The optimal temperature for seed germination is from +20 0From to +22 0C. Film greenhouses must be ventilated and condensation removed. At lower or higher temperatures, seed germination slows down.
Young sprouts are planted at the three-leaf stage. By this time, the root system is sufficiently formed, the plant is ready for picking. The pots are not deep, but with a wide neck (10 centimeters). Pinching the balsam is done at the seventh leaf stage.This event contributes to the formation of a more lush bush.
Impatiens need to be hardened off; the plants will be more adapted to the conditions of the Russian summer. In May, seedlings begin to gradually adapt to cool temperatures. Pots with plants are placed on the terrace or balcony for a short time.
With a perennial growing system, the flower is replanted after 2-3 years, by which time the roots have time to grow into the drainage, and the soil must be replaced. For annual cultivation, planting of plants from pots begins in early June, when the night temperature exceeds +10 0WITH.
A health measure is pruning the plant. The branches stretching upward are trimmed, tall side shoots, dry twigs and leaves are removed. The bush is given a neat shape and flowering is stimulated.
Impatiens blooms from summer to late autumn. When grown indoors and in the right conditions - until January. The plant needs a “rest period”, usually during the winter months - December, January and February. Impatiens flowers and buds are removed, watering is reduced and removed from direct sunlight. After resting, the plant awakens in March. During this period, you can fertilize flowering indoor plants with mineral cocktails.
Top dressing
Impatiens are undemanding when it comes to fertilizing, but if there is abundant flowering, they will not do any harm. You can use mineral fertilizers in the form of sticks or complex liquid mineral mixtures. They must be used according to instructions, avoiding overdose.
Protection from diseases and pests
The main ailment of balsams is rotting of the root system, which attacks a healthy bush under improper conditions. Lack of drainage and excessive watering are the main mistakes gardeners make.
Insect pests such as thrips, spider mites, and whiteflies can transfer to Waller's balsam from other plants. In this case, insecticide treatment is carried out.
Preventive measures to protect plants from diseases and pests:
- Spraying flowers and watering plants with a solution of potassium permanganate.
- Timely removal of dried leaves.
- Loosening pots and flowerpots.
- Availability of drainage.
- Balanced lighting and rational watering.
Under the right conditions, balsam rarely gets sick.
Growing difficulties
A novice gardener may encounter certain difficulties in growing balsams. The plant may suddenly become ill or produce few buds. Let's look at the main problems that arise when caring for a flower.
Small leaves
Shredding of leaves in adult plants begins at the moment when the soil in the pot is depleted. It is necessary to replant and prune the plant, replace the soil, laying new drainage. A month after transplantation, feed the balsam with a mineral complex.
Leaves fall, curl, rot
These symptoms are a sign of illness. Leaf curling develops due to the plant being infested with spider mites. The use of insecticides is necessary. Falling leaves are a sign of insufficient watering of the soil, the plant does not have enough moisture. It is necessary to balance the frequency and volume of watering.
Rotting of stems and leaves occurs against the background of the development of fungal infections due to excessive watering, lack of drainage, and transfer of bacteria from other plants. To avoid these phenomena, it is necessary to regularly inspect plants for signs of bacterial infections and insect larvae.
The leaves dry out and fall off
If there are no signs of infectious diseases or pest damage, then the problem is a lack of moisture. We must not forget that balsam comes from tropical forests. Spraying the leaves and regular watering are essential elements of care.
Weak flowering
Impatiens refuses to bloom, which means it lacks nutrients and light. Experienced gardeners plant plants in tight pots, this stimulates flowering. Excess nitrogen fertilizers provokes foliage growth to the detriment of bud set and flowering. It is necessary to adjust the feeding schedule and the types of fertilizers used.
Stop flowering
If the balsam has stopped blooming, then the plant may have entered a period of rest. Balsam “takes a vacation” during the winter months. During this period, it is important to reduce the amount of watering and remove the plant to a cool place. If the cessation of flowering occurs in the summer, then the matter is due to unfavorable growing conditions, improper care, or infection of the plant with fungal or viral infections.
Use in landscape design
Impatiens have been used in landscape design for decades. Alpine slides, flower arrangements in flower beds - with the help of these beautiful flowers beautiful combinations are created. Waller's balsam is used as border plants.
Bushes are planted in groups and separately, combining colors and varieties of flowers. Decorating terraces, balconies, verandas - balsam thickets will look impressive in group flowerpots and individual pots.
Waller's balsam has deservedly won the hearts of Russian gardeners and has become a wonderful decoration for garden and country landscapes. The plant is unpretentious, easily propagated at home, and adapted to the climate of central Russia.